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XXXI. Reasons Why Alienation Occurs  

I may only speculate as to why any given individual may accept or reject the possibility that a divine eternal soul spirit exists in the absence of scientifically reproducible discovery. The reason an individual is unable to believe that a divine eternal soul spirit exists may be due to the upbringing that individual experienced; what that individual may have been taught to believe by a peer group; and or how that individual may have been taught or not taught to answer the grand enigmatic questions surrounding the existence of discovery and mystery. I believe it may also be true that the thought and feeling possibilities may exist in the unconscious mind of the seed body of such an individual and their soul is able yet unwilling to bring such thoughts to consciousness.      

I believe that our divine eternal soul spirit is an active participant in evolution of the seed body over time. A divine eternal soul may choose to make up the mind of a fractal infernal temporal seed body to live in a state of alienation in order to remove an individual from the gene pool and move life in general to a higher state of consciousness. As such, a divine eternal soul may function as Social Darwinist without the individual even being aware of this. Consider that from the point of view of an alienated individual, self may be imagined to exist for a brief period of time as a fractal infernal temporal seed body on a tiny island of life in a vast ocean of death.  Death may appear to be the norm and life the abnormality. The purpose of life may appear to be its’ own self perpetuation. Ones’ own motivations in everything one says or does may appear to be the product of the biochemical functions of a meat machine.  Taught by others and directed by their own divine eternal soul to accept such appearances as ultimate truth, such individuals might end up; feeling sorrow, fear and anger; exhibiting sad, mad, and bad behavior; being alienated; losing hope and or faith; giving up; turning to crime and or drugs; becoming aggressive, violent, depressed and or suicidal; and in general doing nothing, and acting helpless. This is precisely the sort of frame of mind and behavior that might cause a fractal infernal temporal seed body to fail to procreate.

The matter and energy of the fractal infernal temporal seed body creates a chaotic dynamic system I call the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind creates many possibilities for thought, feeling and action. I believe the divine eternal soul chooses from these many possibilities for thought, feeling and action created by the unconscious mind; those possibilities for thought, feeling and action that manifest as the free will of the conscious mind. The divine eternal soul is free then to choose possibilities for thought, feeling, and action that will cause the fractal infernal temporal seed body to abstain from procreation.

Of course, individuals do not exist in an empty space. Individual fractal infernal temporal seed bodies are parts of a body-consuming biosphere.  A body-consuming biosphere is a complex chaotic dynamic system where in other living infernal fractal entities may act on our seed bodies to cause some to be non-reproductive. Laws of selection are parental, communal, predatory, and sexual in nature. Laws of selection create a standard of conduct that rewards some with survival and punishes others with sacrifice. Reward is in the form of high status within society consistent with the ability to attract energy, space, and time required to reproduce. Punishment is in the form of low status within society consistent with an inability to attract, energy, space, and time required to reproduce. Laws of selection condition some social animals to assume reproductive roles and condition some social animals to assume non-reproductive roles. Soul spirit may act to prevent an individual seed body from procreating. Every living infernal fractal entity plays the dual role of predator and prey. Some may play their roles in a civilized way some may not. Regardless of how the role is played the conflict of predator and prey continues in a number, diversity, and variety of ways only limited by our creative abilities and powers of imagination. Every living seed body is both eating and being eaten throughout its’ brief fractal infernal temporal existence. Thus, predators microscopic and macroscopic eat from every living fractal infernal temporal seed body alive. Therefore, soul spirit does have many avenues to operate through; in the interest of furthering the evolution of the seed body to a higher state of consciousness; that could cause the effect of alienation of an individual from the genetic tree of life.

Bisexuality, homosexuality, a-sexuality, and non-reproductive heterosexuality offer yet other means for soul spirit to divert a seed body from realizing its’ potential to create a living seed.  A tolerant view towards all forms of sexual expression even those that may be wasteful of the potential of the individual to create a living seed emerges from these ideas since in the end such diversion may be beneficial to the species and culture as a whole.



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