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XXVI. Love
H.A.P.N.S. Taken to Its’ Logical Extreme
What exactly is an extreme? An extreme is either of two values situated at opposite ends
of a range of values. To what range of values am I referring to when I say that
I love to take healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization
of my model of the existence of one totality to its’ logical extreme? I hinted
at this earlier when I said: I
put truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery
in its’ proper place as a finite infernal temporal part of the existence of
one totality that may involve things whose quantities of energy, qualities of
space, lengths of time and denominators of continuum have yet to be discovered;
and may in combination with discovered things constitute the totality of a being
whose characteristic attributes are infinite, divine, eternal, and one without
violating any of the known laws of science.
The existence of discovery limits the values that I may choose for the description of the
characteristic attributes of the
content of seed body and form of self. The existence of discovery does not limit the values that I may choose
for the description of the characteristic attributes of the content of soul spirit and the form of world.
Therefore, I select extreme values for the description of the
characteristic attributes of the content of soul spirit
and form of world that when thought, believed, and expected to be true produce the most
optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about existence. These extreme values will
balance the powerful emotional forces of sorrow, fear, and anger produced by discovery of
the limited values for the description of the characteristic attributes of the content of seed body and form
of self. With my model of existence, I will balance the emotional forces of my mind and
best satisfy a need and aspiration to achieve and maintain happiness and health. |
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