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XXXIV. Qualities of Space


 I turn my attention to the description of other attributes characteristic of the being of the existence of one totality.  I describe space as the ability to extend in any direction. I know space as the expanse where in the solar system, stars, and galaxies that constitute the energy of the universe exist. Within the known universe, energy occupies space and distorts space-time. I describe the quantity of energy inherent in existence as generating a quality of space. I describe the space quality in relation to the quantity of energy that occupies it. Quality may be defined as the essential character of something: its’ nature or degree or grade of excellence.

What is the quality of space generated, by the quantity of energy inherent, in the being of the seed body? Quality is a relative term. That is quality is considered in comparison to, or in relationship with, something else. In this case, that something else is the quality of space generated by the quantity of energy inherent in the being of the soul spirit. That is: Since I am attempting to describe the quality of space of seed body and soul spirit, the real question is: What is the quality of space generated by the quantity of energy inherent in the being of the seed body, relative to, the quality of space generated by the quantity of energy inherent in the being of the soul spirit?

To begin with,  I describe the space quality on a scale ranging from a lower limit of random chaos to an upper limit of perfect order. The infinite seed body is an order that I place between the lower limit of random chaos and the upper limit of perfect order. Discovery reveals to me that my seed body is fragile, vulnerable, subject to injury, decay, disease, and death and in a word mortal. I describe my living seed body as fractal, infernal, and temporal. Living seed bodies eventually become putrefying lifeless corpses. A phrase such as abominable comes to mind to describe such a putrefying lifeless corpse. I describe a dead seed body as a fractal, abominable, infernal, temporal, accompli because a dead seed body is a FAIT accompli. Relative to divine space quality of the soul spirit, the space quality of a dead seed body is abominable.   I use the phrase 'fractal' to describe the quality of space inherent in the being of a living seed body of self. I use the phrases 'abominable' and 'fractal' to describe the quality of space inherent in the being of a dead seed body of self.

The compliment of the seed body of self is the soul spirit of self. I am free to give a value for the quality of space generated by the quantity of energy inherent in the being of the soul spirit of self that is at the upper most limit of perfect order. For this reason, I use the phrase 'divine' to describe the quality of space inherent in the being of the soul spirit of self. I believe I am a finite creature created in the image of an infinite one. If this were true, then the quality of space inherent in the seed body of world would be the same as the quality of space inherent in the seed body of self. If this were true, then the quality of space inherent in the soul spirit of world would be the same as the quality of space inherent in the soul spirit of self. If the seed body of self is fractal, and the space quality of the dead seed body of self is fractal abominable, then space quality of seed body of world should also be both fractal and fractal abominable. This seems to be the case. Our beautiful planet earth appears to be very much like a tiny island of life a drift in a vast ocean of death. The presence of both life and death within the space of our universe suggests that the quality of space contained within the being of our universe is both fractal and abominable, wonderful and horrible. As such, I use the phrase 'fractal' to describe the quality of space inherent in the being of the living space of the seed body of world and use the phrase ‘fractal abominable’ to describe the quality of space inherent in the being of the dead space of the seed body of world. I use the phrase 'divine' to describe the quality of space inherent in the beings of both the soul spirit of self and soul spirit of world.



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