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XLVIII. The Logic
of the Thinking Mind A myth is a set of ideas that can not be verified to be true or false by use of our senses and perceptions. Maybe belief in the myth about existence of only things scientists can find and only things theories predict causes some to mistakenly claim not to believe in any myth about the existence of one totality. Maybe some believe in a pessimistic myth about existence of only things scientists can find and only things theories predict; and wonder: How can I believe in the most optimistic myth about existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit? The answer is: The presence of evidence in the form of the universe leads by valid logical inductive inference to an infinite number, diversity and variety of conclusions that we call myths. The validity of each of these myths about the existence of one totality follows from two definitions of the word valid. The logical definition of the word valid is: Containing premises that may be used to derive a conclusion logically. The presence of evidence in the form of the universe provides premises that may be used to derive by valid logical inductive inference each and every one of the infinite number, diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery. Therefore the logical definition of the word valid leads to the conclusion that each of these myths about the existence of one totality is an equally valid possibility. Another definition of the word valid is producing the desired results. If the desired results are improvement in our various health behaviors, our immune functions, and our biochemical functions by our optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality in ways that make our bodies more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing disease; then optimistic myths about the existence of one totality are more valid and pessimistic myths about the existence of one totality are less valid or even invalid. A capacity to produce the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality; is the basis for choosing to believe in the one myth that enables me; to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and is the basis for choosing not to believe in all other myths about the existence of one totality that are made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery. It is on the basis; of producing the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality; that I suggest to others a belief in the one myth that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. The
following is an example of how I build an argument with premises that
leads by logical valid inductive inference to the conclusion that
an infinite
one creates an infinite number, diversity, and variety of creatures each being endowed with a
fractal infernal temporal seed body and a divine eternal soul spirit: 1. Singular
perfection is lonely, monotonous, repetitive,
predictable and tiresome, therefore an infinity divinity eternally one manifests
for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body,
an infinite soul, and an infinite
spirit. 2. The infinite spirit evaluates all possible combinations
and permutations of energy, space, and time and produces an infinite seed from those
combinations and permutations of energy, space, and time capable of producing Large Universes of
the Correct Kind to Support Living Infernal Fractal Entities or LUCKS LIFE. 3. The Infinite spirit uses this infinite seed to create an
infinite body for an infinite soul. Energies of infinite body and infinite soul are made up the energies of
an infinite number of finite creatures created in the image of an infinite one each
being endowed with a fractal infernal temporal seed body and a divine eternal soul. 4. I believe an infinite spirit
creates entertainment enjoyed by all living infernal fractal entities. The entertainment
enjoyed is derived from the existence of discovery and mystery; drama of life and
death; laws of cause and effect;
catharsis of comedy and tragedy; sensation of pleasure and pain; conflict of predator and
prey; game of survival and sacrifice; test of success and failure; and our freedom
to make up our minds about ourselves and all that we find by choosing from a number, variety, and diversity of possible models of
the existence of one totality only limited by our creative abilities and powers of imagination. I know that the inductive inferences made in the above argument are
valid because if these premises are true then the conclusion would also be true.
However, the premises and conclusion of this argument are neither verifiable nor falsifiable
because my limited abilities to gather evidence, make inferences and draw
conclusions prevent me from being able to quantify infinity, qualify divinity,
measure the longevity of eternity and know all that there is to know about the existence of one totality. My premises and conclusion are myths.
Therefore, I conclude I have built an argument whose premises and conclusion are part of a
myth about the existence of one totality based on what is possible within the realm of mystery that has some chance of being
true. If the truth is that myth is myth, and optimism correlates with happiness and health, then out of an infinite number, diversity, and variety of myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery; the logical choice to make when orienting self towards the world and explaining the world to self is a belief in the one myth that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. The validity of this choice follows from the truth that myth is myth and from the capacity of a belief in the one myth that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality to produce desirable results that are conducive to happiness and health. A belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality is an illogical choice to make when orienting self towards the world and explaining the world to self. The invalidity of this choice follows from the lie that myth is truth and from the capacity of a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality to produce undesirable results that are not conducive to happiness and health. |
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