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LIII. Further Ornamentation of My Model
I define theism as the belief in the existence of a deity and or deities. I define atheism as an absence of belief in the existence of a deity and or deities. I define gnostic as possessing knowledge. I define agnostic as not possessing knowledge. Gnostic theism, agnostic atheism, gnostic atheism, and agnostic theism are four categories of myth about the existence of one totality. Gnostic theism, agnostic atheism, gnostic atheism, and agnostic theism are not myths about the existence of one totality. Rather myths about the existence of one totality can be sorted into one of these four categories. Gnostic theists affirm an ability to know about the existence of a deity and or deities and claim an ability to know leads to a belief. Their myths about the existence of one totality can be sorted into the gnostic theism category. Agnostic atheists affirm an inability to know about the existence of a deity and or deities and claim an inability to know leads to a disbelief. Their myths about the existence of one totality can be sorted into the agnostic atheism category. Gnostic atheists affirm an ability to know about the non existence of a deity and or deities and claim an ability to know leads to a disbelief. Their myths about the existence of one totality can be sorted into the gnostic atheism category. Agnostic theists affirm an inability to know about the non existence of a deity and or deities and claim an inability leads to a belief. Their myths about the existence of one totality can be sorted into the agnostic theism category. I converge upon a model of the existence of one totality that best produces happiness and health and in the process look at all possible models of the existence of one totality and realize that there are four basic types. These four basic types are gnostic theistic, agnostic atheistic, gnostic atheistic and agnostic theistic models of the existence of one totality. Gnostic theistic models of the existence of one totality are built by those who affirm an ability to know about the existence of a deity and or deities and claim that an ability to know leads to a belief. Agnostic atheistic models of the existence of one totality are built by those who affirm an inability to know about the existence of a deity and or deities and claim an inability to know leads to a disbelief. Gnostic atheistic models of the existence of one totality are built by those who affirm an ability to know about the non existence of a deity and or deities and claim that an ability to know leads to a disbelief. Agnostic theistic models of the existence of one totality are built by those who affirm an inability to know about the non existence of a deity and or deities and claim an inability to know leads to a belief. How do I know an infinite energy with a finite seed body? How do I know a divine space with a fractal infernal seed body? How do I know an eternal time with a temporal seed body? How do I know that an infinity, divinity, eternally, one, is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit? I do not know, because I am unable to use my senses and perceptions to gather objective evidence that leads by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite four. This fact makes me an Agnostic. The fact that I am unable to use my senses and perceptions to gather objective evidence that leads by valid logical deductive inference to the scientifically reproducible discovery that an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit; does not preclude the existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. I do not know that these things are true based on scientifically reproducible discovery that I can point to as evidence of a proof. However I also do not know what I do not know. For all I know, on a sub atomic level of probability and possibility that is presently much too subtle for the global cultures' best science to discover, a divine eternal soul spirit may be guiding my mind to the idea that an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; is in everything, everywhere, at all times and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite four. It is possible that a divine eternal soul of the spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally ,one; is inside my body guiding my mind to write these very words. In the absence of an ability to achieve verification by use of my senses and perceptions, I think, believe, and expect; that my most optimistic myths about the existence of one totality are true based on personal revelations. I think, believe, and expect that if the many of our global culture so choose, then they too can experience similar personal revelations: The existence of discovery and the existence of mystery make possible an infinite number, diversity and variety of myths about the existence of one totality. These myths about the existence of one totality are only limited by our creative abilities and powers of imagination. Scientific research seems to affirm the theory that optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about existence have a positive influence on our health. Our optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about existence are believed by scientists to improve our various health behaviors, our immune functions, and our biochemical functions in ways that make our bodies more resistant to illness and better able to recover from existing disease. Therefore I choose to believe in the one myth about the existence of one totality that enables me to have the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality. I conclude that choosing to believe in the one myth that enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality puts me in the best possible position to achieve and maintain happiness and health. I think, believe, and expect; that being happy puts me in the best possible position to make use of truth and knowledge based on scientifically reproducible discovery in my effort to converge upon a standard of conduct that if and when adhered to by me is most likely to produce the most powerful physiological responses of health possible. Therefore while I am not in a position to know the spiritual truth, I am in a position to choose to believe in the one myth about the existence of one totality that enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality and to thereby produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. I choose to think, believe, and expect; that an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests to me from the point of view of my alien fractal infernal temporal seed body, as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit. I choose to think, believe, and expect; that my consciousness is soul spirit will, manifest within seed body mind. I choose to enjoy the emotional and physiological benefits of having a belief in the one myth that enables me to have the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality. I choose to think, believe, and expect; an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite four. I believe the infinite spirit gives to divine eternal souls the opportunity to get inside of fractal infernal temporal seed bodies; guide minds created by a union of seed body and soul spirit; and to discover ideas and concepts that inspire celebration. This fact makes me an agnostic theist. |
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