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LIX. Homotolerance Versus Heterofascism
The word ‘heteros’ comes from the Greek language. The ancient Greeks originally defined ‘heteros’ as meaning ‘other’. In the context of a discussion of sexual intercourse between life forms of the same species; the prefix hetero- combines with the suffix -sexuality to form the word ‘heterosexuality’; meaning sexual intercourse between one sex and the other sex. The word ‘homos’ comes from the Greek language. The ancient Greeks originally defined the word ‘homos’ as meaning ‘same’. In the context of a discussion of sexual intercourse between life forms of the same species; the prefix homo- combines with the suffix -sexuality to form the word ‘homosexuality’; meaning sexual intercourse between one sex and the same sex. I define tolerance as the capacity for and or practice of recognizing and respecting the opinions, practices, and or behavior of others. I apply the phrase homo- to the word tolerance as a prefix then I create the word ‘Homotolerance’ to describe a particular kind of tolerance. I define fascism as
an ideology or system of government that is marked by stringent centralized social,
military and economic control and often a foreign policy of belligerent nationalism. I
apply the phrase hetero- to the word ‘fascism’ as prefix and create the word ‘Hetero-fascism’
to describe a particular kind of fascism. I define ‘State’ as the supreme public power within a sovereign political entity. I use the word ‘state’ to describe ideologies of ruling governments in the global culture. I also use the word 'state' to describe ideologies and governments ruling states of a federation, such as the United States of America. At the time of the
writing of this edition of this House of Ideology Manifesto, the treatment of homosexuals
varies widely across the globe from state to state. Some states use the law to secure
conformity to proclaimed norms of sexual expression. Other states rely on ideological
authorities, social pressure groups, prevailing attitudes and self-appointed guardians of
moral correctness to exert their own pressures sometimes through methods that are more
violent. It is interesting to note that the countries that criminalize the practice of homosexuality tend to be the same countries with rapidly growing populations while countries that legalize the practice of homosexuality tend to be the same countries with level or slow growing populations. This is interpreted in my mind as evidence that in some parts of the world, conservative missionaries for various aggressive ideological traditions originating before the establishment of ancient paternalistic theocracies have met with greater success in motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition in the global culture. I think, believe, and expect; that another factor that tends to reduce rapid population growth is giving the state a greater role in creation of a national social safety net. The traditional social safety net has been large immediate and extended families. As anyone who has experienced living with a dysfunctional family can tell you: Relying upon a large family to provide a social safety net is not always a viable option. A traditional social safety net tends to reward those who are fruitful and multiply and punish those who have no children. The result is a system of reward and punishment that tends to promote exponential population growth. It is possible to categorize all states with respect to their treatment of homosexuals according to the following broad categories. In some states, homosexuality is legal, however pressure through social disapproval may still exist there. In other states, homosexuality is legal with discriminatory provisions such as higher age of consent for homosexuals than heterosexuals and the banning of rectal intercourse between men. There are states where in homosexuality is lawful but repressed. The law may be silent on homosexuality and yet state authorities empowered to enforce the law may direct provisions against ‘indecency’ or other formulations of law against homosexuals. State authorities in some places sanction harassment of homosexuals by the police or vigilantes. In these places the social climate is extremely hostile to homosexuals. There exists a number of states where in homosexuality is unlawful but tolerated. In these states, authorities seldom prosecute homosexuals and the society is largely tolerant. Finally, there exists a category of states where in homosexuality is both illegal and repressed. Even within states where homosexuality is legal, many hetero-fascist subcultures, societies and pressure groups may exist. A gnostic theistic model of the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth has a heterogeneous quality since according to this model; a good one in Heaven judges each of us to be either good or evil based on the choices we make during our brief lifetimes. Good is other than evil. Evil is other than good. Judgment of good and evil by communities of faithful believers is made in accord with a standard of conduct that follows from a belief in myth about the existence of the will of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. This standard of conduct includes a commandment that encourages members of communities of faithful believers to be fruitful and multiply; includes prohibitions against sex for recreational, occupational, and or homosexual purposes; and causes communities of faithful believers to raise objections to sexual education that could make these practices safer. These commandments, prohibitions and objections may have a significant effect on the behavior of communities of faithful believers in large part because these are inspired by sacred scrolls regarded by members as being based on exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that are true.
An agnostic theistic model of the existence of one totality unified by an
infinity, divinity, eternally one has a homogenous quality since according to this model divine eternal grace
is bestowed freely upon all souls by the
spirit. Predator is other than prey. Prey is other than predator. A successful predator may
present self to the global culture as being good and present sacrificed prey as being
evil. However in the judgment of the spirit both predator and prey are necessary
roles to be played in the drama of life and death. Judgment of healthy and
unhealthy is
made by communities of faithful believers in accord with a standard of conduct
that follows from belief in the truth that myth is myth. I think, believe, and
expect that
to best satisfy a need and aspiration to achieve and maintain health requires
that I apply truth and knowledge about universal, state, and natural laws of
cause and effect to the creation of a standard of conduct the best produces the
most powerful physiological responses of health possible. Maybe this standard of conduct is revealed directly to souls by the spirit and recorded in a book such as this House of Ideology Manifesto. There are no commandments or prohibitions made, and as such there is no need for me to attempt to convince others that this standard of conduct is revealed directly to souls by the spirit and recorded in the House of Ideology Manifesto. In fact, I do not claim to know if the framework of myth and fantasy included in my model of the existence of one totality is true or false. I claim that this most optimistic framework of myth and fantasy about the existence of one totality; combines with a foundation of truth and knowledge of theory about the existence of one totality; to produce an agnostic theistic model of the existence of one totality that enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and to thereby produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. The health and well being of the global culture are dependent upon the quality of space generated by the energy of the seed body. Occasionally random mutations in the genetic structure of the seed occur with some being good mutations and most being bad mutations. I know that some are good mutations and most are bad mutations because of something scientists call the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics deals with a trend in nature. The trend is from order to disorder, from structure to randomness. Scientists give the name entropy to the measure of the disorder of a chaotic dynamic system. I can state the second law of thermodynamics in terms of entropy as follows: The entropy of the universe never decreases; during any process, the entropy either remains constant or else increases. The entropy of some portion of the universe can decrease, as when human beings sexually select and the universe naturally selects those individuals that are most fit to create and survive. Entropy decreases locally during most activities of humans, animals, and plants. A living organism is a highly structured system, a pocket of low entropy. Eating food and drinking liquid can decrease entropy within seed bodies. Elsewhere, usually near the environment occupied by seed bodies, entropy has increased. The quality of space generated by a seed body is dependent upon the natural selection of good mutations. In order for the human species to progress to higher levels of conscious awareness of the existence of one totality and create a seed body of higher form and function; natural selection of good mutations over bad mutations is made. In a
society, heterosexuals are sanctified and homosexuals are sacrificed. This creates an
unnatural pressure to conform to a heterosexual norm. This unnatural pressure causes
population expansion putting an increasing strain on cultural resources, and creating
tremendous competition for scarce resources. This unnatural pressure to conform to a
heterosexual norm also causes bad mutations to have a greater than normal opportunity to
be selected. Nearly everyone wants to be heterosexual in a hetero-fascist society. Nearly
everyone is more likely to be procreative. The
pressure of the tremendous competition for scarce resources along with the greater
opportunity for bad mutations to be passed on from generation to generation causes a
degradation of the quality of the seed body. There is also a degradation of the
environment to the point where lower levels of conscious awareness of the
existence of one totality is attained
in seed bodies of worse form and function. In response to the degradation of the quality of the fractal infernal temporal seed body, some states have tried to find a solution. Some ideological authorities establish programs and policies designed to rid society of homosexuals and other 'degenerates'. Other ideological authorities cite a belief that the seed must be purified as a justification for war. Ideologies and policies that sanction acts of unspeakable cruelty against those who do not conform to a heterosexual norm create a situation that becomes roughly analogous to a dragon chasing its’ own tail: with heterosexuals fearing and hating homosexuals and frustrated homosexuals forced to assume a heterosexual role and some cases fearing and hating women and children. Ideologies and policies that sanction ethnic cleansing and genocide might be perpetrated against those deemed by dominant groups as 'undesirables', 'evil people', 'degenerates' and or 'deviants'. In a vicious cycle of violence, we go around in circles making minimal progress with maximal effort. Within the chaotic flow of evolution some eddies may form. If pressure to conform to a heterosexual norm is great enough, eventually the resulting degradation of the quality of space inherent within the seed body results in social chaos, decline of civilization, war over increasingly scarce resources, and change in the leadership of society away from hetero-fascist ideologies towards homo-tolerant ideologies. I believe a divine eternal
soul spirit plays a role in the process of evolution. I also believe it is arrogant and
wrong to force someone to assume an unnatural sexual orientation. What is a
sexual orientation? A natural sexual orientation is relative to each individual. Some
individuals feel that heterosexuality is more natural for self. Some individuals
feel that a-sexuality is more natural for self. Some individuals feel homosexuality
is more natural for self. Some individuals feel bi-sexuality is more natural for self. Ideally, in a
homo-tolerant society, people would love, cherish and reward homosexuals and other
non-reproductive adults for the sacrifice they make of their potential to create a living
seed. Heterosexuals would vie for the honor of serving homosexuals in response to the
privilege and responsibility of producing offspring. In a homo-tolerant society, nature
would select the most loving, able, strong, and caring individuals to be
Good mutations would have a greater opportunity to reproduce than bad mutations.
Improvement in the quality of space generated by the energy of the seed body and the
environment of a homo-tolerant society would help us attain higher levels of
conscious awareness of the existence of one totality in seed bodies of better form and function.
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