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LXIX. My Spirit Is Able
Maybe the limitations of the known universe inspire some theistic negativists to think, believe, and expect that their spirit would not be able to endow each and every creature with an alien, fractal, infernal, temporal, seed body and an alien, divine, eternal, soul; and or would not be loving enough to accept the conduct of any given creature as entertainment. I believe from abundance of an infinite one comes abundance of creatures and acceptance of the conduct of each creature as entertainment. Scarcity exists on the material plane where rejection of some conduct by the state makes sense. Rejection of souls after death of bodies due to some conduct during life; implies our spirit made a mistake in creating certain creatures in the first place; and therefore is not divine. The idea that our spirit would reject some conduct also implies rejection of the idea of abundance in the existence of one totality. Rejection of the idea of abundance in the existence of one totality implies rejection of the idea of a spirit that is infinite. I think, believe, and expect that the spirit is an infinite, divine, eternal, one. I accept the idea of abundance in the existence of one totality. I think, believe and expect there is an abundance of material planes for souls to enjoy in the existence of one totality and acceptance of all conduct as entertainment makes sense. Maybe some theistic negativists proclaim their good one in Heaven to be none other than a perfect entity such as my infinity, divinity, eternally, one; and yet affirm a belief in a conflict of good and evil in the existence of one totality characterized by guilt and rejection of many creatures by an angry, perfectionistic, judgmental, good one in Heaven. Maybe these ideological authorities are ignorant of the fact that guilt and rejection of many creatures by an angry, perfectionistic, judgmental, good one in Heaven logically infers scarcity that is characteristic of a finite imperfect entity. Maybe logical inconsistencies are irrelevant to those who use myth about the existence of one totality divided by a conflict between good and evil as a way of achieving and maintaining authority, power, order, and control over communities of faithful believers. Self identifying with the seed body to the exclusion of the soul spirit leads to a low esteem of the existence of one totality and behavior of racist, heterofascist, warmongers. The pessimistic myth about the existence of an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth reminds me of another idea: Panspermia is the name of a hypothesis about the existence of interstellar seeds of life that seeks to explain the origins of single cell organisms here on Earth. The theory of evolution offers little help in explaining how the nuclei, various organelles, chromosomes, ribosomes, and cell membranes that combine to complete, make up a whole and bring to perfection a functioning single-cell organism may have come into existence from organic molecular solids, liquids, and gases of the primordial crusted magma globe. These components would seemingly have to come into existence simultaneously and in the correct order since all are necessary for the organism to function, absorb matter and energy, process, excrete, grow, and reproduce. Odds against such a random occurrence lead theorists to create the hypothesis that interstellar "seeds" of life exist already all over the galaxy; perhaps all over the entire Universe; that life of Earth may have originated through these "seeds"; and that they may deliver or have delivered life to other habitable bodies. This sounds to me a lot like it was a seed that was cast down from Heaven and rules over Earth and not an evil one. Dominance of the drive of the seed to create in the minds of communities of faithful believers causes members to both reject a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit; and in its place to accept a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth at war with a good one in Heaven who commands seed bodies to survive, be fruitful, multiply and channel all sexual energy into sex for procreative purposes. Self identifying with seed body and soul spirit leads to highest esteem of the existence of one totality and behavior of friendly, homotolerant, peace makers. A most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit; reminds me of another idea: String is the name of the theory that is part of the latest attempts by theoretical physicists to explain how just the right combination and permutation of energy, space and time came into existence to create a large universe of the correct kind to support life. It seems scientists have discovered that our universe is finely tuned to support the existence of life; and that minute changes in combination and permutation of the energy, space and time that came into existence to create our universe would make the formation of stars, galaxies and life impossible. Briefly, String Theory asserts the possibility that our universe is one of an infinite seed of universes. From this idea of an infinite seed of universes I need only take one further step to arrive at a belief in an existence of one totality whose quantity of energy approaches a limit of infinity. From a belief in an existence of one totality whose quantity of energy approaches a limit of infinity; I only need take one final step to arrive at a belief that out of an infinity of random possibility would come an order divine and eternal whose dominance of the continuum would make it an infinity divinity eternally one. |
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