House of Ideology

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December 8, 2006: I posted revised text to Chapter 1 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

November 6, 2006: I posted revised lyrics to my original song entitled: He's A Cowboy That Shoots From The Hip.

November 4, 2006: I posted revised lyrics to my original song entitled: He's A Cowboy That Shoots From The Hip.

November 3, 2006: I posted revised text to Chapter 45 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

October 27, 2006: I posted revised text to Chapters 18 and 55 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

October 24, 2006:  I learned that the noun "cowboy" is defined by the American Slang Dictionary as "A reckless person". I believe that the President is behaving in Iraq and elsewhere like a reckless person and as such it would be correct for me to use slang to describe him as a cowboy. Therefore, I have changed the title of Cowboys That Shoot From The Hip (alternative version) back to He's A Cowboy That Shoots From The Hip and have posted revised lyrics.

October 21, 2006: I have changed the title of He's A Cowboy That Shoots From The Hip back to the earlier title: Cowboys That Shoot From The Hip (alternative version). I did this because upon further reflection I realized that to describe the President as a cowboy that shoots from the hip is an insult to cowboys everywhere. I posted revised lyrics as well. 

October 19, 2006: I posted revised lyrics to He's A Cowboy That Shoots From The Hip. 

October 18, 2006: I have changed the title of the alternative version of my original song Cowboys That Shoot From The Hip to He's A Cowboy That Shoots From The Hip and posted revised lyrics. 

October 7, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 18 and 68 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.  I have posted revised lyrics to my original song Cowboys That Shoot From The Hip as an alternative version.

October 6, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 18 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. I posted song lyrics to my original song Cowboys That Shoot From The Hip featuring an alternative second verse. 

September 30, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 18 and 68 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

September 19, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 82 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

September 1, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 18 and 68 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

August 29, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 72 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 23, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 39 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 22, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 54, 62, 76, 77 and 88 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 17, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 67 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. I revised the lyrics to my original song entitled "Learn To Be Happy".

August 16, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 71 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 15, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 14 and 75 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 14, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 19 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 13, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 13 and 19 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 12, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 4 and 51 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 11, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 41 and 74 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 10, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 21, 66 and 67 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

August 5, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 1 and 18 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

August 4, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 55 and 94 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. I posted lyrics to an original song entitled "Soul Children". 

July 18, 2006: I revised lyrics to my original song entitled "Fractal Universe".

July 16, 2006: I revised lyrics to my original song entitled "Fractal Universe". 

July 6, 2006: I revised lyrics to my original song entitled "Fractal Universe"

June 7, 2006: Posting the lyrics to an original song I wrote entitled "Love the Christian" was a one day special event and I have now taken the lyrics off site again. 

June 6, 2006: I wrote an original song entitled 'Love The Christian' and posted the lyrics.

June 5, 2006: I made a change to the lyrics of "What Friendship Means".  I revised the text to Chapters 53, 54 and 77 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.  

May 28, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 91 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 26, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 89, 90 and 91 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 25, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 77 and 88 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 22, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 91 through 94 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 21, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 77, 78, 88, 89, and 91 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. I also changed the titles of Chapters 77 and 88.

May 20, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 53, 57, 60, 74, 77, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, and 90 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

May 19, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 73 through 86 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 18, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 72 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 15, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 55 through 60, 62 through 67, and 69 through 71 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 14, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 53 and 54 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

May 12, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 48, 51 and 53 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

May 8, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 20, 29 through 41, 43, 45, and 47 of the House of Ideology Manifesto.

May 6, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 25 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

May 5, 2006: I revised the text to Chapters 4, 6, 8 through 21 and 23 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

April 6, 2006: I revised the lyrics to "Learn To Be Happy". 

April 3, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 1 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

March 31, 2006: I revised the text to Chapter 72 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. I revised the lyrics to "Learn To Be Happy".

March 23, 2006: I revised the lyrics to "Learn To Be Happy". I revised the text to Chapter 2 and 3 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

March 20, 2006: I revised the text to chapter 11, 16, 18, 24, 27, 53, 55, 60, 67, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 82, and 94 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

March 19, 2006: I revised the text to chapter 10 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

March 18, 2006: I revised the lyrics to "Learn To Be Happy". 

March 15, 2006: I revised the text to chapter 1 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

March 11, 2006: I revised the lyrics to my original song entitled "Learn To Be Happy".

March 7, 2006: I revised the lyrics to my original song entitled "Learn To Be Happy".

February 24, 2006: I revised the lyrics to my original song entitled "What Friendship Means."

February 22, 2006: I revised the lyrics to my original song entitled "What Friendship Means".

February 17, 2006: I revised the lyrics to my original songs entitled "What Friendship Means" and "Freedom Means".

February 12, 2006: I revised the lyrics to my original song entitled "What Friendship Means".

February 11, 2006: I revised the lyrics to my original song entitled "What Friendship Means". 

January 17, 2005: I revised the text to Chapter 72 of the House of Ideology Manifesto. 

News from 2005

News from 2004

News from 2003 

News from 2002 and before.




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