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LXIII. Truth and Reality
When I think of reality, I think of a model of the existence of one totality that an individual fashions within their own mind to orient self towards the world and explain the world to self. I think of reality as fashion. I think of actuality as truth. While most people would like for their own reality to be in accord with the actuality of the existence of one totality, fashion and truth are not always in agreement. The difference between truth and reality is definition and word usage. When I use the word 'reality' in the phrase 'ideology fashions reality', I am using the above definition for the word reality. I am suggesting that I tend to combine a finite understanding of truth and knowledge of theory with a favored myth about the existence of one totality and call it reality. The reality that results from combining a finite understanding of truth and knowledge of theory with a favored myth about the existence of one totality appears to me to be the way things are, because the reality I fashion from combining a finite understanding of truth and knowledge of theory with a favored myth about the existence of one totality appears to be in accord with actuality. If and when the way I fashion reality appears to be in conflict with actuality, then the way I fashion reality changes. Metaphysical Naturalists believe that 'the natural world is all that there is'. By this, maybe they mean that they believe the fractal infernal temporal seed body is all that exists. Natural is a label for things scientists can find; and things theories predict. Supernatural is a label for things scientists can not find; and things theories do not predict. Therefore a belief that 'the natural world is all that there is' equates with a belief in a myth about the existence of only things scientists can find and only things theories predict; until proven otherwise. Scientists are not even close to being the omniscient beings that some atheistic negativists seem to imagine scientists to be. Why does the world have to be either natural or supernatural; why not both? If scientists were able to quantify infinity, qualify divinity, measure the longevity of eternity, and perceive the existence of one totality, then maybe the existence of a divine eternal soul spirit would be considered natural and not supernatural. Maybe the existence of a divine eternal soul spirit is dismissed by Metaphysical Naturalists as the product of superstitious wishful thinking. I would point out to Metaphysical Naturalists that there is no way to prove or disprove the idea that the fractal infernal temporal seed body is all that exists; because as yet it has not been possible for us to use our senses and perceptions to gather objective evidence that leads by logically valid deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that this idea is true. This idea that the fractal infernal temporal seed body is all that exists is a myth about existence of one totality. Metaphysical Naturalists are like me, combining a finite understanding of truth and knowledge of theory with a favored myth about the existence of one totality to create an ideology. Ideology fashions reality. If some Metaphysical Naturalists are willing to recognize and acknowledge that they choose to ornament their models of the existence of one totality with the pessimistic myth that the fractal infernal temporal seed body is all that exists, then I have to wonder: Why do these Metaphysical Naturalists make the arbitrary choice to ornament their models of the existence of one totality with this particular myth? Why do these believers in myths about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Metaphysical Naturalism category not choose to ornament their models of the existence of one totality with a most optimistic myth; and to thereby produce in their minds emotional balance that is conducive to happiness and health in their lives? It is a lie to claim that myth is truth. An affirmation of an ability to know that the fractal infernal temporal seed body is all that exists is a fraud that follows from the lie that myth is truth. Some conservative ideological authorities leading Metaphysical Naturalists perpetrate this fraud in order to be able to lead others to have a low esteem of existence, possibly in the hope that doing so will make others easier to prey upon. Leading others to have a low esteem of existence by making a fraudulent affirmation of an ability to know that the fractal infernal temporal seed body is all that exists should be considered a crime against humanity, because in leading others to have a low esteem of existence based on fraud that follows from the lie that myth is truth; some conservative ideological authorities leading Metaphysical Naturalists produce in the minds of others emotional unbalance that is not conducive to happiness and health. Atheistic negativists view life of self as having very definite book ends; birth and death. Atheistic negativists expect that on either side of those book ends is oblivion. I view life of seed body as having very definite book ends; birth and death. I view life of self to be formed from the union of seed body and soul spirit. I view life of soul spirit as having no definite book ends; divine and eternal. On the other side of the book ends of the seed body is an infinite series of opportunities for my divine eternal soul to enjoy the entertainment that may be derived from confining conscious awareness of the existence of one totality to the conscious mind that may be generated by ordering the subatomic chaos of an unconscious mind created in a body that lives and dies. We are soul children divine and eternal; ordering chaos of minds; enjoying entertainment derived from bodies that live and die. I think, believe and expect that by confining our awareness of the existence of one totality to conscious minds that may be generated by ordering the chaos of unconscious minds created by bodies that live and die; we as alien divine eternal souls gain the enjoyment of entertainment derived from the existence of discovery and mystery; drama of life and death; conflict of predator and prey; game of survival and sacrifice; test of success and failure; catharsis of comedy and tragedy; sensation of pleasure and pain; and wide range of thought, feeling and action possibilities. The truth about the existence of things scientists can find; and things theories predict; does not lead by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that only things scientists can find, and only things theories predict exist. The idea that things scientists can find, and things theories predict are the only things that exist is a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality that may be sorted into the Atheism category! Out of an infinite number, diversity, and variety of myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery, some atheistic negativists choose to believe in a pessimistic myth about the existence of only things scientists can find, and only things theories predict; until proven otherwise. In other words; until proven otherwise; some atheistic negativists choose to have a low esteem of self and a low esteem of world. Some atheistic negativists go about the task of attempting to convince others to choose to have a low esteem of self and a low esteem of world by claiming we must adopt as a rational default position a belief in the pessimistic myth about the existence of only things scientists can find; and only things theories predict in order to be considered rational. It is this arbitrary choice to believe in this pessimistic myth as a rational default position that is an act of hate committed against self and world. In other words, until proven otherwise; some atheistic negativists hate self and hate world. The fact that some atheistic negativists love to hate self and hate world does not change the fact that the choice of a belief in the myth about the existence of a godless totality as a rational default position is a choice to hate self and hate world. The choice of a belief in the one myth that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality as a rational default position is in contrast a choice to love self and love world. Use of our senses and perceptions to verify that a myth is true makes no sense as a criterion for choosing a myth to believe; because myth is myth. Wouldn't it be more rational or sane to choose to love self and love world? Wouldn't it be more rational or sane to choose to have the highest esteem of self and highest esteem of world? Out of an infinite number, diversity, and variety of myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery why not choose to adopt as a rational default position a belief in the one myth about the existence of one totality that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; until proven otherwise? I choose to have the highest esteem of self and the highest esteem of world by adopting as a rational default position a belief in the most optimistic myth about existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. |
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