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LXVII. Terrorism
Terrorism is the unlawful use or threatened use of force and or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. I oppose the use of terrorism as a means of intimidating or coercing societies or governments for ideological or political reasons. Therefore I oppose use of the words I have written as a license; to kill in my name religious leaders that repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making, and extortion; and or to destroy buildings such religious leaders use for the purposes of conducting worship services. A religious leader that repeats the lie that myth is truth is not; the lie that myth is truth. A building used by such religious leaders for the purposes of conducting worship services is not; the lie that myth is truth. The lie that myth is truth is; a set of ideas. I prefer the real challenge of using nothing more serious than the communication of ideas; to lead liars to change themselves into truthful people. I prefer the real challenge of using nothing more serious than the communication of ideas; to lead truthful people to use a building formally used for the purposes of conducting fraud, threat making and extortion for other purposes. I prefer the real challenge of using nothing more serious than the communication of ideas; to lead religious authorities who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making, and extortion; to change into truthful spiritual leaders. I prefer the real challenge of using nothing more serious than the communication of ideas to educate, to entertain, and to lead communities of faithful believers to reject the lie that myth is truth in all of its various forms; affirm an inability to know the unknowable; and accept the truth that myth is myth. I prefer the real challenge of using nothing more serious than the communication of ideas to educate, to entertain and to lead us to believe in the one myth that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; because doing so produces emotional balance in our minds that is conducive to happiness and health in our lives; and not because of the lie that myth is truth. Love the Christian. Hate the Christianity. The Christian is a sinner. The sin is Christianity. Love the sinner. Hate the sin. Love the Christian. Hate the Christianity. How do I love the Christian? By telling the Christian: It is a lie to claim that myth is truth. An affirmation of an ability to know about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth is a fraud that follows from the lie that myth is truth. Religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraudulent affirmations of an ability to know; make threats against the life and or afterlife of anybody that does not submit to their authority. Thereby religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraudulent affirmations of an ability to know; extort tithes and offerings from communities of faithful believers in exchange for a life long indoctrination in the lie that myth is truth. Religious extremists make terrorist attacks in support of religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion. For others to completely understand how it is that the lie that myth is truth serves the interests of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex, maybe I need to explain how terrorism follows from the self-organization of communities of faithful believers around the lie that myth is truth. Maybe some conservative ideological authorities affirm the ability of messengers to receive exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that are true from a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe this affirmation leads members of communities of faithful believers to believe only their way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth is good and all other ways are evil. Maybe out of this belief that only one way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth is good comes bias within these communities of faithful believers. Maybe out of a biased community of faithful believers come smaller groups of intolerant individuals. Maybe out of smaller groups of intolerant individuals come even smaller groups of fanatics. Maybe out of even smaller groups of fanatics come terrorists. Religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud and extortion operations merely make threats in the name of a good one in Heaven against the life and or afterlife of anybody that does not submit to the authority of a good one in Heaven. Self-organization of communities of faithful believers around the lie that myth is truth results in the production of a small number of religious extremists. Religious extremists make terrorist threats against the life and or afterlife of anybody who refuses to accept the lie that myth is truth; and or make terrorist threats against the life and or after life of anybody who does not submit to the authority of religious leaders. Most religious leaders are not directly responsible for these terrorist threats. Religious extremists make these terrorist threats. However many religious leaders are indirectly responsible for these terrorist threats; because they do lead communities of faithful believers to affirm a belief in the ability of messengers to receive exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that are true from a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. This fraudulent affirmation does lead to a belief that only a single way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth is good and all other ways are evil. Maybe out of this belief that only one way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth is good comes bias within these communities of faithful believers. Maybe out of a biased community of faithful believers come smaller groups of intolerant individuals. Maybe out of smaller groups of intolerant individuals come even smaller groups of fanatics. Maybe out of even smaller groups of fanatics come terrorists. We are bracing for a crash that is occurring because our global culture is dominated by communities of faithful believers self organized around aggressive ideological traditions that lead members to believe the lie that myth is truth and to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated to out work, out fight and out number competition in a race to Armageddon. The flames of excessive multiplication fanned for thousands of years by these aggressive ideological traditions is running up against the limited dimensions of our body consuming biosphere. The problem is global warming, deforestation, desertification, pollution, desolation of large areas of land in war, dead zones in the oceans, melting of ancient glaciers and the daily starvation of on average thirty thousand children aged zero to five. The solution a mercenary plutocratic predatory few have offered the many is more of the same racist, heterofascist, warmongering behavior that led us to a crash in the first place: Sensing an opportunity to prey upon the many of our global culture, a mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex offer a promise of protection from terrorist attack to the people of free societies in exchange for gold. The people of free societies are induced by terrorist threats, terrorist attacks, and the prospect of terrorists gaining access to and using weapons of mass destruction, to accept offers of a promise of protection from terrorist attack and give their gold to a mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex. Now I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex are smart enough to know that it is a lie to claim that myth is truth. I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex are smart enough to know that religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making, and extortion are the ultimate source of the biased communities of faithful believers that produce religious extremists. I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex are also smart enough to know that the terrorist threats made by religious extremists motivate the people of free societies to accept their offers of a promise of protection in exchange for gold. I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex are smart enough to know that the lie that myth is truth is good for their protection racket. Therefore, I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex do not use the gold given by the people of free societies to provide real protection by punishing religious leaders that repeat the lie that myth is truth as criminal liars for their fraud, threat making and extortion; and thereby shutting down the ultimate source of religious extremism. Instead I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex do all that they can; to give generously to religious leaders that repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion; and insure that the rights of liars to engage in fraud, threat making and extortion are respected by the people of free societies. Thereby I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex insure; that the pool of religious extremists is continually renewed; that the people of free societies continually have to contend with terrorist threats and attacks; and that their offers of a promise of protection from terrorist attack in exchange for gold are always accepted. In essence I am describing religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion nested within a shakedown of epic proportions some call a global war on terror. Some may argue that mendacity as a life style is justified in the interests of crime prevention. Some may argue that if communities of faithful believers expect to go to hell or have bad karma for committing a crime then members will be less likely to commit a crime; and therefore crime prevention justifies the lie that myth is truth. If those same people can not understand that mendacity as a life style is a crime and a source of crime from my description of religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making, and extortion; nested within a shakedown of epic proportions some call a global war on terror; then maybe they have no loyalty to the truth and or are too heavily invested in the lie that myth is truth to change. A truth is a set of ideas about the existence of one totality that can be verified to be true by use of our senses and perceptions. A myth is an idea or story about the existence of one totality that can not be verified to be true or false by use of our senses and perceptions. The truth is that myth is myth. An infinite number, diversity and variety of ways of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth are made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery. Each of these ways of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth is a valid possibility. A lie is an idea or a story about the existence of one totality that can be verified to be false by use of our senses and perceptions. The lie is that myth is truth. Belief in the truth that myth is myth leads to tolerance. Belief in the lie that myth is truth leads to intolerance. The way to deal with terrorism that follows from religious extremism is for the many of our global culture to reject the lie that myth is truth in all of it's various forms; affirm an inability to know the unknowable; and accept the truth that myth is myth. The way to deal with terrorism that follows from religious extremism is to promote tolerance both by acknowledging that the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery make possible an infinite, number, diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one totality only limited by our creative abilities and powers of imagination; and by punishing as criminal liars religious leaders that repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion. Scientific research seems to affirm the theory that optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality have a positive influence on our health. Our optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality are believed by scientists to improve our various health behaviors, our immune functions, and our biochemical functions in ways that make our bodies more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing disease. While each of an infinite number, diversity and variety of ways of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth is a valid possibility; the most optimistic way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth offers us the benefits of being the way most likely to produce the desired results of happiness and health. As such, to believe as some atheistic negativists suggest is not the rational default position to take. The idea that in the presence of evidence in the form of the universe; and until proven otherwise; the rational default position to take is a belief in a myth about the existence of only things scientists can find, and only things theories predict; merely succeeds in producing a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality. This pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality leads those who adopt it to have pessimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality. These pessimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality are capable of producing emotional unbalance in their minds that is not conducive to happiness and health in their lives. To believe as agnostic theists like Pascal suggest is also not the rational default position to take: The idea that in the presence of evidence in the form of the universe; and until proven otherwise; the rational default position to take is a belief in a myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth merely succeeds in producing another pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality. This pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality leads those who adopt it to believe we should join communities of faithful believers and conform to a standard of conduct that leads members to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated to out work, out fight, and out number competition in a race to Armageddon. This pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality promises; to produce more deforestation, more desertification, more desolation of the environment in war; to produce more dead zones in coastal regions of our oceans; more poverty, more famine, and more plague for the many; and to produce a terror of plutocracy for the few. This pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality threatens to precipitate the death of the body that is our body consuming biosphere. To believe as agnostic theists like me suggest is the rational default position to take: The idea that in the presence of evidence in the form of the universe and until proven otherwise; the rational default position to take is a belief in a myth about the existence of; things scientists can find; things theories predict; and everything else that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; succeeds in producing the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality. The most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality produce in our minds emotional balance that is conducive to happiness and health in our lives. Maybe there is a cultural clash between fundamentalist states that self organize around a belief that there is only one way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth that is good and secular states that self organize around freedom of speech, thought and religious expression. Maybe some ideological authorities within fundamentalists states consider the minds of the many of our global culture to be the property of a good one in Heaven; and consider programming broadcast by secular states through mass communications media to be doing the work of an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe ideological authorities within fundamentalist states believe secular states that broadcast programming through mass communication media to people are guilty of corrupting minds that are the property of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe some ideological authorities within fundamentalists states equate the act of corrupting minds with an act of violence done against the property of a good one in Heaven and as such consider programming broadcast by secular states through mass communications media to be a form of terrorism. Maybe within fundamentalists states there is an effort to censor or even ban programming broadcast by secular states through mass communications media. Maybe some ideological authorities use the sacred scrolls that their particular aggressive ideological tradition is founded upon like spiritual blackmail to threaten the life and or after life of any body who does not submit to their authority and to extort tithes and offerings from communities of faithful believers in exchange for a lifelong indoctrination in a standard of conduct proclaimed by these same ideological authorities to be the will of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe some ideological authorities within some fundamentalist states motivate some of those they have enslaved with spiritual blackmail to retaliate as terrorists with acts of violence against people and property of secular states. Maybe this conflict could escalate into war where in each side accuses the other of terrorism. Out of this war on terror comes a central moral question: Will states treat the minds of the many of our global culture as free or as property of a mythical good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth? Maybe there are other factors that fuel terrorist activities and war. Maybe since time immemorial many have believed that they have to pay 'good' mercenaries for protection from terrorist activities of 'evil' mercenaries. Mercenaries profit from demand for protection services generated by terrorist activities of other mercenaries. Mercenary plutocratic predators stake out territories to rule over. A mercenary plutocratic predator may dominate a territory to such an extent that it becomes possible to broadcast programming to subjects through mass communication media that presents self and allies as 'good' and rival mercenary plutocratic predators as 'evil'. If one group of mercenary plutocratic predators goes to war with a rival group of mercenary plutocratic predators then the mercenary plutocratic predators that win the war will be the ones empowered to proclaim their own goodness and their rivals evilness while the mercenary plutocratic predators that lose the war will not be empowered to proclaim their own goodness or their rivals evilness. History is often a story written to the liking of successful predators that adds a final insult to the mortal injuries suffered by sacrificed prey. Mercenary plutocratic predators that win in a war against rivals may proclaim to the many that it was the will of a good one in Heaven that they should prevail over their rivals. Maybe the many buy arms and hire 'good' mercenaries to protect their lives, homes, property and freedom and 'evil' mercenaries terrorize the many by attacking their lives, homes, property, and freedom. Maybe 'good' mercenary plutocrat and 'evil' mercenary terrorist conspire together with a beast of a military industrial complex in a shakedown of epic proportions some call a global war on terror to prey upon the many of our global culture; and concentrate the wealth of our global culture into the hands of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few. Maybe this is yet another manifestation of a primal conflict between predator and prey that has always divided this body consuming biosphere. Maybe those who have the guns take the gold, those who have the gold make the rules, those few who make the rules make an education system so bad that the many have little chance of acquiring the guns required to take the gold and make the rules. Maybe the root cause of terrorism is greed. Maybe terrorism has a tendency to become self perpetuating because mercenary plutocratic predators profit from supplying demand for protection services created by terrorist activities. Is it wise for the many to give their gold in exchange for protection services and allow the wealth of a nation to concentrate into the hands of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few? Were the many proceeding us wise in taxing the mercenary plutocratic predatory few heavily? Did the many before use the revenue raised from taxing the mercenary plutocratic predatory few heavily to redistribute wealth and thereby provide to the many a better means of defending themselves against terrorist attacks orchestrated by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex? Terrorist activity creates demand in the market place for the protection services offered by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few in exchange for gold. Maybe profit derived from the demand for protection created by terrorist activity becomes the root cause of terrorism whenever and if ever terrorists and a mercenary plutocratic predatory few collude in a shakedown of epic proportions that some call a 'global war on terror'. So why should I expect to win a 'global war on terror' by giving all my gold to a mercenary plutocratic predatory few in exchange for a promise of protection from terrorist attack? Why should I expect to win a 'global war on terror' by creating terror in war? I believe a 'war on terror' can not be won by spreading terror in
war. Spreading terror in war is a way to lose a war on terror. I expect that we lose
a war on terror by spreading terror in war because we lose peoples, destroy properties,
dissipate energies and desolate our environments. I believe a 'war on terror' can be won by spreading humor in peace. Spreading humor in peace is a way to win a war on terror. We win a war on terror by spreading humor in peace because we gain new friends, create properties, recuperate energies and restore our environments. If the many rely for their security on giving all of their wealth and liberty to a mercenary plutocratic predatory few in exchange for a promise of protection; then maybe the many will not have wealth, liberty, or security. If the many rely for their security on giving all of their wealth and liberty to a mercenary plutocratic predatory few in exchange for a promise of protection; then the many will leave themselves vulnerable to religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making, and extortion nested within a shakedown of epic proportions some call a global war on terror. I think, believe, and expect; that another part of a more rational approach to winning the war on terror would be to redistribute the wealth of the global culture by taking from a mercenary plutocratic predatory few and giving to the many. This would have the dual effect of diminishing the profits derived by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few from operating a shakedown of epic proportions that some call a global war on terror; and enabling the many to protect themselves from terrorist attack as individuals by using wealth acquired through redistribution. In the long term, this redistribution of wealth would only work for the happiness and health of the global culture; if communities of faithful believers gave up the race to Armageddon; stopped behaving like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated by Abrahamic religion to out work, out fight and out number competition; started to promote education, entertainment and leadership that leads many to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; behave like friendly, homotolerant, peace makers; and learn to view sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes as an acceptable alternative to sex for procreative purposes. If a redistribution of wealth occurred and members of communities of faithful believers kept behaving like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated by Abrahamic religion to out work, out fight and out number competition in a race to Armageddon; and continued to promote education, entertainment, and leadership that leads the many to have a low esteem of the existence of one totality and to view sex for occupational, recreational and homosexual purposes as an unacceptable alternative to sex for procreative purposes then the likely result would be an acceleration of the population explosion that we have been experiencing followed by a great deal more war, destruction, suffering, sorrow, disease, stress, alienation and abomination of death brought on by increasing scarcity of breathable air, drinkable water, productive land and available sunlight. Some might argue that it is human nature and not aggressive ideological traditions that is responsible for motivating communities of faithful believers to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers. According to this argument, the game of survival and sacrifice selects for those individuals who are willing to out work, out fight and out number competition; and if I am not willing then somebody else is. If that is the case; and I don't believe that it is; then religious leaders who propagate these aggressive ideological traditions are; pandering to the lowest moral instincts of human beings; and thereby exacerbating the problem of over population. By giving their blessing to the behavior of racist, heterofascist, warmongers; and by elevating the drive of the seed to create; to the status of the drive of the spirit to revive; such religious leaders recklessly endanger the lives of the many of our global culture in exchange for the equivalent of thirty pieces of silver. This idea that the game of survival and sacrifice selects for those individuals who are willing to out work, out fight and out number competition in a race to Armageddon goes along with the idea that the soul spirit plays no role in guiding the evolution of the form and function of the seed body; and therefore I reject arguments built upon this idea entirely. At present impoverishment of the many and wealth of the few suppresses the growth of our global population. Maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few and their admirers and followers think, believe and expect that war is a means of purifying of the seed necessary for the continued evolution of the body. I believe a war of purification is not required for a species to evolve a seed body of ever higher form and function. I believe our soul spirit guides the evolution of our seed bodies. Maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few and their admirers and followers think, believe, and expect; that the need to preserve the environment by suppressing the reproductive success of the many justifies concentration of wealth of the global culture into the hands of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few. I think, believe and expect if sex for occupational, recreational and homosexual purposes were to become as honorable and acceptable in our global culture as sex for procreative purposes; and sexual education were provided to the many that made these practices safer; then there would be no need to check the reproductive success of the many with psychotic extremes of poverty for the many and wealth for the few. With the support of education, entertainment and leadership that leads us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality, I think, believe, and expect; that we would be motivated to behave like friendly, homotolerant, peace makers; prevent the global culture from falling victim to apocalyptic self fulfilling prophecies; spare the environment from destruction by a war on terror fought by spreading terror in war; and better meet human demands for the necessities of life: breathable air, drinkable water, productive land and available sunlight. Conservatives might argue that psychotic socio-economic extremes of poverty for the many and wealth for the few are necessary to preserve the environment from pollution, deforestation, desertification, and desolation of the biosphere that would result if a more equitable share of the wealth of the global culture were given to the many. Conservatives might like to claim that growth of the population of the many is suppressed by concentration of the wealth of the global culture into the hands of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few, and thereby a balance is created in the body consuming biosphere between predator and prey. As a liberal, I challenge the idea that this concentration of wealth into the hands of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few is necessary to preserve the environment from desolation, degradation and destruction by the many. I see the dominance of the global culture by Abrahamic religions as a major contributing factor to the explosive growth of human population in recent history. I think, believe, and expect; that if sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes were deemed by more ideological authorities to be an acceptable and honorable alternative to sex for procreative purposes; then human population would naturally stabilize at a level that would provide the best outcomes for the human and natural environments both now and into the indefinite future. Some theistic negativists believe the secular state tries to take over the role of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Some theistic negativists believe making of laws that protect human rights and cause redistribution of wealth to be a plot by the state to marginalize aggressive ideological traditions that have traditionally cared for the poor and destitute and take a role the state was never intended to take: the role of the good one in Heaven. Is it so bad that there is a state to enforce laws and protect human rights? I believe that it is the responsibility of we the people to impose order of state law and government upon the chaos of a body consuming biosphere divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey. A mercenary plutocratic predatory few prey upon the many of our global culture. I believe that it is the responsibility of we the people to impose order of state law and government upon the chaos of a shakedown of epic proportions that some call a global war on terror and prevent the many from being preyed upon by punishing religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion. Some would argue that because of support provided by a welfare state; people who would not otherwise be able to; are having families; and that this redistribution of wealth by the state interferes; with the on going process of survival of the fit; and sacrifice of the lacking. Firstly, how can we possibly know that these people would not otherwise be able to have families; or that the state interferes with the on going process of survival of the fit and sacrifice of the lacking? Secondly, maybe if conservative ideological authorities were not so busy leading communities of faithful believers to channel all sexual energy into sex for procreative purposes; and instead provided leadership, education, and entertainment about sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes that made these practices honorable, acceptable, and safer; then maybe some of these people would find an alternative outlet for their sexual energy. I do not think that the problem is the government providing for the common welfare or the welfare state. Providing social security creates population stability. We have seen this in modern industrialized countries. Not providing social security motivates people to have large extended families to achieve and maintain social security and this practice when wide spread leads to exponential population growth. We have seen this in many modern developing countries. Having large extended families to achieve and maintain social security is the method advocated by aggressive ideological traditions that lead communities of faithful believers to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated to out work, out fight and out number competition in a race to Armageddon. I do not believe social insecurity
is compatible with a society dependent upon a sophisticated technological
infrastructure to support the survival of its people. We are out on a
technological limb that makes us vulnerable to terrorist attack. The submissive,
the meek will inherit the Earth. That is: Those who submit to a standard of
conduct that best produces happiness and health will survive to inherit the
Earth. Maybe people who are seduced by the adrenaline rush of violence will
eliminate themselves in wars sold with a myth about the existence of one
totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil
one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I believe it is possible to make a more equitable distribution of the wealth of the global culture and at the same time preserve the environment in health far into the future: If the many will reject religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion; and accept spiritual leaders who repeat the truth that myth is myth and a desire to be happy and healthy in defense of a belief in the one myth that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; then I believe it is possible to make a more equitable distribution of the wealth of our global culture. If the many will reject religious leaders that lead communities of faithful believers to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers running a race towards Armageddon and accept spiritual leaders that lead communities of faithful believers to behave like friendly, homotolerant, peacemakers, then I believe it is possible to make a more equitable distribution of the wealth of our global culture and at the same time preserve the environment in health far into the future. I believe it is possible for the many of our global culture to achieve and maintain happiness and health. We can provide education that makes sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes as well as sex for heterosexual and procreative purposes honorable, acceptable, and safer. We can have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality: We can believe that all souls are, have always been and always will be free in the infinite love, divine grace and eternal unity of the spirit. While conservatives undoubtedly will continue to motivate communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight and out number competition by spreading the fear of self and hatred of others that follows from heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic negativism, I believe there will also always be those such as myself who negate their negativism and arrive at an inspired celebration of the liberal love of self and world that follows from healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic spiritization of the existence of one totality taken to it's logical extreme.
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