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Source of Gender Imagery
For some gnostic theists, the source of gender imagery is a myth about the existence of exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that are true. Guided by a myth about the existence of exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that are true, communities of faithful believers assign a masculine gender to a good one in Heaven. Because the masculine good one in Heaven created the Earth, ideological authorities assign a feminine gender to Mother Earth. While the good one in Heaven rules over the known universe, he is at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. According to some communities of faithful believers self organized around Abrahamic religions, Earth is the battleground of a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I am an agnostic theist. My source of gender imagery is also myth. I choose to draw upon myth anchored in Taoist traditions. I assign a masculine gender to the infinite seed because from the infinite seed comes the matter and energy of the known universe and I can use the fractal infernal temporal tools of science to verify that the matter and energy of the known universe exists. Because I can verify the existence of the matter and energy of the known universe with the fractal infernal temporal tools of science, the matter and energy of the known universe has the quality of being obvious and discovered, and this is like the obvious, discovered masculine yang cosmic principle of Taoist traditions. I assign a feminine gender to the infinite spirit because I can not use the fractal infernal temporal tools of science to verify that the infinite spirit exists. Because I can not verify the existence of the infinite spirit with the fractal infernal temporal tools of science, the infinite spirit has the quality of being hidden and mysterious, and this is like the hidden and mysterious feminine yin cosmic principle of Taoist Traditions.
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