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LXXXV. Implications of Role Reversal  

Gnostic theists affirm an ability to know about the existence of a deity or deities; and claim this ability to know leads to a belief. Maybe some gnostic theists believe in a myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven who created the world and everything in it. Maybe some believe in the beginning; creation was perfect; and creation would be perfect today; if not for the past occurrence; of error. Maybe some believe error that occurred in the past was the fault of creatures; and was not the fault of a good one who made these disobedient creatures in the first place; because creatures were given by a good one the free will required to choose to obey or disobey the will of a good one; and creatures made the error of choosing of their own free wills to disobey the will of a good one. Maybe some believe that experience by creatures of ignorance, guilt, inhibition, disgrace, suffering, sorrow, alienation, and abomination of disease and death is evidence of the past occurrence; of error. Maybe from belief in a fall of creation from a state of perfection follows an effort upon the part of some gnostic theists; to reconcile with an angry, perfectionistic, obvious, discovered, masculine, good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe some believe the consequence of failing to reconcile is the just ignorance, eventual final judgment and condemnation of disobedient creatures to abominable infernal punishment in Hell by an angry, perfectionistic, obvious, discovered, masculine, good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe some gnostic theists believe that a good one is watching from Heaven where everything is in a state of perfection, and waiting for us to reconcile; ask for redemption; and repent of our transgressions; so we may join him.

I am an agnostic theist: I affirm an inability to know about the non-existence of a deity or deities; and claim a desire to be happy and healthy; leads me to a belief in the one myth about the existence of one totality that enables me; to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and thereby to produce powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love. I believe in a most optimistic myth about existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. I believe in the existence of divine eternal parts of self and world that I call soul and spirit. I acknowledge that these myths about the existence of one totality and may or may not be true. Yet I choose to believe that these myths about the existence of one totality are true because doing so produces in my mind powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love. By producing in my mind powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love; I balance the powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and anger that follow from the discovery of the impending disease and death of my fractal, infernal, temporal, seed body. By balancing the emotional forces of my mind; I achieve and maintain happiness. I believe being happy; puts me in the best possible position; to use truth and knowledge based on scientifically reproducible discovery; in an effort to produce the most powerful physiological responses of health possible. Combining truth and myth; to create a model of the existence of one totality; that best produces happiness and health; is my goal. A spirit that is mysterious, hidden, passive, and feminine; follows from the mystery of myth and fantasy about existence of divine eternal parts of self and world; that I call soul and spirit.  I think, believe, and expect Mother God is everywhere, in everything, and very much interested in experiencing a number, variety, and diversity of emotional possibilities from the point of view of soul children incarnate within fractal, infernal, temporal, seed bodies.  

           Maybe stories about an angry, perfectionistic, obvious, discovered, masculine, good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth; lead some gnostic theists to believe that the meaning of life is a test of character, loyalty, and obedience. Maybe some gnostic theists consider Heaven to be perfect; and self to be imperfect. Maybe some gnostic theists believe that a good one judges imperfect self; to be either worthy of entering into a perfect divine eternal place called Heaven; where in the good one resides; or worthy of being condemned to an abominable infernal place called Hell or infernus; where in an evil one will reside.

I choose to think, believe, and expect; that the meaning of life is living and the purpose of living is entertainment. I think, believe, and expect; that before the birth of our fractal, infernal, temporal, seed bodies; our infinite, divine, eternal, one; judged our imperfect, fractal, infernal, temporal, universe; to be capable of entertaining our perfect, divine, eternal, souls. Our infinite, divine, eternal, one; transformed our fractal, infernal, temporal, universe; from design possibility; into energy, space, and time created within the existence of one totality as one of an infinite seed of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities. Mother God became passive about the operation of our universe. Her soul children became active within our universe by taking control over voluntary functions of seed bodies. I think, believe, and expect the universe is like a theatre. The surface of the earth is like a stage. We are actors engaged in a primal conflict of predator and prey that characterizes the drama of life and death; in a body consuming biosphere; on a crusted magma globe; with a sun and a moon reproducible; in a galaxy of stars; and a universe of galaxies. Collectively we direct the global drama of life and death. I think, believe, and expect an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; is the ultimate producer. 

  I do not give power in my mind, to the Father God of gnostic theists. I do not think that an angry, perfectionistic, obvious, discovered, masculine, good one in Heaven is at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I do not believe that he judges his imperfect creatures to be either worthy of entering into a perfect divine eternal place called Heaven; where in the good one resides; or worthy of being condemned to an abominable infernal place called Hell or infernus; where in an evil one will reside. I do not expect that an angry, perfectionistic, obvious, discovered, masculine, good one in Heaven acts by manifesting ‘him self’ with awesome displays of physical force to guide his people.

I give power in my mind to the Mother God of agnostic theists. I think the happy, positivistic, hidden, mysterious, feminine, spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one is at peace with her soul children in a unified spiritual realm. I believe that she judges the designs of large imperfect universes as being either worthy or unworthy of being created for the entertainment of her divine eternal soul children. I expect that the happy, positivistic, hidden, mysterious, feminine spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; acts by manifesting 'her self' as one of an infinite four that is present everywhere, in everything, at all times.     



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