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XXXIX. Possible Reasons Why We Can Not Discover Other Universes
I believe in a myth about existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one
that is in everything, everywhere, at all times and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. I think, believe, and expect
that the infinite spirit is in continuous communion with the infinite soul. I
think, believe and expect that ideas come to our conscious minds; because on a sub atomic scale of probability and possibility far too subtle for our best science to detect: alien divine eternal souls; order the chaos of the
unconscious minds created by bodies that live and die; and thereby bring about
a state of consciousness and free will. Alien divine eternal soul and an
infinite spirit are ideological constructs that follow
from a belief in the most optimistic myth about the existence of; things scientists can find; things theories predict;
and everything else that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. There are about twenty constants and variables that scientists known as theoretical physicists have to plug into their equations in order to get knowledge of theory to work in predicting the behavior, fate, and destiny of matter and energy in the known universe. Some theoretical physicists believe: If these constants and variables were off from where they presently are by only surprisingly small amounts then life, stars, galaxies, everything in the universe we find around us would then be impossible. This scientific fact of the fine turned nature of this universe has led some theoretical physicists to suggest the possibility that our universe is one universe of many universes in a multidimensional system. String Theory asserts the possibility that our universe is one of an infinite seed of universes. From this idea of an infinite seed of universes I need only take one further step to arrive at a belief in the existence of one totality whose quantity of energy approaches a limit of infinity. From a belief in the existence of one totality whose quantity of energy approaches a limit of infinity; I only need take one final step to arrive at a belief that out of an infinity of random possibility would come an order divine and eternal whose dominance of the continuum would make it an infinity divinity eternally one. Scientists can not prove that we are not soul children divine and eternal ordering chaos of minds in bodies that live and die. Scientists can not prove that we are not in continuous spiritual communion with the spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. Scientists can not prove that as alien divine eternal soul children we have not agreed to enter into a cosmic game where in each of us confines our awareness of the existence of one totality to a conscious mind that may be generated by ordering the chaos of an unconscious mind created by a body that lives and dies. Scientists can not gather objective evidence that proves that we did not come into this limited existence for the purposes of enjoying the entertainment of not knowing all there is to know. I think, believe and expect that by confining our awareness of the existence of one totality to conscious minds that may be generated by ordering the chaos of unconscious minds created by bodies that live and die; we gain the enjoyment of entertainment derived from the existence of discovery and mystery; drama of life and death; conflict of predator and prey; game of survival and sacrifice; test of success and failure; catharsis of comedy and tragedy; sensation of pleasure and pain; and wide range of thought, feeling and action possibilities. Maybe if continuous communion of soul and spirit actually does exist; and I believe it does; then I put myself in the best possible position to make use of divine inspiration that may become available to me through continuous communion of soul and spirit. Maybe if more scientists were to adopt a belief in the myth about existence of; things scientists can find; things theories predict; and everything else that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality as a rational default position; then more scientists would be in the best possible position to make use of divine inspiration in their work. Maybe more scientists should work down from optimism to pessimism; rather than work up from pessimism to optimism. At present only the energy, space, and time of our known universe is available as a source of discovery. The fractal infernal temporal tools of science and the senses made available by our seed bodies have not offered a way to gather objective evidence that leads us by logical valid deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that the energy, space, and time of other universes exists. As such the idea that the existence of one totality contains an infinite seed of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities is a mythical theory rather than a scientific theory. Maybe each universe of an infinite body of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities is like a program being parallel processed by an infinite mind. Maybe universes are spaced farther apart than the distance light could travel since its’ own big bang. If this were the case and if we could observe our universe from outside then may be our universe would appear to us as sphere inside of another sphere. We would see a sphere made up of the matter of our universe inside a sphere made up of energy extending outward from our universe. The matter of our universe would speed out from a central point of origin after the big bang at some fraction of the speed of light. The energy of our universe would extend outward from the matter of our universe at the speed of light. The Anthropic Principle is an attempt to explain the observed fact that the fundamental constants of physics and chemistry are just right or fine-tuned to allow the universe and life as we know it to exist. The Anthropic Principle says that the seemingly arbitrary and unrelated constants in physics have one strange thing in common: These are precisely the values we need if we want to have a universe capable of producing life. Gravity is roughly 1E39 times weaker than electromagnetism. If gravity had been 1E33 times weaker than electromagnetism, stars would be a billion times less massive and would burn a million times faster. The nuclear weak force is 1E28 times the strength of gravity. Had the weak force been slightly weaker, all the hydrogen in the universe would have been turned to helium making the formation of water molecules impossible. A stronger nuclear strong force; by as little as two percent; would have prevented the formation of protons. The prevention of the formation of protons would yield a universe without atoms. Decreasing it by five percent would have given us a universe without stars. If the difference in mass between a proton and a neutron were not exactly as it is; roughly twice the mass of an electron; then all neutrons would have become protons or vice versa. Say good-bye to chemistry as we know it; and to life. The very nature of water; so vital to life; is something of a mystery. Unique amongst the molecules, water is lighter in its solid form than it is in its liquid form: For this reason, ice floats. If it did not, the oceans would freeze from the bottom up and Earth would now be covered with solid ice. This property in turn is traceable to the unique properties of the hydrogen atom. The synthesis of carbon; the vital core of all organic molecules; on a significant scale involves what scientists view as an astonishing coincidence in the ratio of the strong force to electromagnetism. This ratio makes it possible for carbon-12 to reach an excited state of exactly 7.65 million electron volts at the temperature typical of the center of stars. This creates a resonance involving helium-4, beryllium-8, and carbon-12; allowing the necessary binding to take place during a tiny window of opportunity 1E-17 seconds long. The fact that we are living and can observe the universe, implies that the fundamental constants must be "just right" to produce life. There is an element of circular reasoning here, because if the constants were not "just right", we would not be here to observe the universe. However, the fact is that the universe does not seem to be a random or chance event. From this fact, theoretical physicists can postulate a many universe scenario, where in only one or some universes produce life, but we cannot validate that conclusion scientifically because we only live in one of those universes. However, I could go even further and postulate that the limit to the quantity of energy inherent in the being of the existence of one totality is equal to infinity; and that long ago out of an infinity of random possibility arose the improbability of an order divine and eternal whose dominance of the continuum transformed it into an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. I find myself to be living in a "lucky" universe, where in the initial big bang conditions created just the right balance between mass and the value of the gravitational force to create a universe that did not immediately collapse in upon itself, or did not immediately fly apart without allowing any significant matter to coalesce. By calculating the known mass and density of the universe, scientists should be able to see that the resulting gravitational attraction of all stars, galaxies, nebulae, and so on to each other is someplace around the number that would be needed to have kept the universe from flying apart into virtual nothingness. When these numbers are calculated, however, scientists find that about ninety percent of the mass they would have expected to have found is missing. In order, to reconcile this, theorists have proposed that the missing mass is something called "dark matter". Dark matter is somehow completely invisible to us, but its mass would exert the gravitational pull on the stars and galaxies of the visible universe necessary to keep the universe from flying apart into a formless void. Needless to say, the idea that nine tenths of the mass of our universe is made out of something that is invisible and undetectable is a very large mystery indeed. It has recently been determined that the expansion of the universe is starting to accelerate. So cosmologists now believe that in addition to there being a large amount of "dark matter" in the universe that has kept the universe from flying apart too quickly during its first seven billion years or so, there is an even larger amount of "dark energy" that during the second seven billion years is now starting to push the universe apart at a gradually increasing rate. This dark energy, like the dark matter, does not seem to be a part of our three dimensional space or our fourth dimensional time. It is somehow invisible even though its effect can be clearly seen. Based upon new observations, the current thinking is that our observed universe represents only four percent of all the energy and mass within the universe. Twenty three percent of the universe is the dark matter whose mass has kept the universe from flying apart too quickly during the first seven billion years; and the remaining seventy three percent of the universe is made up of this mysterious dark energy. One possible explanation for this mysterious dark energy could be that scientists are witnessing an attractive force at work. Another universe could be exerting gravitational pull on our universe. From our vantage point, it would appear that our universe is being driven apart by this Dark Energy phenomenon, when in fact it is the gravity of another nearby universe pulling our universe apart. Recently scientists have discovered super massive black holes at the center of the galaxies of our universe. Some have suggested the possibility that a black hole might be capable of projecting within the boundaries of its event horizon the energy, space and time of a universe that within itself also has black holes. This idea suggests to me the possibilty of a world with a fractal self-similarity on an infinite range of scales. Maybe our senses and tools are specific to the combination and permutation of energy, space, and time that came into existence to create our universe. Maybe the different combinations and permutations of energy, space, and time that came into existence to create other universes would make other universes invisible to us. Maybe there are universes that don't interact with our own yet are super imposed over top our own universe. Maybe our universe could appear as a ghost world to inhabitants of some of these universes. I leave to science the task of distilling the truth about why we can not discover other universes. With the alien fractal infernal temporal tools available, science is quite unable to complete the task at this time. |
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