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LXXX. A Game of Survival and Sacrifice


I do not support ideological authorities that direct followers to think, believe, and expect that while a good one in Heaven ruled Earth in the beginning; and a good one in Heaven will rule Earth again in the future; at present, and on into the unforeseeable future; an evil one cast down from Heaven rules over Earth. In my mind, belief that an evil one cast down from Heaven rules over Earth in the present; would lead me to think, believe, and expect that self is evil; Earth is evil; and present is evil. By way of worshipping a good one in Heaven, some worship an evil one cast down from Heaven as ruler of Earth. I believe such ideas produce a low esteem of the existence of one totality and powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and anger; that could lead to sad, mad, and bad behavior.  

I recognize that many others do support such ideological authorities. I believe this came about because state survival, individual survival, and survival of ideological traditions are symbiotic in relationship. If a state succeeds then individuals within that successful state have a greater chance of succeeding. If a state fails then individuals within that failed state have a greater chance of failing.  Maybe ideological traditions that were aggressive about motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition in the global culture survived.  Maybe ideological traditions that were passive about motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition in the global culture were sacrificed. Through study of history, maybe some eventually caught on to the symbiotic relationship between survival of individual, survival of state, and survival of ideological traditions.  Maybe aggressive ideological traditions became popular. Maybe passive ideological traditions became unpopular. Maybe ideological traditions that include the myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth have been successful in motivating communities of faithful believers to aggressively out work, out fight, and out number competition and have thereby succeeded in catering to the need and aspiration of the state to survive.

I consider the development of the global culture over time. I consider the rise and fall of various civilizations. I consider the reasons why states that promoted certain models of the existence of one totality to their communities of faithful believers flourished and survived within the global culture, while others struggled and did not survive. What are the factors that influence the behavior, fate and destiny of states, ideological traditions, communities of faithful believers and the models of the existence of one totality that members build? What determines whether states, ideological traditions, communities of faithful believers and the models of the existence of one totality that members build will survive or not? I hypothesize that if a state promotes ideological traditions that lead communities of faithful believers to build a particular model of the existence of one totality and that state survives then ideological traditions, communities of faithful believers, and the models of the existence of one totality that members build will also survive. I think, believe, and expect that the most important factor in determining the survival of any particular model of the existence of one totality is the survival or sacrifice of those who build that particular model of the existence of one totality. Future generations of human beings will inherit those ideological traditions that are best able to lead communities of faithful believers to build a model of the existence of one totality that enables members to win in game of survival and sacrifice taking place continuously in our body-consuming biosphere divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey.

Maybe models of the existence of one totality promoted by those aggressive ideological traditions that have survived the competition; play a game of survival and sacrifice in the global culture just as life forms do. This competition between states; models of the existence of one totality; and life forms; leads me to theorize; that states; models of the existence of one totality; and life forms; evolve over time. What are these models of the existence of one totality evolving to become?  I think, believe, and expect that these models of the existence of one totality; have been evolving over time to become tools; used by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few; to dominate states; and to lead communities of faithful believers; to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated to out work, out fight, and out number competition in a race to dominate our global culture.

It should be no surprise to those who understand and believe the theory of evolution that the standard of conduct equated with the will of a good one in Heaven leads communities of faithful believers to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated by promises of divine eternal reward and threats of abominable infernal punishment to out work, out fight and out number competition in a race to Armageddon. In a competition within the global culture between ideological traditions, the survivors were those ideological traditions that aggressively motivated communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition. The sacrifices were those ideological traditions that were more passive. Maybe those aggressive ideological traditions that survived the competition would not have survived the competition had these aggressive ideological traditions not been effective at motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight and out number competition. Therefore all of the mythology about divine eternal rewards and abominable infernal punishments given out by a good one in Heaven who commands communities of faithful believers to work all the hours of the day, fight evil, be fruitful and multiply; prohibit sex for occupational, recreational and or homosexual purposes; and object to sexual education that could make these practices safer; can be understood by us today to be the product of this competition to survive rather than any reflection of the will of god. Threats made against the life and or afterlife of any body who does not submit to the authority of religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud and extortion can be understood by us today; to be the origin of most if not all of the terrorist threats made by religious extremists against secular states that self organize around freedom of thought, belief and religious expression.

         Some religions enable communities of faithful believers to be even more aggressive about out numbering competition by means of polygamous marriages.  Perhaps there will one day be yet another religion that will be founded by "prophets" who will claim a good one in Heaven commands communities of faithful believers to both have polygamous marriages and to use fertility drugs to have litters of children. But how would room be made in this body consuming biosphere of limited dimensions for all of these new people created by this excessive multiplication? Maybe true believers would denounce heathen unbelievers as immoral and would suggest that it is the will of a good one in Heaven that heathen unbelievers be sacrificed to make room.

        I see the dominance of the global culture by Abrahamic religions as a major contributing factor to the explosive growth of human population in recent history. These Abrahamic religions are the result of an elevation of the drive of the seed to create to the status of the drive of the spirit to revive. Dominance of the drive of the seed to create in the minds of communities of faithful believers causes members; to reject a most optimistic myth about the existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit. Dominance of the drive of the seed to create in the minds of communities of faithful believers causes members to accept in its place a pessimistic myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven that commands seed bodies to survive; be fruitful and multiply; and channel all sexual energy into sex for procreative purposes. 

The denunciation of friendly, homotolerant, peace makers as immoral by racist, heterofascist, warmongers may lead some to have a low esteem of the existence of one totality; and thereby produce emotional unbalance in their minds that is not conducive to happiness and health in their lives. I think, believe, and expect that it is the racist, heterofascist, warmongers that should denounce themselves as immoral for motivating the many of our global culture to out work, out fight, and out number competition in a race to Armageddon.  I think, believe and expect that homosexuals may be a source of spiritual leadership that could lead the many of our global culture to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and thereby produce emotional balance in our minds that is conducive to happiness and health in our lives. I think, believe, and expect that if sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes were accepted by the many of our global culture as an honorable alternative to sex for procreative purposes; and sexual education that could make these practices safer were provided; then human population would naturally stabilize at a level that would provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite future.

         We play a game of survival and sacrifice in a body consuming biosphere divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey. In the past, those communities of faithful believers that out worked, out fought and out numbered competitors won in the game of survival and sacrifice. That means those ideological traditions that best motivated communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competitors survived and those that did not were sacrificed. 

This explains the success of books like the Bible. Books like the Bible survive in part because books like the Bible motivate communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight and out number competition. Conservative Christians might argue that success is proof that books like the Bible contain words expressing the will of God. Here is a problem with that line of reasoning. There are other books besides the Bible that have been successful in motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight and out number their competition: the holy Koran being a notable example. I believe both books are products of an on going evolution within the global culture of ideological traditions where in those ideological traditions that best motivate communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competitors survive and those ideological traditions that do not perish. I believe the much talked about clash of cultures between Islam and Christianity reflects an on going conflict to determine whose holy book best expresses the will of God as well as a fight between motivated communities of faithful believers over increasingly scarce natural resources of our body consuming biosphere of limited dimensions. I believe the much talked about race in racism is a race towards Armageddon run by communities of faithful believers motivated by aggressive ideological traditions to out work, out fight and out number competition. Even if a billion people believe the lie that myth is truth that does not make myth into truth. Truth is not a popularity contest or a fashionable way of making up one's mind about the existence of one totality. Truth is an idea or set of ideas that can be verified to be true by use of our senses and perceptions.

       I identify the lie that myth is truth as the source of the rational used to justify the racist, heterofascist, warmongering behavior of communities of faithful believers that in part has led to a modern day holocaust of children. Does the daily starvation of thirty thousand children aged zero to five bring any questions to your mind? How about the following questions? In a global culture where in an average of thirty thousand children aged zero to five die of starvation every day, how is it morally correct for religious authorities to continue to lead communities of faithful believers to channel all sexual energy into sex for procreative purposes? In a global culture where in an average of thirty thousand children aged zero to five die of starvation every day, how is it morally incorrect for religious authorities to promote sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes? In a global culture where in thousands more are orphaned each day because their parents died of AIDS, how is it morally incorrect for religious authorities to support sexual education that could make sex for all purposes safer?

        Maybe those who vigorously defend their faith in an aggressive ideological tradition don't understand the ordeal we are facing together. Human beings are multiplying to the point of causing disease within the body that is our body consuming biosphere. Global warming, deforestation, desertification, pollution, desolation of large areas of land in war; dead zones in our oceans, and the melting of ancient glaciers are all evidence of this disease as is the daily starvation of on average thirty thousand children aged zero to five. Our historical use of violence to resolve our differences over ownership of increasingly scarce resources; and to resolve our differences over matters of faith; could cause the death of the body that is our body consuming biosphere.

 If I get a virus in my body that multiplies to excess and causes disease, then maybe I can take an anti-viral to inhibit the multiplication of the virus and restore my body to health. If our body consuming biosphere gets a liar in it's body that multiplies to excess and causes disease, then maybe our body consuming biosphere can take an anti-liar to inhibit the multiplication of liars and restore it's body to health. Maybe the truth is the only anti-liar that our body consuming biosphere needs to take. The truth is that myth is myth. Based on the truth that myth is myth, I challenge religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making, and extortion. Extortion based on fraud that follows from the lie that myth is truth should be considered a crime against humanity, because in committing acts of extortion based on fraud that follows from the lie that myth is truth these conservative ideological authorities make threats against the life and or afterlife of others; and lead communities of faithful believers to have a low esteem of the existence of one totality that is not conducive to happiness and health.

I think, believe, and expect that leadership based on the lie that myth is truth; is bad for the many; and good for a mercenary plutocratic predatory few. Bad for the many because such leadership produces racist heterofascist warmongers that imagine Armageddon to be a means to an end of achieving for themselves divine eternal bliss. Good for a mercenary plutocratic predatory few because such leadership generates greater profits from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex. Maybe the many will lose in a race to Armageddon and the few will win because the many will have no place to take refuge in the event of global nuclear war, super volcano eruption and or impact of a massive body from outer space and a mercenary plutocratic few will have a place to take refuge. As a beast of a military industrial complex moves the global culture closer to Armageddon, maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few will retreat into and rule from an underworld of bunkers and cities built underground and designed to withstand the aftermath of global nuclear war or other global catastrophe.  If and when conditions permit maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few plan to emerge from their underworld and function as the seed of the next over world, repopulating the planet with animal, and plant life. After reading the above words, maybe some will question the value of leadership based on aggressive ideological traditions that have survived the competition and seek a liberal alternative.

I offer a liberal alternative. I reject the lie that myth is truth in all its various forms; affirm an inability to know the unknowable; and accept the truth that myth is myth. I acknowledge that the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery make possible an infinite number, diversity, and variety of myths about the existence of one totality. I recognize that only our creative abilities and powers of imagination limit the number, diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one totality that we may make. I think, believe and expect that optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality improve my health behaviors, immune functions, and biochemical functions in ways that make my body more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing disease. I realize that while each and every one of these myths about the existence of one totality is a valid possibility; optimistic myths about the existence of one totality are more valid then pessimistic myths about the existence of one totality; because optimistic myths about the existence of one totality produce the desired results of emotional balance in our minds that is conducive to happiness and health in our lives. A capacity to produce the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality; is the basis for choosing to believe in the one myth that enables me; to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and is the basis for choosing not to believe in all other myths that are made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery.  It is on the basis; of producing the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality; that I suggest to others a belief in the one myth that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality.  In the presence of evidence in the form of the universe and until proven otherwise, I think, believe and expect that the rational default position leads to a belief in a most optimistic myth about the existence of; things scientists can find; things theories predict; and everything else that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. 

I lead others by example. I behave like a friendly, homotolerant, peacemaker and not like a racist, heterofascist, warmonger. I abandon a race to Armageddon. I reject Satan and in so doing reject a model of the existence of one totality divided by a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I devote my energy, space, and time to a belief in a model of the existence of one totality unified by a belief in a most optimistic myth about the existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit. I reject a belief in a myth about the existence of the alienation of the many of our global culture from a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I accept a belief in a myth about the existence of continuous spiritual communion between soul and spirit. I promote tolerance by affirming that an infinite number, diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one totality are made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery. I favor punishing as criminal liars religious leaders that repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion.  I favor making laws of state that protect freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of thought, belief and expectation, freedom of religion and freedom of association. I accept sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes as an honorable alternative to sex for procreative purposes. I favor sexual education that could make these practices safer. I challenge us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and to converge upon a standard of conduct that best produces happiness and health.  I lead the many of our global culture to think, believe, and expect that a model of the existence of one totality that best produces happiness and health promotes the survival of individuals; states; and ideological traditions.



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