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ArtWelcome to our new art gallery. On display right now is a collection of paintings by Kevin Michael McDaniel
These four acrylic on canvas paintings are entitled as a Abstracts 1,2,3, and 4.
Pills are arranged in the shape of a pyramid with a black eye and blood red painted oil canvas photographed once. On top of Another pyramid with an eye for currency on a blood red oil painted wood panel photographed twice.
House of Ideology Mandala with our emblem of soul spirit is placed on left and on right is our emblem of seed body.
Here is a set of three oil paintings entitled Paint Brushes 1, 2, and 3.
Here is a set of three oil paintings on canvas entitled landscape, painted sky, and sky clouds at sunset
Here is two different photos of an oil painting on canvas entitled Nursery
Here are two different oil paintings on canvas entitled Revelations Chapter Four Verse Seven
Here are two different photos one without flash and one with flash Subject of the photos is an acrylic painting on canvas entitled World
Here is a oil painting on wood panel entitled Sun Over Land.
Here is a oil painting on canvas entitled Bio Sphere.
Here is an oil painting on canvas entitled Earthy Dessert Tones
Here is an oil painting on canvas entitled Microscopic
Here is an acrylic painting on canvas entitled Self
Here is an oil painting on canvas entitled Two Pals and Their Pot
Here is an oil painting on canvas entitled Two Trees
Here is an oil painting on canvas entitled Yin Yang 69
Here is an oil painting on canvas entitled A.I.D.S. Industry Drug Syndicate Pharm Manimal
Here is an oil painting on canvas entitled Celebration!!
Finally, here is the Dynamic Influence Diagram |
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