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XXX. Quantity of Energy: Soul Spirit of Self
The soul spirit of
self is the mysterious content of self and is also known as the soul. The quantity of
energy of the soul is that part of the quantity of energy of the spirit devoted to self.
Mystery frees me to imagine that my soul possesses a quantity of energy equal to infinity,
no energy, or a finite quantity of energy. I will address each of these possibilities
I will choose a value to describe the quantity of energy inherent in the being
of my soul
on my goal of using the
most optimistic myth and
fantasy about
the existence of one totality to produce
in my mind emotional balance that is conducive to happiness and health in my
Selection of infinity as the value to describe the quantity of energy inherent in the being of my soul causes problems. If the quantity of energy inherent in the being of my soul were infinite then by now I should have discovered a way to use an infinitesimal part of my own infinite divine eternal energy to create perfect healing, reverse aging and enjoy eternal life and youth in the flesh. If someone else has discovered a way to use an infinitesimal part of their own infinite divine eternal energy to do these things then why does such a person not show him or her self if he or she exists? Are we to believe such immortals are elitists? Are we to believe that such individuals exist as parasites at the expense of ordinary mortals, like vampires? Others have circulated claims to this effect in the annals of myth and fantasy. Yet, no one has been able to produce scientifically reproducible discovery to prove such a miraculous feat as eternal youth, health, and immunity in the flesh exists or is even possible. Instead, scientifically reproducible discovery tells us the seed body is a chaotic dynamic system that follows a natural progression from conception and birth, to death. A lifecycle appears to be irreversible by mere application of force of will. Thus while it may be tempting to attribute to my soul the ability to reverse all misfortune by use of an infinite quantity of energy. Belief in such a myth may lead to guilt, frustration, bitterness, and rejection of such a myth as I inevitably succumb to old age, disease, and death. I find there is not one single individual who can come forward and say 'Here I am. Wonder of the ages. See how I have conquered death! Examine me and discover for yourselves how you may do as well!' without being laughed at as a comedian! There is not a single such comedian who can furnish a world hungry for such good news about immortality and eternal youth with truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery to backup their claims. All that exists are promises dangled cruelly before the diseased and dying masses by predators preying on the weak of body and mind for their own personal enrichment. Investigative reporters of the free press have exposed many religious figures claiming to have such abilities as charlatans. A charlatan is someone who claims to possess knowledge or skill that he or she does not have. Cults of charlatanism seem to prey upon the sick and dying in every community formed by the many of our global culture. Ideological authorities leading cults of charlatanism have been discovered to cruelly dangle false demonstrations of miracles for their own personal enrichment, and conveniently explain away the failure on the part of members of diseased and dying communities of faithful believers to produce similar results in their own lives as a failure of faith. I see even greater
problems with the idea of assigning a value of zero to the quantity of energy inherent in
the being of my soul. This would of course mean that my soul does not exist at all. If I
choose to believe that my soul does not exist at all then I deny the divine eternal essence of
self. If I deny the divine eternal essence of self then I will not be able to produce the most optimistic
thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality. If I do not produce the most
optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about existence, then I will not
be able to produce powerful
emotional responses of joy, faith, and love. If I do not produce powerful
emotional responses of joy, faith and love, then I will not be able to balance
the emotional responses of sorrow, fear and anger produced by the
discovery of the impending disease and death of my seed body. If I do not produce balance
then I will not be able to achieve and maintain happiness. My goal is to devote energy, space, and time to the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality; to thereby produce a balance of the emotional responses of my mind that I call happiness. The emotional responses produced by the idea of a non-existent soul or even an infinite soul of self are out of balance with the emotional responses produced by the idea of a finite seed body. Only by devotion of energy, space, and time to the idea of a finite soul, am I capable of balancing the emotional responses created by the idea of a finite seed body. I imagine that my spirit divides an infinite quantity of energy amongst an infinite number of souls. Infinity divided by infinity is some finite quantity. I expect the quantity of energy inherent in the being of the soul may not be sufficient to produce the order necessary to achieve and maintain dramatic results such as eternal youth, health, and immunity in the flesh. I believe our divine eternal souls act in the drama of life and death, play the game of survival and sacrifice, and experience the existence of discovery and mystery; and in so doing our divine eternal souls enjoy entertainment derived from their freedom in the love of our spirit to order the chaos of minds in bodies that live and die. I believe my soul controls voluntary functions of my seed body while universal laws of cause and effect control involuntary functions of my seed body. I have concluded by process of elimination that the quantity of energy inherent within my soul is finite. I believe the soul is intimately involved in the manifestations of the psychological and emotional condition described as alienation. For this reason, I use the phrase 'alien' to describe the quantity of energy inherent in the soul spirit of self. |
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