XVII. Balance,
Compliments, and Synthesis
I believe a key to happiness is
use of complementary ideas to balance emotional forces of the mind. I think of balance as
being a state of equilibrium reached by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing
forces. Force is the capacity to cause change. My thoughts, beliefs, and expectations, act
as forces upon my emotions. My emotions, in turn, act as forces upon my body causing the
release of hormones, increase or decrease of heart rate, shunting of blood flow and
other physiological responses. I devote energy, space, and time, to ideas about
the existence of one totality that balance the emotional forces of my mind. I balance the emotional
force of
any idea of limitation imposed by truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible
discovery, with the emotional force of an idea of limitlessness provided by myth and fantasy
based on the existence of discovery and mystery. I balance the emotional forces of sorrow, fear, and anger, that follow from the truth of the fractal infernal quality and temporal
longevity of my seed body and universe, with the emotional forces of joy,
faith, and love, that follow from the myth of the divine quality and eternal
longevity of my soul and spirit.
and spirit are ideological constructs that follow from taking a love of healthy,
agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization of self and world to its'
logical extreme. Thereby I arrive at and take as a rational default position a
belief in a most optimistic myth about the existence of; things scientists can find;
things theories predict; and everything else that enables us to have the highest
esteem of the existence of one totality. Science has not
discovered truth and knowledge of theory about quantities of energy, qualities of space, lengths of
time, and denominators of continuum that may be characteristic of the existence of
my soul
and spirit. Because discovery of the existence of my soul and spirit is beyond the reach of
science, I may imagine my soul and spirit in the
realm of mystery to have whatever qualities and longevities that are deemed necessary to
balance the emotional forces that are produced by the truth of the fractal infernal
quality and temporal longevity of my seed body and universe.
Given the nearly
limitless range of definitions possible, it is important to stop and think a moment. What
meaning do I give the words soul and spirit? I intend to balance the emotional forces of one
extreme; that of thoughts, beliefs, and expectations, arising from the discovery of the
impending disease and death of my seed body; with the emotional forces of another
extreme; that of
the thoughts, beliefs, and expectations, arising from the mystery of the immunity and
life of
my soul
and spirit. Therefore, I define my soul as the animating force and vital
credited with ordering thoughts, feelings, and actions, that manifest as conscious will in
the mind that is generated by my body. My soul exists as the divine eternal part
of finite self. I
define spirit as the animating force and vital principle credited with the creation and
evaluation of the universe. Spirit exists as the divine eternal part of the infinite
If soul is the
divine eternal part of finite self and spirit is the divine eternal part of infinite
world, then soul spirit is a word meant to convey a sense of the indivisibility of soul
and spirit, and the integrity of the whole. I understand soul spirit of self to be same as
soul. I
understand soul spirit of world to be same as spirit. I believe that soul spirit is
divine. Divine is an adjective that describes the noun soul spirit as being of a quality
that is of the highest order. That is perfect. Soul spirit is eternal. Eternal is an adjective
that describes the noun soul spirit as possessing longevity that is of the highest order. That is
The idea that we must accept the non-existence of
soul spirit as truth because of our failure to be able to use our senses and perceptions
to gather objective evidence that leads by valid logical deductive inference to
the scientifically reproducible discovery that soul spirit exists is without
merit; because the idea of the non-existence of soul spirit is itself a myth.
Use of our senses and perceptions to verify that a myth is true makes no sense
as a criterion for choosing a myth to believe; because myth is myth.
If we recognize that the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery make possible an infinite number, diversity and variety of myths about the
existence of one totality only
limited by our creative abilities and powers of imagination; and we desire to
use ideas that are both possible and imaginable to build a model of the existence of
one totality in our minds that produces emotional balance conducive to happiness and
health; then the logical valid choice for us to make is to believe in the one
myth that enables us; to
have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. That is
to believe in the myth about the existence of divine eternal parts of self and world that I call soul and
Scientists say that we use our senses and
perceptions to gather objective evidence that leads by valid logical deductive
inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that something exists and that is how verification
of the existence of something is achieved. What happens
if there is a failure to achieve verification of the existence of something because of an absence of evidence
that leads by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically
reproducible discovery that something exists? Some
atheistic negativists maintain that in the absence of evidence
that leads by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically
reproducible discovery that something exists and until proven otherwise the rational
default position to take is a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of only things scientists
can find, and only things theories predict. The meaning of the word rational
is logical, sane, and or consistent with or based on reason. The meaning of the
word default is to fail to do something that is required. The something that is
required by scientists is the verification of the truth of the idea that
something exists.
Let's review a few facts: The existence of one totality
is equal to the
existence of discovery plus the existence of mystery. The existence of discovery
is equal to
the sum total of all truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically
reproducible discovery. The existence of mystery is equal to the existence of one totality
minus the existence of discovery. The existence of one totality may be
infinite. Therefore the existence of mystery may be infinite. The existence of discovery
is finite. Take any finite number to represent the existence of discovery and divide by a number approaching infinity to represent the
existence of one totality and the result is a number-approaching zero. In other words, quite
possibly we know next to nothing about everything! As anyone familiar with
science is aware old knowledge of theory may be displaced by new knowledge of
theory. So for some atheistic negativists to conclude that only things that scientists can find, and
only things that theories predict exist is premature to say the least.
The fact of the matter is: The presence of
the universe is presence of evidence. This presence of evidence leads by valid
logical inductive inference to an infinite number, diversity and variety of
conclusions about the existence of one totality that we call myths. The idea
that a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of only things scientists can find,
and only things theories predict is a rational default position to take; merely succeeds
in producing in the minds of some atheistic negativists a belief in a
pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality. If some atheistic negativists want to call it a truth
about the existence of one totality then they need to abide by the rules of deductive reasoning and
eliminate all other possibilities leaving only one definite conclusion.
Otherwise these atheistic negativists are invoking inductive reasoning to build their model
of the existence of one totality and the result is a myth about the existence of one
totality. The burden of proof IS on these atheistic negativists.
This pessimistic myth leads
those who believe it to have pessimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence
of one totality . Scientific research seems to affirm the theory that optimistic
thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality have a positive influence on
our health. Our
optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one
totality are believed by scientists to improve our various health behaviors, our immune functions, and our
biochemical functions in ways that make
our bodies more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing
disease. In light of such research, I have to ask myself: Is building a model of
the existence of one totality that leads to pessimistic thoughts,
beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality really the rational thing to do?
If I choose to take as my rational default position
a belief in the one
myth that enables me; to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; then all other myths that
would lead me to have a lower esteem of the existence of one totality; are eliminated from consideration as
possible default positions until
proven otherwise. For example, the myth about self being divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil; does not
equate with the highest
esteem of the existence of one totality; and therefore this myth is eliminated from consideration as
a possible default position;
until proven otherwise. The myth about the world being divided by a
spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast
down to and ruling over Earth; does not equate with the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and therefore this myth is eliminated from consideration as a
possible default position; until
proven otherwise. The myth that we are all just animals after all; does not
equate with the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and therefore is eliminated from
consideration as a possible default position; until proven otherwise. The myth
that things scientist
can find;
and only things theories predict exist; does not equate with the highest esteem
of the existence of one totality; and therefore is eliminated from consideration as a possible default
position; until proven
otherwise. You see? A default position that leads to the most optimistic
thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality works exactly the same
at eliminating from consideration other possible myths about the existence of one
totality as does a default position that leads to
pessimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one
totality but without the
potential ill mental health effects, ill emotional health effects, and ill
physical health effects.
Some might wonder: How do I deal with the possible follow up assertion?: If I don’t accept a belief in the myth about the existence of only things scientists can find, and only things that theories predict;
as a rational default position to take, then taking any default position can be valid. The beliefs of religious extremists would be
valid as a default position. One meaning of the word valid is:
producing desirable results. How could making the beliefs of religious extremists
a default position produce desirable results? It is a lie to claim that myth is
truth. An affirmation of an ability to know about the existence of a good one in
Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth is a fraud
that follows from the lie that myth is truth. Religious leaders who repeat the
lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraudulent affirmations of an ability
to know; make threats against the life and or afterlife of others. Thereby religious
leaders who repeat the
lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraudulent affirmations of an ability
to know; extort tithes and offerings from communities of faithful believers.
Religious extremists act on those threats by making terrorist attacks. The beliefs of religious extremists produce
terrorist attacks in support of religious leaders that repeat the lie that myth
is truth in defense of their fraud,
threat making, and extortion.
Production of terrorist attacks is not a desirable result; and therefore the beliefs of religious extremists
are not a valid choice of default position. Some might argue that mendacity as a life style is justified in the interests of
crime prevention; while failing to acknowledge that mendacity as a life style is itself a
crime; and a cause of crime. The beliefs of religious extremists produce mendacity as a life style.
Production of mendacity as a life style is not a desirable result; and therefore
the beliefs of religious extremists are not a valid choice of default position .
Truth is an idea or set of ideas that can be verified to be true by
use of our senses
and perceptions. I do not verify an idea to be true by claiming: "Oh I
have sensed or perceived a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down
to and ruling over Earth that only I can sense and perceive; and everybody else
has to take my word for it; because I am special; because of my prestige or
status within society; and or because of the size of the army I can raise to
force others to agree". I verify an idea to be true by using my senses
and perceptions to gather objective evidence that leads by valid logical
deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that an idea is
true. If results I desire to produce
are truthfulness as a lifestyle, then in the presence of evidence in the form of
the universe and until proven otherwise the rational default position to take follows from an
affirmation of an inability to know the unknowable based on the truth that myth
is myth.
I agree with those who declare: It is not
rational to make a fraudulent affirmation of an ability to know the unknowable
based on the lie that myth is truth. Doing so leads religious extremists to make
terrorist threats against the life and or after life of anybody that does not
submit to the authority of religious leaders; and has led to the extortion of
tithes and offerings from communities of faithful believers in exchange for a
life long indoctrination in the lie that myth is truth. Our historical use of
violence to resolve our differences over matters of faith has been and continues
to be a tremendous source of conflict; and could play a role is precipitating
the death of our global culture. The problem with the kind of pessimistic ideas
that some scientists are promoting is: Many people find the emotional unbalance
created by taking their rational default position unacceptable and so turn to religious
leaders who affirm an ability to know the unknowable and claim this ability to
know leads to a belief in the lie that myth is truth.
Out of an infinite number, diversity, and
variety of myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery, some
atheistic negativists make
the arbitrary choice to take as a rational default position a belief in a pessimistic myth about
the existence of only
things scientists can find, and only things theories predict; until proven
otherwise. If the default position is nothing more than an
arbitrary choice of one myth about the existence of one totality out of an infinite number,
diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery, then I should not settle for a choice of rational default position that leads to
a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality.
If the rational default position is nothing more than an arbitrary choice of one myth about
the existence of one totality,
then I should not settle for anything less than a choice of rational default position that leads to
a belief in the most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality; until proven otherwise. Out of an infinite
number, diversity, and variety of myths about the existence of one totality made possible by the existence of
discovery and the existence of mystery, I choose to take as a rational default position a
belief in the one myth that enables me to have the
highest esteem of the existence of one totality; until proven otherwise.
I am going about the task of spreading the idea of the need for
us to take a new default position. The
old default position leads to a belief in the myth about the existence of only things that scientist
can find and only things theories predict; until proven otherwise. This default
position leads to a belief in a myth about the existence of one totality that produces pessimistic thoughts, beliefs and
expectations about self and pessimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about
world. The new default position leads to a belief in a myth about the existence of things scientists can find; things theories predict; and
everything else that enables us to have the
highest esteem of the existence of one totality. This new default position leads to a belief
in a myth about the existence of one totality that produces the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about
self and the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about world.
The old default position accepted and promoted by
some atheistic negativists is: In
the presence of evidence in the form of the universe and until proven otherwise
the rational default position is a belief in the myth about the existence of only things scientist can find; and only things
theories predict. This old default position leads by valid logical inductive
inference to the conclusion that fractal infernal temporal parts of self and
world that I call seed body and universe are all that
exist. The idea that fractal infernal temporal parts of self and world that I
call seed body and universe are all that exist leads
those who take the old default position to have nothing to balance powerful
emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and anger produced by the discovery of the
impending disease and death of their seed bodies. Many people find the emotional
unbalance created by the old default position unacceptable and so turn to
religious leaders who affirm an ability to know the unknowable and claim this
ability to know leads to a belief in the lie that myth is truth. The lie that
myth is truth is the source of the conflict that leads to fighting over matters
of faith. Our historical use of violence to resolve our differences could cause
the death of the body that is our body consuming biosphere.
The new default position I
propose is: In the presence of evidence in the form of the universe and until proven
otherwise the rational default position is a belief in the myth about the existence
of; things scientists can find; things theories predict; and everything else that enables us to have the highest esteem of
the existence of one totality. This new default position leads by valid logical inductive
inference to the conclusion that divine eternal parts of self and world
that I call soul and spirit exist. The idea that divine eternal parts of self and world
that I call soul and spirit exist leads those who take this new default
position to have powerful emotional responses of joy, faith and love; that balance
the powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear and anger; that follow from the
discovery of the impending disease and death of their fractal infernal temporal
seed bodies. I think, believe and expect; that many people will find emotional
balance created by this new default position acceptable and so turn to spiritual
leaders who affirm an inability to know the unknowable based on the truth that myth is myth; and claim a desire to be happy and healthy leads to a belief in
the one myth that enables
us that have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality.
This would take the wind out of the sails of religious leaders who repeat the
lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraud, threat making and extortion. Our
historical use of reason to resolve our differences could preserve the life of
the body that is our body consuming biosphere.