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LXXXVIII. House of Ideology Mandala
Now here is a Mandala. A Mandala is a graphic representation of a model of the existence of one totality. With the House of Ideology Mandala, I further decorate my model of the existence of one totality. With the House of Ideology Mandala, I symbolize the competition within the global culture of the dissonant and harmonious ways of expressing the drives of the seed, body, soul and spirit to create, survive, perfect and revive. To create the House of Ideology Mandala, I use combinations of symbols. Some of these symbols I use to make reference to various social and or religious movements prominent within the global culture today. I place these symbols in an unfamiliar configuration in an effort to communicate a new and unfamiliar message. I believe
interpretation of words written in sacred scrolls is changeable. I believe with a change in the way
gnostic theists interpret words written in their sacred scrolls can come a change from
the dissonant way to the harmonious way of expressing drives of the seed, body, soul and spirit to create,
to survive, to perfect and to revive. I believe with a change in the way gnostic theists interpret
the words written in their
sacred scrolls can come a change leading communities of faithful believers away from the
hatred that follows from heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism towards the
love that follows from healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization. Maybe
gnostic theists are strangely
attracted to an interpretation of words written in sacred scrolls that is favored by
communities of faithful believers led by conservative ideological authorities
patronized by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few. I use a variation on the yin yang symbol as the foundation of a House of Ideology Mandala. I make changes in the color design of the yin yang symbol. Instead of the traditional yin yang symbol with a two color design, I use a modified yin yang symbol with a four color design. I use the four colors white, red, black, and gray; to represent the infinite seed, infinite body, infinite soul, and infinite spirit respectively. The colors white, red, black, and gray also represent the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit to create, survive, perfect, and revive. I believe the heterofascism of creator worldview offers a way of expressing the drive of the seed to create that is in dissonance to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I believe the homotolerance of reviver worldview offers a way of expressing the drive of the seed to create that is in harmony with a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I believe the atheism of survivor worldview offers a way of expressing the drive of the body to survive that is in dissonance to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I believe the agnosticism of reviver worldview offers a way of expressing the drive of the body to survive that is in harmony with a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I believe the perfectionism of perfector worldview offers a way of expressing the drive of the soul to perfect that is in dissonance to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I believe the positivism of reviver worldview offers a way of expressing the drive of the soul to perfect that is in harmony with a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I believe the negativism of creator, survivor, and perfector worldviews offer a way of expressing the drive of the spirit to revive that is in dissonance to a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I believe the spiritization of reviver worldview offers a way of expressing the drive of the spirit to revive that is in harmony with a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I place formations of seven symbols within both the red dot and black dot found within this variation of the yin yang Symbol. I place these seven symbols within both red dot and black dot to symbolize competition between two opposing ways of interpreting the words written by gnostic theists in the sacred scrolls of ideological traditions prominent within the global culture today. These two opposing ways of interpreting words written by gnostic theists in the sacred scrolls of ideological traditions prominent within the global culture today lead communities of faithful believers to express the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit in two ways. These two ways of expressing the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit are the dissonant way and the harmonious way. The dissonant way of expressing the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit follows from an interpretation of words written by gnostic theists in the sacred scrolls of ideological traditions that produces heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism. The harmonious way of expressing the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit follows from an interpretation of the words written by gnostic theists in the sacred scrolls of ideological traditions that produces healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization. The red dot represents the seed body of self and infinite body. The configuration of seven symbols within the red dot symbolize interpretations of words written by gnostic theists in the sacred scrolls of ideological traditions that might lead communities of faithful believers to express the hatred the follows from heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism. The black dot represents the soul spirit of self and infinite soul. The configuration of seven symbols within the black dot symbolize interpretations of words written by gnostic theists in the sacred scrolls of ideological traditions that might lead communities of faithful believers to express the love that follows from healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization. Because the black dot represents the soul spirit of self and the infinite soul, I call the configuration of symbols within the black dot; the emblem of soul spirit. Because the red dot represents the seed body of self and the infinite body, I call the configuration of symbols within the red dot; the emblem of seed body. I consider
three of the
seven symbols to be representative of ideological traditions made prominent within the global
culture today by gnostic theists. Ideological authorities propagating these ideological traditions may be call upon by their patrons to lead communities of
faithful believers to act in accord with either yin cosmic principle or yang cosmic principle given the
times, fortunes and circumstances confronting our global culture. Just as their
interpretation of the words written in sacred scrolls is changeable, so the cosmic principle emphasized by these
ideological traditions is changeable and so these symbols appear in both the
emblem of the seed body and the emblem of the soul spirit. Maybe at one point in energy,
space, and time, an ideological tradition might condemn homosexuality as perversity, and at
another point in energy, space and time, the same ideological tradition might celebrate
homosexuality as diversity. Fashions change. An interesting side note is that communities of faithful believers that self organize around the love that follows from healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization have been known to adopt the very same sacred scrolls as are adopted by communities of faithful believers self organizing around the hatred that follows from heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism. Maybe ideological authorities of ancient paternalistic theocracies declared these sacred scrolls to be a perfect declaration of the words, will, ways and law of their good one, as recorded by messengers and prophets of their good one in the book of their good one. Maybe it is possible, now a days, for two different communities of faithful believers to adopt and interpret the same sacred scrolls in two conflicting ways, because these documents are made up of words. Words are abstractions that are interpreted by successful ideological
authorities in a way that best satisfies needs and aspirations of patrons. Maybe if a
mercenary plutocratic predatory few patronizing ideological authorities wish to lead
communities of faithful believers to self-organize around the hatred that
follows from heterofascist,
atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism then ideological authorities
interpret sacred scrolls to satisfy the need and aspiration of patrons; and use the sacred
scrolls to
motivate communities of faithful believers to express hatred. Maybe if a mercenary
plutocratic predatory few patronizing ideological authorities wish to lead communities
of faithful believers to self-organize around the love that follows from healthy, agnostic, positivistic,
nationalistic, spiritization; then ideological authorities
interpret the same sacred scrolls to express love. I offer a report of some conflicting interpretations of the words written by gnostic theists in sacred scrolls of an ideological tradition prominent within the global culture today as an example of how differences of interpretation of sacred scrolls could lead to harmonious and dissonant ways of expressing the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit to create, survive, perfect, and revive. Some ideological authorities tell me that in the past all humanity had to live under the law of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I am told that all were expected to obey the laws of the good one in Heaven perfectly or be condemned to spend all of eternity in Hell with the evil one after judgment day. I am further told everybody fell short of living in perfect conformity with the law so everybody was destine to be condemned. Seeing that everybody fell short, I am informed that a good one in Heaven mercifully sent a demigod; an ancient super hero; a man born of the union of a woman and a good one in Heaven; to be sacrificed in payment for our transgressions. Because of the sacrifice of this demigod, I am told; all who believed in the power of this demigod to save them were saved. Thus this demigod came to be known as a savior. I am further informed that because of the sacrifice of this demigod, a new law replaced the old law. I am told the new law is love. I am further told by some that the only commandments that we have to follow now are love the good one in Heaven; and love thy neighbor as thyself. If members believe practice of some form of ritual such as confession to ideological authorities of transgressions against laws of a good one in Heaven is required in order to obtain forgiveness, then maybe communities of faithful believers create a kind of revolving door where in members may transgress against the old law, confess and be restored to goodness again. Maybe those ideological authorities leading members to have such a belief would then take on a profitable role as intermediaries between the sacred and the profane; a good one in Heaven and communities of faithful believers. This interpretation of the words written in this particular set of sacred scrolls might lead believers to experience something similar to the compassion, forgiveness, freedom, grace, peace, joy and divinity that follows from a love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization of a model of the existence of one totality taken to its' logical extreme. This interpretation of the words written in this particular set of sacred scrolls might lead believers to make a harmonious expression of the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit to create, survive, perfect, and revive. Other ideological authorities tell me a totally different interpretation of words written in the same set of sacred scrolls. I am told the sacrificed demigod did not come to abolish law of their good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth but to fulfill the law. I am told the sacrificed demigod fulfilled the law by living a transgression free life in perfect conformity to the will of a good one in Heaven as earlier prophesied. I am further informed that if I expect to join their sacrificed demigod and their good one in their divine eternal place some call Heaven; avoid being judged evil; and avoid being forced to make payment for transgressions in the form of eternal torment in the final abode of the evil one; an abominable infernal place some call Hell or 'infernus"; then I must accept the spirit of their sacrificed demigod into my heart. I am further told that if I accept the spirit of their sacrificed demigod into my heart, then evidence of presence of the spirit of their sacrificed demigod will manifest in my behavior as an ability to live in obedience to the will, words, way and laws of their good one in Heaven. This kind of interpretation of the words written in this particular set of sacred scrolls might lead believers to experience something similar to the ignorance, guilt, inhibition, disgrace, suffering, sorrow and abomination that follows from the hatred of heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism. This kind of interpretation of the words written in this particular set of sacred scrolls might lead believers to make a dissonant expression of the drives of the seed, body, soul and spirit to create, survive, perfect, and revive. The above example pertains to interpretations of words written by gnostic theists in the sacred scrolls of only one of the three ideological traditions made prominent in our global culture by gnostic theists and represented by three of the seven symbols included within the emblem of the seed body and emblem of the soul spirit. I am suggesting that it is also possible to give different interpretations to the words written in the sacred scrolls of the other two of the three ideological traditions made prominent by gnostic theists. I applaud communities of faithful believers that interpret the words written in sacred scrolls so as to experience something similar to the compassion, forgiveness, freedom, grace, peace, joy, and divinity that follow from a love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization of a model of the existence of one totality taken to it's logical extreme. I applaud communities of faithful believers that interpret the words written in sacred scrolls so as to make a harmonious expression of the drives of the seed, body, soul, and spirit to create, survive, perfect, and revive. In accepting the need for exclusive divine revelations of spiritual truth, does a believer reject the idea that self is able to receive personal divine revelations of spiritual truth? In accepting the idea of limited divine inspiration, does a believer reject the idea of limitless divine inspiration? In accepting the idea of alienation of the many from the good one in Heaven, does a believer reject the divinity of continuous communion between soul and spirit? In accepting the need for leadership by ideological authorities that serve as intermediaries between the sacred and the profane, does a believer reject the idea that everything is sacred? In accepting low esteem of the existence of one totality that follows from a model of the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil, does a believer reject the highest esteem of the existence of one totality that follows from a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit? Maybe if communities of faithful believers wish to live in obedience to the will, words, way, and laws of a good one in Heaven, then they imagine themselves surrendering to a standard of conduct that ideological authorities proclaim to be based on the will, words, way, and laws of a good one in Heaven. Those who choose to believe in a model of the existence of one totality based on interpretations of exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that ideological authorities proclaim to be true, run the risk of surrendering their authority to make up their own minds about the existence of one totality to these same ideological authorities. Maybe in so doing they run the risk of surrendering their wills to a mercenary plutocratic predatory few who patronize ideological authorities that lead communities of faithful believers. Maybe they run a risk that ideological authorities may change their interpretations of the words written in sacred scrolls from something similar to a love that follows from healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization to something similar to a hatred that follows from heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism. Maybe disagreements over interpretations may be interpreted by some; as evidence of evil; and as justification for acts of terror and war. |
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