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XVI. A Framework of Myth and Fantasy


 I build a model of the existence of one totality that includes both a foundation of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery and a framework of myth and fantasy based on the existence of mystery.  Within limits set by truth and knowledge based on scientifically reproducible discovery, I am free to use ideas that are both possible and imaginable to create a framework of myth and fantasy based on the existence of mystery that enables me to have the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality. This is because if I stay within the limits set by truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery then I prevent lies and ignorance from entering into my model of the existence of one totality and give myth and fantasy based on the existence of mystery credibility. Credibility is proportional to the power of emotional responses produced. 

Powerful myth and fantasy is fluid, remains beyond sciences capability to prove or disprove it, and with a growing understanding of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery, changes. It is relevant because it is about our world, our future and us.   

Accept that we make up our minds about the existence of one totality as individuals and one is spiritual. Believe we should and can make up our minds about the existence of one totality as communities of faithful believers and one is religious.

Some have attempted to unite all minds under one way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth. Those who claim to belong to a community of faithful believers worshiping exactly the same spirit delude themselves. Seminal religious organizations fracture into various denominations, combinations and permutations, because no two individuals, no two communities of faithful believers, no two ideological authorities, no two denominations have exactly the same way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth. Rather than seeking to compel all to unite under one model of the existence of one totality, I will advocate diversity, variety, and freedom of expression.



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