House of Ideology

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LXXVI. My Response  

My response is to support the freedom of individuals to make up their own minds about the existence of one totality. I support of the freedom of individuals to choose their own way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth.  I support freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion that is characteristic of a free society. I oppose official sanctification of heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism. In those states where the freedom to do so is supported, I offer a love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic spiritization taken to its logical extreme as an alternative. I assert that this alternative produces the most valid default position because this alternative produces most desirable result in terms of happiness and health. This alternative produces the most optimistic model of the existence of one totality; and results of scientific research suggest that optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality correlate with happiness, improved health and improved health related behavior. I strive to rise to a position of authority, power, order and control by making significant contributions to society. Maybe if I and or others like me grow in power, wealth, and influence, then love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic spiritization taken to its logical extreme will become dominant within society. 

I believe hatred of heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism begets hatred and love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization begets love. I am against hatred of heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism. I am for love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization. I love healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization taken to its’ logical extreme and love happens. When love happens, an inspired celebration of liberation occurs in the mind that frees people from ignorance, guilt, inhibition, and disgrace enabling them to demand the rights, dignity, freedom, and respect they deserve. I believe I can lead others away from the anger of hatred towards the gladness of love by example, in words and in deeds. What is hatred? Maybe hatred is an action that creates division and destroys unity. What is love? Maybe love is an action that creates unity and destroys division.  Maybe we love by feeding, clothing, housing, nurturing, educating, and caring for ourselves and others in peace. Maybe we should not hate by starving, stripping, pillaging, raping, indoctrinating, and disposing of in war. Maybe we should devote energy, space, and time to making love happen and be advocates for the harmonious way of expressing the drives of the seed, body, soul and spirit to create, survive, perfect and revive.

I also recognize that hatred of heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism; is the opposite of love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization taken to its’ logical extreme. Maybe heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism; actually teaches people healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic spiritization; in the negative. Maybe people who naturally negate heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic negativism; will be led by the soul spirit to their own love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization. Maybe even in places where conservative ideological authorities of the state propagate heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism; I do have allies!

I believe we have already won the victory! The soul is in control of the conscious will of the body, and the spirit is in everything, everywhere at all times! Even if apocalyptic war prophesies of racist, heterofascist, warmongers come true; and we burn our body consuming biosphere to a cinder; the spirit would still have an infinite abundance of love, divine freedom, and eternal grace in store for each and every one of our divine eternal souls. If I desire to change the culture on planet Earth; then I must change the minds of those who are amongst the most powerful predators within the culture on planet earth; my fellow human beings. 



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