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Introduction: Purpose and Objectives
We are all apart of something that transcends all human knowledge and all human comprehension. We are all apart of a magnificent world. The mystery of existence is myths' eternal fire, and will always inspire those who are lucky enough to have the energy, space and time to ponder it. No two eyes have perfect sight. However, with what tools and senses we do possess, one may still find some valuable insights into our existence and the existence of the world, even if key elements hide from our view. No individual is always wrong or right. However, with what logic and intuition we possess we may speculate intelligently. No individual wins in every fight. However, with courage we may yet conquer our own ignorance, and come to a fuller, richer understanding of our place in the world. Happiness is a balance of the emotional forces of the mind. Balance is a state of equilibrium reached by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces. Force is the capacity to cause change. Our thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality are forces acting upon our emotions. Our emotions in turn are forces acting upon our bodies causing release of hormones, increase or decrease of our heart rates, shunting of blood flows and causing other physiological responses. To achieve and maintain health requires that our happiness be achieved and maintained and vice versa. Scientists in various fields of study have
found much to say about the theory that happiness leads to better health and behavior. There are completely new fields of scientific research that address the
relationship between emotions and physical health. This scientific research seems to
affirm the theory that optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence
of one totality have a positive influence on our health. Our optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one
totality are believed by scientists to improve our various health behaviors, our immune
functions, and our biochemical functions in ways that make our
bodies more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing disease. An
infinite number, diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one
totality only limited by our creative
abilities and powers of imagination; are made possible by the existence of
discovery and the existence of mystery. I think, believe and expect that optimistic
thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality improve my health
behaviors, immune functions, and biochemical functions in ways that make my body
more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing disease. A
capacity to produce the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about
the existence of one totality; is the basis for choosing a belief in the one myth that enables me; to have the
highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and is the basis for not choosing
a belief in all other myths about the existence of one totality that are made possible by the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery. It is on the basis;
of producing the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the
existence of one totality; that I suggest belief in a most optimistic myth about
the existence of one totality to others. What is the House of Ideology? The House of Ideology is a model of the existence of one totality that we build within our minds to orient self towards the world and or to explain the world to self. I choose to build in my mind with ideas that are both possible and imaginable a model of the existence of one totality that enables me to have the highest esteem of self and the highest esteem of world. I am the High Ideologue of the House of Ideology: I am the authority that makes up my mind about self and all that I find: I am the architect of The House of Ideology that I build within my mind to orient myself towards the world and explain the world to myself. I build a foundation of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery and derive from this foundation a standard of conduct that if and when adhered to by me is most likely to produce the most powerful physiological responses of health possible. I choose to add to this foundation of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery, a framework of myth and fantasy based on mystery that if and when believed to be true enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. I combine my foundation of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery with my framework of myth and fantasy based on mystery to build a house of ideology that enables me to devote energy, space, and time to the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality. Doing so enables me to produce in my mind the most powerful emotional responses of joy, faith and love imaginable and thereby balance the powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear and anger that follow from the discovery of the impending disease and death of my seed body. This balance of emotional responses in my mind produces happiness. In this way, I converge upon a standard of conduct that best produces happiness and health. I have founded a spiritual association called the House of Ideology. In some ways, we who join to form a spiritual association are, like minded individuals. How is it that we who join to form a spiritual association are, like-minded individuals? We are, like minded individuals in that we choose to fashion a reality within our minds that leads us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. We choose to devote energy, space and time to the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about self and the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about world. We choose to converge upon a standard of conduct that best produces happiness and health. In some ways, we who join to form a spiritual association are, not like minded individuals. How is it that we who join to form a spiritual association are, not like minded individuals? Each of us is a unique individual. Each of us has our own truths and our own myths. Each of us combines our own truths and myths to form our own unique models of the existence of one totality. We who join to form a spiritual association use our own unique models of the existence of one totality made up of our own truths and our own myths to orient ourselves towards the world and explain the world to ourselves. With individuals who are both like-minded and not like minded, we organize a spiritual association. Just as each of us is an unique individual, each of us builds an unique model of the existence of one totality made up of our truths and our myths. Each of us uses our own unique model of the existence of one totality to explain the world to ourselves and orient ourselves towards the world. I respect the freedom of others to make up their own minds about the existence of one totality for themselves. I trust others will show me the same respect that I show them. I do not seek to make all devote their energy, space, and time to the exact same model of the existence of one totality as I do. I seek others who of their own free will choose to devote energy, space, and time to a model of the existence of one totality like my own. Where do our models of the existence of one totality exist? Our models of the existence of one totality exist within our minds as the sum total of our thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality. How do we who join to form a spiritual association called the House of Ideology make our choices of thoughts, beliefs, and expectations we use to build our models of the existence of one totality? We who join to form a spiritual association make our choices about thoughts, beliefs, and expectations we use to build our models of the existence of one totality based on our common need and aspiration. What is our common need and aspiration? Our common need and aspiration is to converge upon a standard of conduct that best produces happiness and health. We do so in part by building a model of the existence of one totality that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. We build a foundation of truth and knowledge of theory about the laws of cause and effect that predict the behavior, fate and destiny of matter and energy in the known universe and use knowledge of this truth to converge upon a standard of conduct that best produces the most powerful physiological responses of health possible. Based on the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery; we build a framework of myth and fantasy about the existence of one totality that produces the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality. Doing so enables us to produce the most powerful emotional responses of joy, faith and love imaginable and thereby balance emotional responses of sorrow, fear and anger that follow from the discovery of the impending disease and death of our seed bodies. This balance of emotional responses in our minds produces happiness. We each combine our own foundation and our own framework to build our own house of ideology that if and when adhered to and believed to be true enables each of us to devote energy, space, and time to the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality. In this way, we who join to form a spiritual association best satisfy our common need and aspiration to achieve and maintain happiness and health. Why do I write the House of Ideology Manifesto? I write the House of Ideology Manifesto to provide an example of how to best satisfy our common need and aspiration to achieve and maintain happiness and health. The House of Ideology Manifesto is intended to be a book of affirmations that we can use to raise our esteem of the existence of one totality to the highest level. Doing so enables us to produce emotional balance in our minds that is conducive to happiness and health in our lives. Why do I read from the House of Ideology Manifesto? I read from the pages of this House of Ideology Manifesto as a way of entertaining, educating, and leading us with examples of how to build models of the existence of one totality made up of truth and myth that best produce happiness and health. In sharing this House of Ideology Manifesto with others, I am out to find those people who will of their own free will devote energy, space, and time to a spiritual model of the existence of one totality like my own. I change
the way I think, believe, and expect about the existence of one totality to change the way I
behave. I change the way that I behave and maybe I change my health for
the better. I will start and restart, write, ponder and rewrite, until I am satisfied that
what I have written reflects the true meaning of what I want to say to the global culture.
I do not presume to speak for anyone other than myself. However, the way that I experience
the existence of one totality on the planet Earth is probably similar enough to the way that others experience
the existence of one totality on planet Earth for my thoughts, feelings, judgment and intuition to be of
value to the global culture as a whole. I intend this House of Ideology Manifesto to be a
living document growing and evolving to suit a common need and aspiration to achieve and
maintain happiness and health. As such, I welcome collaboration, criticism, feedback
and input from all sources. Many people live
by a habit of making oneself happy by thinking happy thoughts. Unfortunately, unpleasant
life events, conditions, and circumstances may challenge and threaten ones’ ability to cope
emotionally. It is at these times of crisis that one may turn to authorities for help. Some of these authorities may offer ideas that
lead to emotional responses of joy, faith, and love and or physiological responses of
health. Ideas are thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about existence. Doctors,
clergy, philosophers, psychologists, self-help guru's, scientologists, scientists,
swami's, hypnotherapists, entertainers, politicians, poets, and songwriters are
some of the many who are interested in helping themselves by helping others 'get back on the right track' in the
pursuit of health and happiness. Indeed, this is one of my goals as well: to help
myself by helping others.
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