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LV. Drive of Seed to Create and Gnostic Theism
Myths about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Gnostic Theism category lead believers to affirm an ability to know about the existence of a deity and or deities and claim an ability to know leads to a belief. A myth about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Gnostic Theism category is the vehicle most often used by conservative ideological authorities to express the drive of the seed to create in a way that is dissonant to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. The drive of the seed to create reinforces heterosexuality in the global culture. The kind of state most often self organized around belief in a myth about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Gnostic Theism category is Fundamentalist. If everything is justified by the lie that myth is truth, then tolerance and freedom their leaders take away. Based on the lie that myth is truth some conservative ideological authorities leading communities of faithful believers proclaim that a good one in Heaven commands members to be fruitful and multiply; and prohibits members from engaging in sexual activity for occupational, recreational, and or homosexual purposes. If members also affirm an ability of messengers of a good one in Heaven to gather exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that are true about the will of a good one in Heaven, and claim that an ability to know leads to a belief, then these commands and prohibitions may have a significant effect on the behavior of communities of faithful believers. Communities of faithful believers self organized around a belief in a myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth, tend to lead members to respond obediently to these commands and prohibitions. Members channel most if not all sexual energy into sex for procreative purposes, and in so doing, tend to be driven to out number their competition in the global culture. Communities of faithful believers self organized around Abrahamic religions have come to dominate the global culture in part by motivating members to out number competition. To justify racism, communities of faithful believers learn to build with ideas in their minds a model of the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth: As a result members tend to suffer from low esteem of the existence of one totality and express the drive of the seed to create in a way that is dissonant to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. Abrahamic Religions are Satanic Religions. Communities of faithful believers self organized around Abrahamic religions may claim to be worshiping a good one in Heaven yet this good one in Heaven is not even good enough to rule over the Earth in the present. In their minds, communities of faithful believers self organized around Abrahamic religions give over rule of the Earth in the present to an evil one cast down from Heaven that they call Satan. Sure some communities of faithful believers self organized around Abrahamic religions may claim that a good one in Heaven will return to Earth in the future to have final victory over an evil one cast down from Heaven and ruling over Earth in the present; but they never back up this claim with one definite conclusion about a specific point in time when this final victory will occur. We always live in the present, and our lives in the future are always in the future. So for all intents and purposes Abrahamic religions lead communities of faithful believers to build a pessimistic model of the existence of one totality that follows from the idea that an evil one cast down from Heaven rules over Earth. The claim that Satan is ruling over Earth, and the claim that the evil one attacks the minds and bodies of the many; may lead some communities of faithful believers to think, believe and expect that an evil one cast down from Heaven has the power to influence the thoughts and actions of members: This in turn leads some of those members to fear their own bodies and their own minds. The idea of a spiritual conflict between good and evil is a lie if it is true that the grace bestowed freely upon each and every soul by the spirit is divine and eternal. I choose to believe it is true that the grace bestowed freely upon each and every soul by the spirit is divine and eternal; so I choose to believe the idea of a spiritual conflict between good and evil is a lie. I expect predators of the body consuming biosphere divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey use the idea of a spiritual conflict between good and evil to demonize enemies and deify self; and to motivate communities of faithful believers to conform to a standard of conduct that leads members to aggressively out work, out fight and out number competition in the global culture. These predators are particularly dangerous. Hetero-fascist I call these predators because they demand other predators conform to a heterosexual procreative standard of conduct dictated by their belief in a spiritual conflict between good and evil. Those who deviate may be plotted against by members of communities of faithful believers and or may be aggressively attacked as being 'evil'. I do not believe in good and evil. I do not believe in Satan. I do not believe in pessimistic myths about the existence of one totality that follow from the teachings of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and or Mohammed. I do not believe in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by a conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and/or ruling over Earth. I believe in a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit. I believe in my own authority to act as High Ideologue of the House of Ideology and my own freedom to make up my mind about myself, and all that I find. I fashion reality in a way that enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. I believe in a body consuming biosphere divided by a material conflict between predator and prey. I believe we are soul children divine and eternal; ordering chaos of minds; enjoying entertainment derived; from bodies that live and die. I believe divine eternal grace is freely bestowed upon all souls by the spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; and brings unity to all life forms. Hetero-fascist models of the existence of one totality are an expression of the drive of the seed to create that is in dissonance to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. Homotolerant models of the existence of one totality are an expression of the drive of the seed to create; that is in harmony with a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one.
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