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XLIII. Balance of Emotion and Thought
Devotion of energy, space, and
time; to thoughts, beliefs, and expectations; that follow from the discovery of the probable characteristic attributes
seed body and self; produce in my mind; emotional forces of
sorrow, fear, and anger. Devotion of energy,
space, and time; to thoughts, beliefs, and expectations; that follow from the mystery of
the possible
characteristic attributes of soul spirit and world; produce in my mind; emotional forces of joy, faith, and love. The thought of the soul spirit; described as being divine and eternal; balances the thought of the seed body; described as being fractal, infernal, and temporal. Compassion and ignorance; forgiveness and guilt; freedom and inhibition; grace and disgrace; peace and suffering; joy and sorrow; are dualities of experience that follow from the combination of soul spirit described as being divine and eternal; and seed body described as being fractal, infernal, and temporal. The thought of the world; described as being an infinite one; balances the thought of the self; described as being one of an alienation infinite. Truth and lie; faith and fear; love and hate; unify and divide; create and destroy; heal and stress; are dualities of action that follow from the combination of the world; described as being an infinite one; and the self; described as being one of an alienation infinite. I define a compliment as something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection. Seed body and soul spirit are compliments. Seed body and soul spirit compliment one another in that these complete, make up a whole, and bring to perfection; my model of the content of the existence of one totality. Self and world are also compliments. Self and world compliment one another in that these combine to complete, make up a whole, and bring to perfection; my model of the form of the existence of one totality. By combining the thought of one of the two kinds of content; with the thought of one of the two kinds of form; I create four things I call; seed body of world, seed body of self, soul spirit of self, and soul spirit of world. The thought of the seed body of self; described as one of an alienation, fractal, infernal, temporal, infinite; creates emotional forces of sad sorrow; that balance those emotional forces of glad joy; created by thought of the soul spirit of world; described as an infinite, divine, eternal, one. Thought of the soul spirit of self; described as one of an alienation, divine, eternal, infinite; creates emotional forces of bad anger; that balance those emotional forces of mad fear; created by the thought of the seed body of world; described as an infinite, fractal, infernal, one. From thought of these four things, I create a model of existence that balances the emotional forces of my mind. For each of us, what model and actual existence represent and present are compliments; in that these combine to complete, make up a whole, and bring to perfection; an endless number, diversity, and variety; of possible interactions between self and world. In my efforts to devote energy, space, and time; to the most optimistic ideas about the existence of one totality; and thereby balance the emotional forces of my mind; I must take into account the difference in power of the emotional force generated by the idea of a probable thing; and the power of the emotional force generated by the idea of a possible thing. The emotional force generated by the idea of a probable thing because of the very fact that it may be sensed, perceived, discovered, and known to exist is far more powerful than; the emotional force generated by the idea of a possible thing that may only be imagined, believed, and expected to exist. As a result, the emotional forces of sorrow, fear, and anger produced by the discovery of the probable characteristic attributes of seed body and self are far stronger than the emotional forces of joy, faith, and love produced by the mystery of the possible characteristic attributes of soul spirit and world. I compensate for this inequality. I describe the probable characteristic attributes of seed body and self as limited and I describe the possible characteristic attributes of soul spirit and world as limitless. In this way, I amplify the emotional forces produced by the mystery of the possible characteristic attributes of soul spirit and world to balance the emotional forces produced by the discovery of the probable characteristic attributes of seed body and self. Accordingly, I describe the quality of space and longevity of time inherent in the discovered content of the seed body as limited by use of phrases such as 'fractal', 'infernal' and 'temporal'. I describe the quality of space and longevity of time inherent in the mysterious content of the soul spirit as limitless by use of phrases such as 'divine' and 'eternal'. I describe the quantity of energy and denominator of continuum inherent in the discovered form of self as limited by use of phrases such as 'alien', and ‘infinite’. I describe the quantity of energy and denominator of continuum inherent in the mysterious form of world as limitless by use of phrases such as ‘infinite’ and ‘one’. These truths and myths combine to make up, complete and bring to perfection a description of the content and form of my model of the existence of one totality. In seeking my divine eternal spirit, I seek the emotional balance to my fractal infernal temporal seed body. I believe in seeking our infinite seed body of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities, our soul spirit found the emotional balance to eternal divinity. In seeking the selflessness of our infinite one, I seek the emotional balance to the selfishness of alienation infinite. I believe in seeking alienation infinite, our soul spirit found the emotional balance to infinite oneness. I believe it is true that there can be no happiness without sadness, and there can be no anger without fear. I believe life as a synthesis of divine eternal soul spirit and fractal infernal temporal seed body creates a means of experiencing a range of emotional possibilities and from these emotional possibilities our soul spirit derives entertainment. I experience entertainment derived from the existence of discovery and mystery, drama of life and death, laws of cause and effect, conflict of predator and prey, game of survival and sacrifice, sensation of pleasure and pain and catharsis of comedy and tragedy. I enjoy my freedom to make up my own mind about the existence of one totality from a number, variety, and diversity of positive possibilities only limited by my creative abilities and powers of imagination. |
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