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XLI. Evidence
The presence of the universe is presence of evidence. The discovery of our universe can be interpreted as the presence of evidence that leads by valid logical inductive inference to the conclusion that our universe is part of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. The discovery of our universe can also be interpreted as the presence of evidence that leads by valid logical inductive inference to the conclusion that our universe is an entity on to itself. Given the limitations imposed upon our senses and perceptions by the alien fractal infernal temporal infinitesimal characteristic attributes of our seed bodies and given the limitations of the alien fractal infernal temporal tools of science, I simply can not know for sure whether our universe is a part of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one or an entity on to itself. The presence of evidence in the form of the universe supports both theories. How is it that finite scientists can use their finite fractal infernal temporal tools to quantify infinity, qualify divinity, measure the duration of eternity, and know all that there is to know about the existence of one totality? They cannot. Just because they cannot does not mean that our universe is an entity on to itself. Maybe it means that an infinity, divinity, eternally, one remains hidden to scientifically reproducible discovery because scientists are too limited in their abilities to gather evidence, make inferences and draw conclusions. Scientists devote much of their energy, space, and time to; using the finite fractal infernal temporal tools of science to gather truth about things we can know; and profiting by applying an understanding. Scientists generally don't concern themselves with myth and fantasy based on mystery in their work. I think, believe, and expect; that a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality is true because I do not know if a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality is true or false and because to think, believe, and expect; that a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality is true enables me to produce in my mind the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about self and the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about world. Powerful emotional responses of joy, faith and love follow from devotion of energy, space, and time to the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about self and the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about world. With powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love, I balance the emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and anger produced by the discovery of the impending disease and death of my seed body. By balancing the emotional forces of the mind, I achieve and maintain happiness.
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