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XCII. Cosmic Game  


        I believe our infinite spirit is active as evaluator of all possible combinations and permutations of energy, space, and time produced by a passive infinite seed. Those combinations and permutations of energy, space, and time capable of producing a large universe of the correct kind to support life become part of an active infinite body.  At will, our infinite spirit actively transforms from possibility into energy, space, and time combinations and permutations made available by our infinite seed that are found upon evaluation by our infinite spirit to be capable of producing an active infinite body of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities.  Only when spirit transforms a design from possibility into energy, space and time of an active universe does spirit become passive, hidden and mysterious, and do soul children become active participants in the cosmic game.

        I believe an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; wants to play a game with itself. An infinity, divinity, eternally, one; wants to enjoy itself. To enjoy is to experience joy, to be enveloped by joy, to be surrounded by joy. Joy is bliss and bliss is existence. Existence, consciousness, bliss are entertainment to an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. Existence enjoying itself is an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; surrounding itself with its’ own joy, its’ own intrinsic bliss. An infinity, divinity, eternally, one; surrounding itself with its’ own joy; its’ own bliss, is the same as saying an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; forming a relationship with itself. Here it is in the nature of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; to enjoy itself, to exist in relation to itself, to surround itself with itself, and so the universe happens, spontaneously as part of the natural movement of existence in the direction of enjoyment, in the direction of self-relation.

Existence moves by its nature to enjoy itself. Maybe existences’ own infinity and singularity limits enjoyment. Have you ever tried to play monopoly by yourself, or any other game? What fun is hide and seek if you always know where the other player is hiding? I think, believe, and expect an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; is in the same position.

How can an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; play a game and enjoy itself if it is the only player? For an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; to enjoy itself, to play a game with itself, it must create the illusion of teams of players that are not connected. So, what does an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; do? How does an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; hide itself from itself and thereby enable one player to separate from another player?

This House of Ideology Manifesto describes existence in the process of enjoying itself, its’ own being, its’ own bliss, its’ own joy. Because this process of enjoyment is somewhat analogous to what happens when two people play a game, one may relate the stages in the evolution of existence into experience to the steps necessary to play a game.

What is the first step in playing a game? The first step is to have more than one player. Before the game can begin existence must exist in relation to itself so that there will be enough players to play a game.

What is the next step in playing a game? Once there are enough players, for there to be a game, the players, the eventual opponents, must first agree on what game they will play. Before the game can begin there must be cooperation between the players, between the eventual opponents. In this stage in the evolution of existence, although existence exists in relation to itself, the relational aspects remain aware of their inseparability and connection. I think, believe, and expect that it is only later, in the context of experience, specifically in the context of the experience of seed bodies, that the relational aspects of existence lose sight of their connection to the whole.

What are the next steps in playing a game? The next steps in playing a game are to set up the game board or playing field, define the boundaries of play, and determine the rules of the game. Set up of the ‘playing field’ and determination of the rules of the game is accomplished for us by the creation of our universe. To play a game participants split up into opposing teams, or into opposing players.  We split up into opposing teams by becoming life forms in a body consuming biosphere divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey.  As life forms in a body consuming biosphere on a crusted magma globe with a sun and a moon reproducible in a galaxy of stars and a universe of galaxies, we lose sight of our connection to an infinity, divinity, eternally, one.

I think, believe, and expect that existence does these things on purpose so we can have the fun of playing a game, of interacting with our friends, or in the case of the cosmic game, so an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; can interact with and enjoy itself. In this step as in board games, the players choose pieces or characters of different shapes and colors.

What game is it? To me it seems to be most like a game of hide and seek. Existence hides from itself so it can find itself, and in the process of looking and finding, enjoy itself. We are playing a game of hide and seek. The way the game of hide and seek works is: We hide our divine eternal souls from ourselves by confining our conscious awareness of the existence of one totality to the conscious minds that are generated by our ordering the sub-atomic chaos of unconscious minds created by bodies that live and die; and we enjoy the entertainment derived from acting in the drama of life and death. We spend a brief lifetime seeking answers to the grand enigmatic questions of identity that surround the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery. Who am I? What am I? Where am I? When am I? How am I? Why am I? For an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; to reveal its joy to itself it must first conceal that joy from itself. All the other games are side games played within the context of the larger game of hide and seek.

What games are you playing? Maybe you play whatever games you want. Maybe the form that the games one plays takes depends upon what one sees as the game board and how one fashions reality.

Why do children love to play hide and seek, why do infants love peek-a-boo? Maybe because these activities are an extension of the activity that has brought them here to begin with: the cosmic game of hide and seek, or the now you see it now you do not see it game.

What is the first step in playing hide and seek? Existence says to itself, "You turn around and close your eyes, and I'll go hide and you come and find me". To turn around and close my eyes means turning away from myself,  from soul spirit, by directing my attention and thus my awareness into the experience of my seed body. In this way, by experiencing what I am in the context of defining boundaries I experientially wall off my awareness from the rest of the existence of one totality, and thereby literally close my "I". This is the motivation for the first movement of my awareness into my seed body, into an experience of divided existence of self and world. I come here and do this because I am apart of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; in the process of enjoying itself, an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; in the process of playing a game with itself, and this first movement into my seed body is a necessary part of the game.

           The best athlete wants his opponent at his best

           The best general enters the mind of his enemy

           The best businessman serves the communal good

           The best leader follows the will of the people


           All of them embody the virtue of non-competition

           Not that they do not love to compete

           However, they do it in the spirit of play

           In this they are like children

           And in harmony with the Tao


           Lao Tzu


I believe a game is something done for enjoyment. In a true game who wins and who loses does not matter. One plays for the sake of enjoying the interaction with the other players. In the case of existence, where there is really only one player, existence plays the game for the sake of enjoying itself, for the sake of experiencing the bliss of its own existence. In a true game, the outcome of the game is irrelevant, and what is important is the process itself, the enjoyment of interaction that the game provides.

         If one plays the game in question for the sole purpose of obtaining some tangible reward at the conclusion of the game like money, a trophy, the status of being 'number one', rather than for the enjoyment of playing, then winning by definition becomes the only thing, the only reason for playing. The more attached a player is to an outcome the less enjoyable playing the game will be.  If on the other hand the goal of the game is to enjoy playing the game then the outcome becomes irrelevant. In a game that is nothing more than a game, the winners are those who simply enjoy playing.



Copyright 2010