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LXXIII. Great Numbers Of MindsIt is in a cultural environment of tolerance that I find the freedom to express my own point of view. A cultural environment of tolerance follows from acknowledging that an infinite number, diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one totality are made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery; and follows from punishing as criminal liars those religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion. I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex are smart enough to know that the lie that myth is truth is good for their protection racket. Therefore, I expect that the mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex do all that they can; to give generously to religious leaders that repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion; and insure that the rights of liars to engage in fraud, threat making and extortion are respected by the people of free societies. Thereby I believe the mercenary plutocratic predatory few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex insure; that the pool of religious extremists is continually renewed; that the people of free societies continually have to contend with terrorist threats and attacks; and that their offers of a promise of protection from terrorist attack in exchange for gold are always accepted. In essence I am describing religious leaders who repeat the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion nested within a shakedown of epic proportions some call a global war on terror. If the many apply an understanding and knowledge of the laws of cause and effect predicting the behavior, fate, and destiny of matter and energy of the known universe to the problem of liberating themselves from living under the authority, power, order, and control of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few; then maybe the many of our global culture will be liberated from the few. Maybe where there is a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few dominating a government corrupted by commerce, the many who are eligible may vote to cause the effect of taking authority, power, order, and control over their lives away from wealth concentrated in the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. Maybe wealth attracts power and power attracts wealth. Maybe as long as extremes between wealth and poverty remain exaggerated the many of our global culture will have difficulty with government giving undue influence over decision making and policy to wealth concentrated into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. Maybe as long as wealth attracts power and power attracts wealth, the many will have difficulty ridding government of unfair political advantages bought and paid for by wealth concentrated into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. Maybe as long as wealth derived from extortion is rewarded with low taxes, the many will suffer a subsistence level existence made worse by bad leadership, education, and entertainment. I believe a part of the solution to the dilemma created by concentration of wealth into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few is a redistribution of wealth from those who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of the beast of a military industrial complex to the many. I believe a solution to the dilemma created by the attraction of wealth to power and power to wealth would be for the many to empower representatives to use their legislation and institutions of government to redistribute wealth from the mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex to the many. I believe in this way the many would no longer be threatened and endangered by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few that; 1. Provide wealth necessary to promote aggressive ideological traditions amongst communities of faithful believers and thereby gain control over the message and standard of conduct proclaimed by conservative ideological authorities to be based on the will of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. 2. Choose to patronize those conservative ideological authorities that spread a message that best satisfies their plutocratic need and aspiration to achieve and maintain authority, power, order and control over the state. 3. Lead members of communities of faithful believers to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated to out work, out fight and out number competition in a race to Armageddon and thereby expand the global population to the point where the many are living a subsistence level existence. 4. Lead the many of our global culture to fight in a continuous series of plutocratic wars; and thereby concentrate the wealth of the global culture into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few and consolidate authority, power, order and control of the few over the many. I believe the many lose to the few in three out of four ways. I believe the many lose to the few if the way of the many is inhibition to love. I believe the many lose to the few if the way of the many is inhibition to hate. I believe the many lose to the few if the way of the many is freedom to hate. I believe the many win with the few if the way of the many is freedom to love. A way for me to proceed to motivate the many to celebrate liberation from the few is to make myself and others consciously aware of dangers presented to the global culture as a whole by concentration of wealth into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. Maybe if I succeed in making the many of free societies consciously aware of this cycle of violence perpetuated against the environments, properties, and lives of the many by sets of mercenary, plutocratic, predators, ruling states of our global culture and; if I make the many of free societies consciously aware that through this cycle of violence a beast of a military industrial complex grows stronger draining money, morale, and resources of all nations as it preys upon lives; then maybe I would succeed in convincing many of our global culture to use discovery of truth and knowledge of theory about laws of cause and effect predicting the behavior, fate, and destiny of the matter and energy of our known universe to take authority, power, order, and control over their own lives away from a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few that perpetuate a cycle of violence in a shakedown of epic proportions some call a global war on terror. Maybe in so doing, the many of our global culture would act to starve a beast of a military industrial complex. Maybe a beast of a military industrial complex could be starved if subjects demand that the state create money and use some to buy back debt. Maybe if banks were at the same time required to raise fractional reserves on loans in proportion to the quantity of money created by the state then the money supply would be stable during a transitional period. The intermediate good to be used as money need not have any intrinsic value so long as the state passes tender laws to make it legal and creates an amount of money limited to the amount subjects need to carry on trading. The money will be backed by the value of the labor and property that the state can confiscate through taxes, and by the full faith and credit of the state. There is no need to return to a so called gold standard and doing so might create great economic hardship for the many because most gold was long ago collected into the hands of the private shareholders of a beast of a military industrial complex. I believe starving a beast of a military industrial complex can be dangerous. I believe that being a dragon slayer can be perilous. I believe if the many of free societies take authority, power, order and control over the lives away from a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few that perpetuate this cycle of violence within the global culture; and act to starve a beast of a military industrial complex; then response of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few may be to use the latest technologies offered by a beast of a military industrial complex to organize a catastrophic defeat of the many of free societies who have taken authority, power, order, and control over their own lives. A catastrophic defeat of the many by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few is now possible. Maybe a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex will invent and or use a germ or virus to cause a world wide epidemic and wipe out the vast majority of the many of our global culture. Maybe a global nuclear war will bring about a catastrophic defeat. Maybe all that would be required is that a nuclear weapon be detonated in the vicinity of a super volcano. A super volcano is formed in the crust over a hot spot on the molten magma globe we call Earth. It consists of a gigantic underground chamber filled with hot liquid magma and dissolved gases trapped under extremely high pressure. Scientists have discovered that the super volcano in Yellowstone National Park has erupted about every 600,000 to 800,000 years for the last couple of million years and it has not erupted in over 600,000 years. This discovery implies that the super volcano in Yellowstone National Park may be due for another eruption. Should a nuclear weapon be detonated in the vicinity of a super volcano then the resulting explosion would not only send powerful shock waves through the structure of the magma chamber but would also raise the temperature of the contents of the magma chamber and thereby increase pressure. The combination of shock waves; increase in temperature and increase in pressure; might be enough to trigger an eruption of a super volcano. If an eruption of a super volcano were to occur; then suddenly the liquefied molten magma and dissolved gases held under tremendous pressure inside the magma chamber of the super volcano would be released in geysers at multiple sites. Scientists have been able to apply their understanding of the physical laws of cause and effect that predict the behavior, fate and destiny of matter and energy in the known universe to estimate that such geysers of liquefied molten magma and dissolved gases would likely shoot plumes up to fifty kilometers from the surface of the Earth into the stratosphere. Large chunks of debris would come reigning down over areas many miles away from eruption sites. The entire surface of the Earth would be covered in ash. Smoke and noxious gases would fill the atmosphere blocking off sun light, and this would lower temperature on the order of ten degrees Celsius or more. Most plant life would die off due to hostile conditions created by cooling of their environments, lack of sun light and or acid rain. Without plant life animal life dies and so too would most of the many of our global culture. The U.S. government has announced plans to develop a nuclear weapon that drills under ground for the purpose of attacking those enemies that would build bunkers deep under ground to protect themselves from a sustained nuclear attack on the surface. If such 'Bunker Buster' technology should fall into the hands of those interested in dealing a catastrophic blow to the many of our global culture then it might only be a matter of time before the United States would have to deal with the aftermath of a super volcano explosion. Such an attack could also come as a result of a challenge by another state to the United States dominant status within the global culture. Although the entire global culture would suffer in the advent of a super volcano eruption, no state would suffer more than the United States of America. The mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few have built an underworld made up of a set of underground cities and or bunkers where in the aftermath of a nuclear war or other such global cataclysms might be waited out in relative comfort. If a super volcano erupts or global nuclear war breaks out then the immediate effect on the health of the many of our global culture would be devastating. In the long term, the debris released by a super volcano eruption would tend to fertilize the earth with ash while the debris released by nuclear warfare would tend to sterilize the earth with radioactive fallout. Within the underground cities of the under world might be found the seed of the next over world; the men and women and genetic material necessary to restock the over world and begin again the process of concentrating the wealth of the global culture into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few by using religious blackmail to drive communities of faithful believers to again out work, out fight, and out number competition in a race to Armageddon. If everything is justified in the minds of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few by a conflict between good and evil, or a theory of evolution, or a profit in the market or all of the above and the many allow the wealth of the global culture to concentrate into the hands of this mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few then I expect the mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few might feel free to deal a catastrophic defeat to the many in the form of a nuclear war and or super volcano eruption should the many become too great a threat to the authority, power, order, and control imposed upon the global culture by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. There are trillions of asteroids and comets caught in the suns gravitational field. Most of these bodies travel along elliptical orbital paths around the sun that do not intersect with the Earth's path and so most of these bodies pose virtually no threat to life on Earth. A relatively small number of the total number of asteroids and comets do have orbital paths that cross the Earth's path. Very rarely, one or more these objects collide with Earth. Earth has been hit by asteroids and comets many, many times over the thousands of millions of years that the Earth has been orbiting the sun. Given enough time, a celestial body such as an asteroid or comet will again be on a collision course with Earth. Survival of the human species and even survival all macroscopic life forms on the surface of the Earth may depend upon our collective ability to recognize the imminent danger of an asteroid or comet collision and use our tools to protect the surface of the Earth. If we as a species become too preoccupied with out working, out fighting and out numbering competition in a race to Armageddon then one day the human species may be dealt a devastating blow to it's survival by an asteroid or comet on a collision course with Earth. It could also come to pass that a beast of a military industrial complex might use an asteroid or comet as a weapon guided in from outer space. If an massive body were to collide with the Earth then the impact could generate an explosive force many times greater than would be generated by the simultaneous detonation of thousands of atomic bombs. Massive bodies move through space with kinetic energy and when one strikes the earth much of the kinetic energy is then transformed into thermal energy. After one hits the earth in a spot calculated with scientific precision to neutralize an enemy, who would be able to say the event was anything more than an act of god? Even if in reality, a beast of a military industrial complex used sophisticated technology to guide a massive body into a collision course with an enemy. Imagine the propaganda value of such an impact: Some might spin events so as to proclaim that god smites their enemies with massive bodies from outer space. Some might spin events so as to proclaim that a good one in Heaven has judged the many to be evil and is punishing the global culture as a whole with massive bodies from outer space. I believe like all life forms, plutocrats and subjects play dual roles of predator and prey in primal conflicts that divide our body-consuming biosphere of limited dimensions and characterize the drama of life and death, game of survival and sacrifice, and test of success and failure. Some play their roles in ‘a civilized lawful way'. Some play their roles in ‘an uncivilized lawless way'. Either way, I expect a primal conflict between predator and prey continues to manifest within our global culture in a number, variety and diversity of ways only limited by our creative abilities and powers of imagination. Either way, I expect a primal conflict between predator and prey continues to feed off of pressures created when drives of seed bodies to expand numbers and survive run up against limits imposed by our body consuming biosphere. I believe there are great numbers of minds available to labor on finding solutions to problems created when drives of seed bodies to expand numbers and survive run up against the limited dimensions of our body consuming biosphere. Maybe we could overcome these limits by changing our models of the existence of one totality. Maybe we could apply new truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery to the old problem of achieving and maintaining a global culture of sufficient technological sophistication to support continued expansion of our numbers. Maybe with each new technological breakthrough, new sets of plutocrats emerge and nations of our global culture move out further on to a technological limb. Maybe from out on this technological limb it may become possible for plutocrats to lead our global culture to expand our numbers to the stars of our galaxy and beyond. Maybe an ancient dream of conforming to a standard of conduct that will lead us to Heaven and keep us from Hell would be realized as a technological dream of conforming to a standard of conduct that will allow some seed bodies to escape eventual destruction of the Earth by our sun and "colonize the heavens" by visiting other planets revolving around the other stars of our galaxy and beyond. Maybe from out on this technological limb it may become possible for our global culture to suffer. Maybe catastrophic change caused by natural and or man-made disasters could render our technological limbs broken. Maybe consequences of broken technological limbs would be death of those unable to adapt to catastrophic change.I think, believe and expect that the many can transform the politics, economies and religions of our global culture such that extortion, intimidation and fear of military power play a lesser role and friendship, liberation and faith in divine power play a greater role. However transformation of the politics, economies and religions of our global culture is made difficult for the many by extortion, intimidation and fear of military force used by the current dominant state. Since before the establishment of the Roman Empire, extortion, intimidation and fear of military power have played a greater role in politics, economies and religions of our global culture and friendship, liberation and faith in divine power have played a lesser role. Dominant states throughout the history of states have used extortion, intimidation and fear of military force to acquire valuable goods and services from submissive states virtually free of charge or at a great discount. If the citizens of the current dominant state recognize that no state in the history of states has ever achieved and maintained a lasting military superiority; and acknowledge the possibility that some day citizens of the current dominant state might find themselves and their families subject to the politics, economics and religions of a new dominant state; then maybe the citizens of the current dominant state will lead a movement to transform the politics, economies and religions of our global culture so that friendship, liberation and faith in divine power play a greater role and extortion, intimidation and fear of military power play a lesser role. Certainly the citizens of the current dominant state are in a unique position to lead such a movement. Politics, economies and religions where in extortion, intimidation and fear of military power play a greater role and friendship, liberation and faith in divine power play a lesser role create a socioeconomic stratification of the global culture characterized by psychotic extremes of poverty and wealth. If the citizens of the current dominant state are willing to acknowledge the gross inequity created by a socioeconomic stratification of the global culture characterized by psychotic extremes of poverty and wealth, then maybe citizens of the current dominant state will resolve to lead a movement to transform the politics, economies and religions of our global culture so that friendship, liberation and faith in divine power play a greater role and extortion, intimidation and fear of military power play a lesser role.
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