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XXXVIII. Key to Joy, Faith and Love


  I am postulating the possibility of an imperfection created within perfection by perfection for the purpose of divine eternal entertainment of perfection. An infinite divine eternal one uses perfection to create the illusion of imperfection for the purpose of entertaining divine eternal souls with the drama of life and death, game of survival and sacrifice, conflict of predator and prey, test of success and failure, catharsis of comedy and tragedy, sensation of pleasure and pain and the existence of discovery and mystery.

          How some might ask could the world have come to such a state of perfection? Evolution improves the form and function of seed bodies over generations through a process of natural selection where in those life forms with seed bodies that are fit survive and those life forms with seed bodies that are lacking are sacrificed. Scientists believe this has been going on here on planet Earth for hundreds of millions of years. The limited time and limited dimensions of our body consuming biosphere limit the improvement to the form and function of seed bodies possible through evolution. Suppose that before the evolution of the seed body there was an evolution of the soul spirit. Suppose further that the limitless time and limitless dimensions of the soul spirit made possible limitless improvement in form and function. If these premises were true then it would be logical to conclude that the world could come to such a state of perfection.

Thought of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one, is my key to producing the most powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love imaginable. From this thought follows the idea that everything everywhere will forever and always be a part of a perfect state of being.  The fractal infernal universe becomes imperfection created within perfection by perfection for the purpose of divine eternal entertainment of perfection. Being already perfect even in my imperfection than renders life and all resulting ignorance, guilt, inhibition, disgrace, suffering, sorrow, and abomination an illusion. An infinite divine eternal one uses perfection to create the illusion of imperfection for the purpose of entertaining divine eternal souls with the drama of life and death, game of survival and sacrifice, conflict of predator and prey, test of success and failure, catharsis of comedy and tragedy, sensation of pleasure and pain and the existence of discovery and mystery.

Life offers an opportunity for the infinite spirit to escape from the monotony of perfection and in the guise of a poly focal infinite soul to experience freedom to choose from an endless variety and diversity of positive possible views of self and world.  That is to not know all of the answers, to not know all there is to know. The existence of one totality whose quantity of energy is infinite makes all of this and more possible.

I need only think, believe, and expect that the existence of one totality is made up of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one to succeed at producing the most powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love imaginable.



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