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LXVI. Theocracy of Plutocracy
Maybe some ideological authorities lead communities of
faithful believers to claim an ability to know that special people that some call messengers were chosen
by a good one in Heaven to receive exclusive divine revelations of spiritual
knowledge. Maybe some ideological authorities lead communities of faithful
believers to claim an ability to know these exclusive divine revelations of spiritual
knowledge are true; were written down in sacred scrolls; and describe the will,
words, way and laws of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to
and ruling over Earth. Maybe some ideological authorities lead communities of
faithful believers to claim an ability to
know that these sacred scrolls explain to
communities of faithful believers how a good one in Heaven will judge each and
every person ever born as being either good or evil based on whether or not in
life a person conformed to or deviated from a standard of conduct described by
some ideological authorities as
his will. Maybe those people who conform to this standard of conduct proclaimed by
these ideological authorities to be the will of a good one in Heaven in life are
promised rewards of bliss after life and transport to a divine eternal place
called Heaven where in the good one resides. Maybe those people who deviate from this
standard of conduct proclaimed by these ideological authorities to be the will of a
good one in Heaven are threatened with punishment of torment after death and
transport to an abominable infernal place called Hell or infernus where in the
evil one will reside after the final judgment of a good one in Heaven comes to
pass. Maybe this system of reward and punishment establishes a standard of
conduct closely adhered to by communities of faithful believers. Maybe members
learn to claim an ability to know that the highest purpose of life is as a test of character administered to
each individual by a judgmental perfectionistic good one in Heaven at war with
an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. A plutocrat is a wealthy ruler. A plutocracy is a
government or state where in the wealthy rule. Maybe some of these messengers
that establish a standard of conduct for members of communities of faithful
believers to live by were plutocrats or were conservative ideological
authorities selected by a plutocracy. Maybe plutocrats were responsible for
editing and assembling sacred scrolls that aggressive ideological traditions use
to describe the will, words, way and laws of a good one in Heaven at war with an
evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe providing wealth necessary to
promote aggressive ideological traditions amongst communities of faithful
believers gives plutocrats control over the message and standard of conduct
proclaimed by conservative ideological authorities to be based on the truth
about the will of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and
ruling over Earth. Maybe at present plutocrats can choose to patronize those
conservative ideological authorities that spread a message that best satisfies
their plutocratic need and aspiration to achieve and maintain authority, power,
order and control over the state. Maybe in the present, their selections
help determine how sacred scrolls will be interpreted by conservative
ideological authorities and the communities of faithful believers they lead. It
is a lie to claim that myth is
truth. An affirmation of an ability to know about the existence of a good one in
Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth is a fraud
that follows from the lie that myth is truth. Theistic negativists who repeat
the lie that myth is truth in defense of their fraudulent affirmations; make threats against
the life and or afterlife of others. Thereby
theistic negativists extort tithes and offerings from communities of faithful believers in
exchange for a lifelong indoctrination in the lie that myth is truth. Based on a
standard of conduct that these same theistic negativists proclaim to be the truth about the will of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast
down to and ruling over Earth, some conservative ideological authorities lead communities of
faithful believers to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers. After thinking many years about politics, I have come to
define liberal politics and conservative politics as follows: I have come to define
liberal politics as those that liberate the many from a power structure that
concentrates the wealth of the global culture into the hands of a mercenary,
plutocratic, predatory, few. I have come to define conservative politics as
those that conserve a power structure that concentrates the wealth of the
many of our global culture into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic,
predatory, few. Wealth redistribution by taxation would result in the many being
better able to gather the resources necessary to breed. If a strong sense of
national or moral duty to produce population growth is promoted by communities
of faithful believers led by conservative ideological authorities patronized by
a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few; and heterofascism dominates the minds
of members indoctrinated in a belief in a spiritual conflict between good and
evil; then I believe wealth redistribution by taxation would cause an
acceleration in population growth. With increased population growth would come
further deforestation, desertification, and desolation of the environment.
This would exacerbate the low esteem of the existence of one totality
prevalent within communities of faithful believers self organized around a
belief in a spiritual conflict between good and evil propagated by conservative
ideological authorities patronized by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory,
few. Conservative entertainment, education, and leadership promoted
by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few; is the reason why many suffer from
low esteem of the existence of one totality. The idea of life and death followed
by resurrection and judgment leads the many to build a model of self
that consists of a body without a soul. Building a model of self that consists
of a body without a soul leads to low self esteem. The myth about the
existence of one totality divided by a conflict between a good one in Heaven at
war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth leads to low world
esteem. Maybe a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few; promote a belief in a
myth of the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between
good and evil because such a belief lends itself well to the conservative
politics of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few; and to their ambition to motivate communities
of faithful believers to demonize enemies; deify self and friends; and out work,
out fight, and out number competition in the global culture. Abrahamic Religions have come to
dominate much of the global culture because of their success in motivating
communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number the
rest of the world. Yet for all their success these aggressive ideological
traditions fail to instill a high esteem of the existence of one totality in the
minds of their followers. Why? Because a model of self divided by a spiritual
conflict between good and evil leads to low self esteem and a model of world
divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one
cast down to and ruling over Earth leads to low world esteem. Maybe the limited dimensions of the
planet Earth, fierce competition for ever more scarce resources and bad
leadership from conservative ideological authorities will cause this race to win
in the game of survival and sacrifice as played out by states, nations, and
communities of faithful believers to be transformed into a race to Armageddon. Maybe
a mercenary plutocratic predatory few patronize conservative religious leaders
that lead communities of faithful believers to run a race to Armageddon by
motivating communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out
number their competition. Maybe conservative religious leaders proclaim that the
word, will, law and way a good one in Heaven commands
communities of faithful believers to be fruitful and multiply, work all the
hours of the day from dawn to dusk, and fight evil; to make prohibitions against
sex for recreational, occupational, or homosexual purposes; and to raise objections
to sexual education that could make these practices safer. Maybe conservative
religious leaders proclaim that myth about the existence of commandments,
prohibitions, and objections is based on exclusive divine revelations of
spiritual knowledge communicating the truth about the will of a good one in
Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe
aggressive ideological traditions lead conservative religious leaders; to repeat
the lie that the myth about the existence of exclusive divine revelations of
spiritual knowledge is the truth; to proclaim that these exclusive divine
revelations of spiritual knowledge are; recorded by messengers chosen by a good
one in Heaven; and are written down in a set of sacred scrolls handed down from
generation to generation. Maybe religious leaders who
interpret the sacred scrolls for communities of faithful believers proclaim that
the many of our global culture are cut off from the good one in Heaven; because
of the influence of an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth; and
therefore are unable to experience divine revelations personally that verify the
truth of the exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge recorded in
sacred scrolls. Maybe conservative religious leaders proclaim that only a few
are chosen by their good one in Heaven to receive exclusive divine revelations
of spiritual knowledge that are true about the will, words, way and laws of a
good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth.
With a pessimistic myth about the existence of an evil one cast down to and
ruling over Earth that has the power to influence the thoughts and actions of
people and a
pessimistic myth about the existence of exclusive divine revelations of spiritual knowledge
that are true about the will of a good one in Heaven maybe conservative
religious leaders in positions of authority within communities of faithful
believers seek to usurp the authority of members to make up their own minds about the existence of one totality. Maybe these same religious leaders
suggest to members that no longer can thoughts and
ideas of self be trusted to be free from influence by an evil one cast down to
and ruling over Earth; and that only the thoughts and ideas that follow from an
aggressive ideological tradition propagated by conservative ideological
authorities patronized by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few can be trusted
to be 'good' and 'true'. Maybe
communities of faithful believers lead members to rely upon exclusive divine
revelations of spiritual knowledge first before relying on personal divine
revelations of spiritual knowledge; and thereby communities of faithful
believers lead members give up their authority to make up their own minds about the existence
of one totality to aggressive ideological traditions propagated by conservative
ideological authorities patronized by a mercenary plutocratic predatory few.
Maybe this is necessary for a mercenary plutocratic predatory few to be able to
have authority, power, order, and control over communities of faithful
believers; and justify a socioeconomic stratification of the global culture that
produces psychotic extremes of poverty and wealth. With this authority, power,
order, and control maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few leads communities
of faithful believers to run a race to Armageddon. Maybe Armageddon is sold to
communities of faithful believers as a necessary final war before the good one
in Heaven will have victory over the evil one cast down to and ruling over
Earth. As global population surges to ever higher numbers under the influence of
communities of faithful believers motivated to out work, out fight, and out
number the rest of the world, natural resources become ever more scarce. An ever
more complex and sophisticated technological infrastructure becomes necessary to
support the survival of the many of our global culture. This complex and
sophisticated technological infrastructure is vulnerable to devastating
terrorist attacks resulting in risk of liability for many. Maybe a mercenary plutocratic
predatory few prey upon the many of our global culture by both offering
protection from terror to the many in exchange for gold and by creating a demand
for protective services by terrorizing the many of our global culture. Thereby
maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few extort gold from the many in a
shakedown of epic proportions that some call the global war on terror. In terror
maybe the many are induced by the beast of a military industrial complex to buy
the latest technology at this year's arms show. Maybe as the beast of a military
industrial complex becomes ever more powerful the living conditions of the many
will deteriorate to the point were many are living in abject poverty in a
desolate war zone where disease is run rampant, and famine is a fact of every
day life. Communities of faithful
believers may come to wish for this final war some call Armageddon because some
conservative religious leaders promise: Before Armageddon, the good one
will rapture or transport living members of communities of faithful believers to
Heaven; and after Armageddon, the good one will reward those who are faithful,
loyal, and true by resurrecting dead members of communities of faithful
believers; judging members good; giving members bodies with perfect form and
function; and allowing members admission to a place of divine eternal bliss some
call Heaven. As a result communities of faithful believers tend to be quite
willing to go to war. The result being that these aggressive ideological
traditions produce conservative ideological authorities who act as both
intolerant, fanatical terrorists bent on fighting evil and racist, heterofascist,
warmongers attacking those states deemed to be sponsors of terrorism. These developments are possibly all
to the liking of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale
and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial
complex and rule an underworld of cities and bunkers designed to withstand a
catastrophe on the scale of a super volcano eruption or global nuclear war. Who
wins in a race to Armageddon? Do the many win or the few? Will the few win in a
race to Armageddon by taking refuge in an underworld and by awaiting an
opportunity to bloom as a seed of the next over world? Will the many lose in a
race to Armageddon like lemmings whose breeding cycle has run it's course? |
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