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LXI. Positivism Versus Perfectionism
Positivism is a philosophical doctrine contending that verification by use of my senses and perceptions is the only valid way of making a distinction between ideas and concepts that I am to categorize as truth and knowledge of theory; ideas and concepts that I am to categorize as lies and ignorance; and ideas and concepts that I am to categorize as myth and fantasy. Based on my acceptance of positivism, I use scientifically reproducible discovery to build a foundation of truth and knowledge of theory. From this foundation of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery, I derive a standard of conduct that if and when adhered to by me is most likely to result in the most powerful physiological responses of health possible. Upon this foundation of truth and knowledge of theory based on scientifically reproducible discovery, I build a framework of myth and fantasy that if and when believed to be true enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality and to thereby produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. I readily identify my myths as myths and make no effort to pass my myths off as truth. This is why I use the adjective positivistic to describe the noun spiritization. I define perfectionism as a propensity for setting extremely high standards and being displeased with anything less. Evolution of seed bodies is a process of perfecting form and function over generations through a natural selection where in those life forms with seed bodies that are fit do survive and those life forms with seed bodies that are lacking do not survive. Perfectionists might be atheistic negativists or even Satanists who believe themselves to be superior, hate the inferiority of others in the global culture, and above all seek to expedite the evolution of the species to higher levels of fitness. If such perfectionists rise to the highest positions of power within the global culture, then the result might be war for profit justified to the many of our global culture as a means of purifying the seed. Perfectionists
might also be theistic negativists who believe themselves to be good, hate the
evil of others in the global culture, and above all seek to precipitate the
final defeat of an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth and return rule
of Earth to a good one in Heaven. Perfectionism can make myth appear to some to
be 'perfect' truth. A myth about the existence of exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge and the lie that myth is truth are key devices used by many ideological authorities to achieve and maintain authority, power, order and control over prospects for membership in their communities of faithful believers. Maybe some of these ideological authorities tell prospects for membership in their communities of faithful believers that they must accept on faith that the myth about the existence of exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge is the truth about the existence of the perfect word of a good one in Heaven. Maybe some of the members of communities of faithful believers also pressure prospects for membership; to accept on faith the lie that myth is truth. Maybe some of these ideological authorities explain that prospects for membership in their communities of faithful believers; have previously so angered their good one in Heaven by deviating from the will of their good one in Heaven that they are being ignored by their good one in Heaven and that is why prospects for membership are unable to experience personal divine revelations of spiritual knowledge that verify that myth is truth. Maybe some of these ideological authorities would follow such explanations with proclamations to new recruits of the urgency and importance of joining as members of their communities of faithful believers. Maybe some of these ideological authorities claim to lead communities of faithful believers on behalf of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe if new recruits; accept these premises as true, and agree to perform necessary rituals, then conversion experiences occur and prospects for membership; become believers. Maybe some of these ideological authorities
respond by praising new believers as good for confessing their faith to others in communities
of faithful believers. Maybe a wave of euphoria sweeps over some of these new believers as the sad
sorrow, mad fear, and bad anger that follows from discovery of the impending disease and
death of the seed body momentarily subside, and feelings of hope, faith, belonging and
camaraderie begin to take hold. Maybe at this point some of these new believers humbly seek to learn more
about the myth that is accepted by communities of faithful believers as truth. Maybe
some of these
ideological authorities would continue by teaching about a standard of conduct. In contrast to
perfectionism, positivism does not
in any way attempt to make myth into a 'perfect' truth. While myth based on perfectionism
tends to be rigid and immutable, positivism allows myth to change, grow, and evolve. |
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