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LVII. Gnostic Atheism and the Drive of the Soul to Perfect


      Myths about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Gnostic Atheism category lead believers to affirm an ability to know about the non existence of a deity and or deities and claim that an ability to know leads to a disbelief. A myth about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Gnostic Atheism category is the vehicle most often used by ideological authorities in the global culture to express the drive of the soul to perfect in a way that is dissonant to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. The drive of the soul to perfect reinforces homosexuality in the global culture. Capitalist is the kind of state most often self organized around a myth about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Gnostic Atheism category. If everything is justified by a profit in the market then liberty and security their leaders take away. 

      Maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few have an interest in marketing the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex for a profit. Maybe atheistic greed rather than theistic belief motivates a mercenary plutocratic predatory few to patronize conservative ideological authorities that use a myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth to motivate communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition in a race to Armageddon. Maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few use these aggressive ideological traditions to pit the many against one another for profit.

        The truth is that myth is myth. The lie is that myth is truth. Belief in the truth leads to tolerance. Belief in the lie leads to intolerance. We are confronted by two primary forms of intolerance. Atheistic liars peddle their alienation abomination indoctrination. This leads to intoxication. Theistic liars peddle their deification demonization sanctification. This leads to sacrifice.



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