House of Ideology

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LI. Objective Evidence, Subjective Evidence And The House of Ideology


      I consider evidence gathered by use of our senses and perceptions to be objective. I also consider evidence gathered by enhancing our senses and perceptions with the fractal, infernal, temporal, tools of science to be objective. Objective evidence is uninfluenced by emotion, surmise, or personal prejudice and is verifiable externally. I classify conclusions arrived at by way of valid, logical, inferences, made from reproducible, objective, evidence, to be truth and knowledge of theory based upon scientifically reproducible discovery.  

      In the absence of verification based on use of senses, perceptions, and tools of science, why should I believe to be true the one myth that enables me; to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and to thereby produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life? The only remaining reason to believe is that intuition and judgment, has led me to believe. The main argument against trusting my intuition and judgment, is that these are subjective. My intuition and judgment, are subject to a desire to best satisfy my need and aspiration to be happy and healthy. The fact that intuition and judgment, are subjective does not prove that any given myth I may choose based on intuition and judgment, is inherently incorrect. My myths about the existence of one totality are merely subjective. I think, believe, and expect that my myths about the existence of one totality could in fact be undiscoverable truth.

     As a natural scientist, I demand that arguments be built upon objective evidence gathered by use of our senses and perceptions that leads by valid logical deductive and inductive inferences to scientific conclusions before I will classify any given body of ideas as a foundation of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery. I think, believe, and expect, the more important test for any myth about the existence of one totality is the ability of the myth about the existence of one totality to best satisfy my need and aspiration to achieve and maintain happiness and health.

      I am willing to concede that focusing on senses, perceptions, and objective evidence, in the search for scientific truth is the most valid approach to managing the limited energy, space, and time, available to the scientific community. I also think, believe, and expect, that focusing on intuition and judgment, in the search for spiritual myth is a most valid approach to utilizing the limited energy, space, and time, available to the ideological community. 

     I do not waver even a moment from doing the tasks required to best achieve and maintain happiness and health by ornamenting my model of self of the existence of one totality with the one myth that enables me; to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality; and to produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. I celebrate my liberation from ideological authorities that would direct me to build my model of the existence of one totality from truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery and the pessimistic myth about the existence of seed body of self and only that part of the seed body of world that is our known universe.  I interest myself in truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery that enables me to converge upon a standard of conduct that if and when adhered to by me is most likely to produce the most powerful physiological responses of health possible. I interest myself in myth and fantasy based on mystery that if and when believed to be true enables me; to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality and to produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. I am the truth seeker. I am the myth maker. I am the High Ideologue of the House of Ideology. I am the architect of the model of the existence of one totality that I build in my mind to orient myself towards the world and explain the world to myself. For these reasons, I think, believe, and expect, that my divine eternal soul rides my fractal infernal temporal seed body, gets inside my mind, and guides my thoughts, beliefs, and expectations to a model of the existence of one totality that is true.  




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