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LIV. Four
Motivations, Two Ways
The theory of evolution is an incomplete description of how our alien, fractal, infernal, temporal, seed bodies came into existence. The Greek philosopher, Anaximander of Miletus, wrote a text called "On Nature" where in he introduced an idea of evolution, stating that life started as slime in the oceans and eventually moved to drier places. He also brought up the idea that species evolved over time. The theory of evolution is a work in progress. One thing that is very wonderful about the theory is that it can adjust to the addition of new truth and knowledge of theory as scientists find it. The theory of evolution is not written in stone nor is it perfect. The theory of evolution has been converging upon an ever more perfect and complete version of it's self over time. I think, believe and expect that the theory of evolution will continue a process of evolution itself. It has taken on a life of its' own. Seed, body, soul, and spirit; are four structures that combine to make up the content and form; of finite self, infinite world, and an infinite number, diversity, and variety; of other finite creatures. Seed creates body. Body survives a lifetime of challenges in a body-consuming biosphere divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey. Soul perfects the bodies of life forms with each generation. Spirit revives the life of soul after death of body, and inspires a celebration of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; as the global culture moves towards ever-higher levels of conscious awareness. Homotolerant, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization; describes a harmonious way of expressing the motivations of seed, body, soul, and spirit; to create, survive, perfect, and revive. This way is called harmonious because homotolerance, agnosticism, positivism, and nationalistic spiritization follow from a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. Hetero-fascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism; describes an opposing way of expressing the motivations of seed, body, soul, and spirit; to create, survive, perfect and revive. This way is called dissonant because hetero-fascism, atheism, perfectionism, and nationalistic negativism do not follow from a model of the existence of one totality unified by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one . While it may be possible to intermix various of the harmonious and dissonant ways to create such combinations as hetero-fascist, agnostic, perfectionistic, nationalistic spiritization and or homotolerant, atheistic, positivistic, nationalistic negativism. I focus on contrasting homotolerant, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization; with its’ pure ideological opposite: hetero-fascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism.
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