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Conceptual Change Over
time, the shadow of myth and fantasy based on mystery has receded in the light of truth and knowledge
of theory based
on scientifically reproducible discovery. Maybe many of the most dramatic events
that were formally believed by primitive societies to demonstrate the activities
of a masculine, obvious, discovered, good one in Heaven; have been explained
with scientifically reproducible discovery by modern societies to be events that
are based on predictable patterns, physical laws, and properties of the known
universe. Maybe earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, lightening, thunder,
tornados, hurricanes, floods, plagues, movements of sun, moon, planets and stars
in the heavens and other awesome displays of power that previously had been
attributed to the activity of a masculine, obvious, discovered good one in
Heaven, are now increasingly being explained by means of scientifically
reproducible discovery as natural phenomenon. Maybe as discovery of truth and knowledge
of theory based on scientifically reproducible
discovery has grown exponentially; the mystery of myth and fantasy about
existence of an active, obvious, discovered,
masculine, good one in Heaven has begun to take a smaller role within the popular
conception of the function of the known universe. Maybe the popular conception of the role of the spirit in the functions of the known universe has changed; from a role that is active, obvious, and discovered; to a role that is passive, hidden, and mysterious. Truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery leaves open the possibility; that the spirit may act to set the universe in motion; and once the universe is in motion, the spirit becomes passive, hidden, and mysterious. I think, believe, and expect; that the inorganic parts of our universe function according to laws of cause and effect inherent within the design of our universe. I think, believe, and expect; that the organic parts of the universe also function according to laws of cause and effect that follow from the design of our universe, except that divine eternal souls select the wills that manifest in the conscious minds of the fractal infernal temporal seed bodies that make up the organic parts of our universe. I think, believe, and expect; that the role of a divine eternal soul is to ride a fractal infernal temporal seed body, get inside the mind, and guide the conscious will. Maybe from within a universe that for the most part plays according to its’ own rules; the spirit of an infinite divine eternal one experiences the entertainment derived from the drama of life and death; by way of our divine eternal souls. I
believe the
design of such a universe might be roughly analogous in an infinitely more
elaborate way to video games that are often designed to allow a user to control
the actions and therefore the conscious will of a computer generated
three-dimensional entity. Maybe some functions are under my conscious control
and others the software handles automatically for me. Maybe the same is true
within the universe. Maybe some functions such as those responsible for
expression of will made by a fractal infernal temporal seed body through
conscious thought, feeling, and action are under the voluntary control of a divine
eternal soul. Maybe other functions are under the involuntary control of the
laws of cause and effect that predict the behavior, fate and destiny of matter
and energy of the known universe. The difference between playing a video game and playing the cosmic game is: When playing a video game I am aware of a world outside of the video game. When playing the cosmic game I am not aware of a world outside of the cosmic game. When playing the cosmic game each of us confines our awareness of existence to a conscious mind that may be generated by ordering the chaos of an unconscious mind created by a body that lives and dies. I think, believe and expect that by confining our awareness of existence to conscious minds that may be generated by ordering the chaos of unconscious minds created by bodies that live and die; we gain the enjoyment of entertainment derived from the existence of discovery and mystery; drama of life and death; conflict of predator and prey; game of survival and sacrifice; test of success and failure; catharsis of comedy and tragedy; sensation of pleasure and pain; and wide range of thought, feeling and action possibilities. Now if:
infinite, divine, eternal, one is the hardware.
Seed body of self and fractal infernal temporal universe is the software;
3. And divine eternal soul spirit of self operates a user interface controlling the
conscious will of seed body of self; Then
how could I conceive of the idea of an alien divine eternal soul that rides
a fractal infernal temporal seed body, gets inside the mind, and guides the
conscious will?
I could conceive of these ideas if my divine eternal soul chose to take thought
and feeling possibilities made available by the software, that is my fractal
infernal temporal seed body and universe, and string these together into a train
of thought that reveals these ideas to me: I believe it is by personal divine revelations
of spiritual knowledge that I conceive of these ideas. In addition, how could I conceive of what I may find beyond the fractal infernal temporal software? How could I think that there is an infinite divine eternal hardware beyond the software, both generating the software and sending our divine eternal souls to operate the user interfaces controlling the voluntary functions of our fractal infernal temporal seed bodies? I could conceive of what there is to be found beyond the fractal infernal temporal software if my divine eternal soul chose to take thought and feeling possibilities made available by the software and string these together into a train of thought that reveals these ideas to me: I believe that through personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge I conceive of these ideas. I think, believe, and expect that I have experienced such personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge; and that these personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge are true, because to do so produces in my mind powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love. Powerful emotional responses of joy, faith and love that follow from the mystery of the divine immunity and eternal life of the soul spirit balance powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and anger that follow from the discovery of the impending disease and death of my fractal infernal temporal seed body. I will produce emotional balance within my mind in order to experience happiness and health in my life. As any competent scientist would correctly point out; without objective evidence that leads by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that my personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge are true, I cannot claim to know that these personal divine revelations are true. I would like to be able to point to objective evidence that leads by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that my personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge are true because such support would give far greater credibility to my extreme myths and fantasies about existence. Giving far greater credibility to my extreme myths and fantasies about existence would in turn make much more powerful the emotional responses of joy, faith, and love produced when these extreme myths and fantasies about existence are believed to be true. I believe that in the absence of objective evidence that leads by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that my personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge are true; I have no other choice but to accept that my intuition and judgment are my reasons for believing that my personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge are true. My intuition and judgment are informed by completely new fields of scientific research that address the relationship between emotions and physical health. This scientific research seems to affirm the theory that optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about existence have a positive influence on our health. Our various health behaviors, our immune functions, and our biochemical functions are believed by scientists to be improved by our optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about existence in ways that make our bodies more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing disease. Being positivistic, I refer to the product of these personal divine revelations as extreme myths and fantasies that when thought, believed, and expected to be true; produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. The presence of evidence in the form of the universe leads by valid logical inductive inference to an infinite number, diversity and variety of conclusions that we call myths about existence. I interpret the universe as evidence in support of a most optimistic myth about existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, infinite body, infinite soul, and infinite spirit. The universe could also be interpreted as evidence in support of a pessimistic myth about existence of a finite world. Both possibilities rely upon valid logical inductive inferences. I don't know whether one or the other is true. Universal laws of cause and effect predict the behavior, fate, and destiny of matter and energy. I think, believe, and expect that a perceptible violation of universal laws would be required to make fantastic wishes like age reversal, resurrection, and eternal life in the flesh come true. Maybe this would be like going into the hardware of a computer, and changing the software of a video game to affect the outcome. The result would be that I would no longer be playing the same game. Maybe from the point of view of my divine eternal soul, such a perceptible violation of the integrity of design of the game of survival and sacrifice would be an unnecessary intervention on behalf of a fractal infernal temporal seed body that was never meant to survive beyond its’ natural lifecycle. I
believe, and expect existence would not be nearly as entertaining if I could find
scientific evidence that by logically valid deductive inference proves or
disproves my ideas about the existence of divine eternal parts of self and world
that I call soul and spirit. Because I
cannot find scientific evidence that by logical valid deductive inference proves
or disproves my ideas about the existence of my divine eternal soul spirit, I
never know what to think, believe, and expect about the existence of one
totality. I always
choose what to think, believe, and expect about the existence of one totality. I think, believe, and expect that my choices
best satisfy a common need and aspiration to achieve and maintain happiness and health. |
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