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LXII. Spiritization
versus Negativism I define nationalism as a noun meaning a devotion to the interests, needs, and aspirations of a particular nation and or culture of people. I define spiritization as a noun meaning the act or process of imparting a spiritual nature, or treating as having a spiritual sense or meaning. Nationalistic spiritization is the propagation of a myth that imparts a spiritual nature to the existence of one totality described as being in the best interests, and reflecting the needs and aspirations of a particular nation and or culture of people. If the truth is that myth is myth and optimism correlates with happiness and health, then nationalistic spiritization involves use of ideas that are both possible and imaginable to build in our minds a model of the existence of one totality that enables us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. I choose to believe in a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality: I choose to believe in the existence of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. A brief survey of
several reference sources reveals that Negativism is a noun with numerous definitions. I
define negativism as any of the following: 1. A negative or pessimistic attitude; 2. A tendency to resist external commands, suggestions, or expectations or internal
stimuli, such as hunger by doing something contrary or unrelated to the stimulus; 3. Any system of negative philosophy, and or; 4. A state of mind or behavior characterized by extreme skepticism and persistent
opposition or resistance to outside suggestions or advice. All four of these
definitions apply well to those who resist, oppose, refuse, and negate; healthy,
agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization. I should expect that anyone who
denies his or her own and our worlds innate eternal divinity would have a negative and or
pessimistic attitude about existence. Devotion of energy, space, and time;
to ideas about lower self, lower world, and lower future, leads to lower esteem
of existence; and the experience of powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and
anger that could lead to sad, mad, and bad behavior. Devotion of energy, space, and time; to ideas
about higher self, higher world and higher future, leads to higher esteem of existence; and the experience of powerful emotional responses of
faith, and love that could lead to glad behavior. Devotion of energy, space,
and time; to
ideas about fractal, infernal, temporal, seed body; to the exclusion of divine,
eternal, soul
spirit; or vice versa; leads to an unbalance of the emotional forces of the mind and
unhealthy behavior. Devotion of energy, space, and time; to both ideas about fractal, infernal,
temporal, seed body; and ideas about divine, eternal, soul spirit; leads to a balance of the
emotional forces of the mind; and healthy behavior. I have
found that
pointing out the connection between ideas, emotions, and physiology; and the freedom to
change ideas to change emotions and physiology for the better; has no impact upon
negativists. The model of the existence of one totality that a negativist uses to explain
the world to self and orient self towards the world is often so deeply engrained within the physiology of
the brain, and the structure of their community and or society that any alternate model
seems foreign, strange, wrong, and difficult to grasp, and or imagine. Often negativists self organize around
philosophies that include defense mechanisms that in effect prevent challenge by other competing philosophies. As such, extreme skepticism, persistent opposition, refusal, and or resistance to outside suggestions or
advice may characterize the reaction of negativists to my devotion to a belief
in the one myth that enables me to have the highest esteem of
the existence of one totality. Theistic negativists build models of
the existence of one totality that lead members
to have low esteem of the existence of one totality and thereby fail to put members in the best possible position
to achieve and maintain happiness and health. Some resist, oppose, refuse, and negate;
any alternative model to their negativistic model of the existence of one
totality because it is at
variance with that model accepted on faith as being perfect. It is a lie to
claim that myth is truth. Based upon the lie that myth is truth, religious
leaders praise the perfection of the sacred scrolls said to contain the
‘perfect word of God’ and said to explain the ‘perfect will of God’.
Based upon the lie that myth is truth, religious leaders lead communities of faithful believers to resist, to oppose, to refuse,
and to negate; anybody that disputes the perfection of the sacred
scrolls. Atheistic
negativists, resist, oppose, refuse,
and negate; the very idea of building
a framework of myth and fantasy within a model of the existence of one totality because it is not
possible to verify the accuracy of any given framework of myth and fantasy by means of the
scientific method. It is not possible to explain the existence of one totality by means of the
scientific method alone. Scientific method relies upon senses to gather
objective evidence, and perceptions of the mind to make logically valid inferences necessary to arrive at
scientifically reproducible conclusions. However, the alien, fractal, infernal, temporal,
characteristic attributes of our seed bodies limit our senses and perceptions. The best the scientific method can do then is explain the existence of one totality as being made up of a combination of the
existence of discovery and the existence of mystery. Only the
creativity and imagination of the human mind limits the number of possible frameworks of
myth and fantasy that people may use to describe the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery. Amongst these possibilities, there is no way of using the scientific method to determine the one framework of myth and fantasy out of all possible frameworks of myth and fantasy that is true. A
search for knowledge of the one true framework of myth and fantasy is pointless. Therefore, many atheistic negativists conclude that the idea of building a model of the existence of one totality that includes a framework of myth and fantasy is pointless. Therefore, many atheistic negativists, resist, oppose, refuse,
and negate; my model of the existence of one totality because it includes a most
optimistic framework of myth and fantasy. I agree that I do not know how to verify the accuracy of a model of the existence of one totality that includes myths and fantasies. I think, believe, and expect, however that ornamenting my model of the existence of one totality with myths and fantasies is valuable in establishing my identity. Establishing my identity in this way enables me to give deep answers to the grand enigmatic questions surrounding the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery. Who am I? What am I? Where am I? When am I? How am I? Why am I? I answer these grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery in a way that produces the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. I am the High Ideologue of the House of Ideology. I am seed body joined with soul spirit to form life. I am located in a body-consuming biosphere on a crusted magma globe with a sun and a moon reproducible in a galaxy of stars, in a universe of galaxies that is one of an infinite seed of large universes of the correct kind to support life. I have been, I am, and I will be eternally. I am created by an infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit. I am living for the purpose of providing fractal infernal temporal entertainment to our divine eternal soul spirit. Without answering grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of one totality, I would experience an identity crisis. The ancients summed up the whole of human wisdom in the maxim, know thyself. I believe there is for me no more important as there is no more difficult knowledge, than knowledge of myself and I express this knowledge of myself by building my model of the existence of one totality. I find the most optimistic way to answer the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of one totality. Doing so enables me to produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. Some negativists fail to see the importance of finding the most optimistic way of answering the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of one totality. When confronted with their own mortality or the mortality of a loved one, some of these negativists may wind up being overwhelmed by feelings of sorrow, fear, and anger. Some may suffer from depression, anxiety, and or become alienated. Some may losing hope and faith, turn to drugs and behave in a sad, mad, and or bad manner. Some
atheistic negativists choose for themselves an identity as bearer
of the burden of proof. I expect that bearing
the burden of proof leads atheistic negativists to create a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality. This pessimistic myth about
the existence of one totality follows from the idea that only things scientists can find and only things theories
predict exist; and everything else must be presumed to not exist until proven
otherwise. I expect that bearing the burden of proof could lead atheistic negativists to
give pessimistic answers to the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of
discovery and the existence of mystery. I expect that giving
pessimistic answers to the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery could lead atheistic negativists to experience emotional unbalance. I expect that the experience of emotional unbalance would interfere with their need and aspiration to achieve
and maintain health and happiness. Some
theistic negativists choose for themselves an identity as bearer of the burden
of exclusive divine revelations. I expect that bearing the burden of exclusive divine revelations leads theistic negativists to create a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual
conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and ruling
over Earth. Bearing the burden of exclusive divine revelations leads theistic negativists to
give pessimistic answers to the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of discovery and
the existence of mystery. I expect that giving pessimistic answers to the grand enigmatic questions of identity
surrounding the existence of discovery and the existence of mystery could lead theistic negativists to experience emotional unbalance. I expect that the experience of emotional unbalance would interfere with their need and aspiration to achieve and maintain health and happiness. I recognize that finding the most optimistic way of answering the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of one totality puts me in the best possible position to be able to produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. Therefore I choose as my default position a belief in the myth about the existence of; things scientists can find; things theories predict; and everything else that enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. In some parts of
the world, the state opposes, resists, refuses, and negates; the very freedom to think,
believe, and expect about the existence of one totality differently than heterofascist, atheistic,
perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativists dictate. The vast majority of people in the
world today live in states where either there is an official belief and others are
repressed; there is an official belief and others are tolerated; or there is no official
belief but favoritism is in practice. Only a small minority of states practice
evenhandedness. Within many of these states, a particular myth receives substantial state funding. Many
states force an official myth upon all in the hopes that an official myth will help sustain
the state. Negativism is a
tendency to refuse to do, to do the opposite of, or to do something at variance with what
I ask. What am I asking? I am asking that heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic,
nationalistic, negativists respect my freedom to make up my own mind about the
existence of one totality.
I ask for tolerance, freedom of thought and expression. Across the global culture, some
states resist, refuse, oppose, and negate tolerance. In some states, bias leads to
intolerance. Intolerance leads to the formation of small groups of fanatics. The
formation of
small groups of fanatics leads to the formation of even smaller groups of
terrorists. I love to take healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic,
spiritization of the existence of one totality to its’ logical extreme. I educate,
entertain, and lead us; to converge upon the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and
expectations about the existence of one totality; and thereby to produce emotional balance
in our minds that is conducive to happiness and health in our lives. In the global culture, many states negate my freedom to take a love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization of the
existence of one totality to its' logical extreme. In so doing, states
resist, refuse, oppose, and negate; the motivation of the spirit to revive conscious
awareness of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; in the minds of the many of our global culture. |
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