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LXXIX. Infinite One
I affirm the
limitations of the existence of discovery. I affirm the limitless possibilities of the
existence of mystery. I love to take healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic,
spiritization to its’ logical extreme. From amongst all
the myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery; I choose to ornament my model of the existence of one
totality with a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality that if
and when believed by me to be true produces in my mind emotional balance that is
conducive to happiness and health in my life. I choose to devote my energy, space,
and time to a most optimistic myth that if and when believed by me to be true
enables me to have the
highest esteem of the existence of one totality. I choose to believe in a most
optimistic myth about the existence of an infinity,
divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying
entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit.
I believe the known universe is imperfection willed into existence by our infinite spirit for the divine eternal entertainment of souls. I believe the known universe is limited in energy, space, and time. I think, believe, and expect that our soul spirit is limitless in energy, space, and time. I differentiate between our infinite, divine, eternal, one; and our universe. I think, believe, and expect that our infinite, divine, eternal, one; is mysterious creator and known universe is a discovered creation. I differentiate between universal, state, and natural laws of cause and effect; and spiritual laws of love and freedom. I think, believe, and expect that universal, state, and natural laws of cause and effect determine the fates and destinies of our fractal, infernal, temporal, seed bodies. I think, believe, and expect that spiritual laws of love and freedom determine the fates and destinies of our divine eternal souls. I believe spiritual laws of
love and freedom are a product of speculation upon the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery. Maybe each soul is free to make up the mind of a life form
about the existence of one totality and about those spiritual laws, if any, that
might apply
to self in any given situation. I am aware of my freedom to make up my mind about
those spiritual laws, if any, that might apply to me in any given situation. I choose to believe that
spiritual laws of love and freedom apply in every situation. I choose to speculate about
the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery in a most optimistic manner that enables me to have the
highest esteem of the existence of one totality. Belief in the myth of a soul spirit is the result of
my efforts to speculate about the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery in a most optimistic manner that
enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. Powerful emotional responses
of joy, faith and love that follow from the mystery of the divine immunity and
eternal life of the soul spirit balance the powerful emotional responses of
sorrow, fear and anger that follow from the discovery of the impending
abominable disease and infernal death of my seed body. A balance of emotional
responses within my mind results in a state of happiness. I create within my
mind a standard of conduct based on universal, state, and natural laws of cause and
effect that is most likely to produce the most powerful physiological responses of health possible. I create
within my mind a standard of conduct based on spiritual laws of love and freedom that
produces emotional balance within my mind that is conducive to happiness and
health in my life. I
converge upon a comprehensive standard of conduct that best produces happiness
and health. I believe our spirit views all
conduct as entertainment. I
think, believe and expect that the conduct
of our seed bodies during a brief life time on the material plane is of no consequence to
the fates and destinies of our divine eternal souls. I believe upon the death of
fractal infernal temporal seed bodies, divine eternal souls may choose to travel through
the existence of one totality to another point in our infinite body and live again
in another life form in another point in energy, space, and time in another large universe
of the correct kind to support living, infernal, fractal, entities. I believe upon the death
of fractal, infernal, temporal, seed bodies; divine eternal souls may also choose to
watch life go on from 'the other side'; vicariously enjoying entertainment created by
others. I believe our choices are perfect expressions of spiritual laws of love and
freedom. I think, believe, and expect that our spirit is both willing and able to provide infinite love, divine freedom and eternal grace to each and every soul in creation. I think, believe, and expect that I choose to be the life form that I want to be from lifetime to lifetime based on the alien infinite magnitude of my soul and in accordance with spiritual laws of love and freedom. I believe the meaning of life is living. The purpose of living is enjoyment of entertainment. I believe the kind of behavior that is acceptable to our infinite divine eternal one is any. This spiritual freedom
does not guarantee material success. I expect that
material success requires that I devote energy, space, and time to
study and analysis of standards of conduct enforced by systems of reward and punishment
established by universal laws of cause and effect determining fates and destinies of our
seed bodies. I discover these universal
laws of cause and effect by means of the scientific method. I find the truth about
universal laws of cause and effect that determine the fate and destiny of my seed body
through a process of creating a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an explanation for
the behavior, fate and destiny of some part of the existence of one totality that helps me to make predictions about the future condition of
some aspect of the existence of one totality. I make observations of the
behavior, fate and destiny of some part of the existence of one totality in experiments
designed to test predictions I make using a hypothesis. If observations made in
experiments designed to test predictions I make using a hypothesis are always
correct about the behavior, fate and destiny of some part of the existence of
one totality, then I accept a hypothesis
as a theory. A theory is a hypothesis that accurately explains observations and makes
predictions about the behavior, fate and destiny of some part of the existence
of one totality. I also rely on the work of scientists. Scientists make theories to predict
the future conditions of the existence of one totality. From their work, knowledge of universal laws of
cause and effect have been discovered. Universal laws of cause and effect predict
accurately the fate and destiny of matter and energy in the known universe. The matter and
energy in the known universe includes the matter and energy of my fractal infernal
temporal seed body. Scientifically reproducible discovery has revealed that universal laws
of cause and effect predict accurately the behavior, fates and destinies of our fractal infernal
temporal seed bodies. State laws exist as
a subset of universal laws. State laws of cause and effect predict the behavior,
fate and destiny of citizens.
State laws govern distribution and exploitation of resources of a nation. Maybe state laws
are a product of a legislative process dominated by an alliance of the most powerful
predators within any given society. I may discover laws of state. Maybe a state makes
available to citizens and other language speaking peoples, documents that describe laws of
state in libraries or other public facilities. Maybe laws of state function like a
contract that binds citizens of a nation together. Maybe respect for the freedom of citizens
to make up their own minds about a state, its’ authorities and its’ laws causes a
state to converge upon behavior capable of best satisfying the needs and aspirations of
citizens to achieve and maintain health and happiness. Maybe respect for the freedom
of state authorities to make up their own minds about citizens causes citizens to converge
upon behavior capable of best satisfying the needs and aspirations of a state to be
established with authority, power, order and control. I expect laws of natural
selection are a subset of universal laws. Laws of natural selection predict the outcome of
the conflict between predator and prey in a body-consuming biosphere. Laws of natural
selection establish a system that rewards fitness with survival, and punishes lacking with
sacrifice. I expect selection is parental, communal, predatory and sexual in
nature. Maybe we make natural selections in favor of beauty, fertility, symmetry,
intelligence, dexterity, strength, endurance, persistence, consciousness, ability and
activity. Maybe we make natural selections against ugliness, infertility, asymmetry,
dullness, clumsiness, weakness, exhaustion, resignation, unconsciousness, disability and
passivity. Maybe seed bodies demonstrating favorable attributes are more likely to be
rewarded with high status in society, and energy, space, and time required to act upon
drives of the seed to create, and the body to survive. Maybe seed bodies demonstrating
unfavorable attributes are more likely to be punished with low status within society, and
lack of energy, space, and time required to act upon drives of the seed to create and
the body
to survive. I achieve and maintain happiness by devoting my energy, space, and time to thoughts, beliefs, and expectations that follow from a model of the existence of one totality made up of a balance of ideas: Powerful emotional responses of joy, faith and love that follow from the mystery of the divine immunity and eternal life of the soul spirit balance the powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and anger that follow from the discovery of the impending disease and death of the seed body. This balance of emotional responses I call happiness. I think, believe,
and expect that to best satisfy a
need and aspiration to achieve and maintain health requires that I apply truth
and knowledge about universal, state, and natural laws of cause and effect to the creation of a
standard of conduct the best produces the most powerful physiological responses of
health possible. I think, believe, and expect that to best satisfy a need and aspiration to achieve and maintain happiness requires I apply myth and fantasy about spiritual laws of love and freedom to the creation of a standard of conduct that best produces powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love. I discover universal,
state and natural laws of cause and effect; and join these with spiritual laws of love and
freedom to formulate a comprehensive standard of conduct for myself. |
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