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LXXI. Unified Versus Divided
expect theistic negativists who devote energy, space, and time; to a belief in a
pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict
between good and evil; would categorize as me as an evil person because I devote my energy, space, and time; to a belief in a
most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality unified by the spirit of
an infinity,
divinity, eternally, one. My belief in a most optimistic myth about the
existence of one totality unified by the spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one results in my denial of
the existence
of spiritual evil. Maybe those who devote their energy, space, and time; to ideologies built
upon the premise of the existence of spiritual evil; view my denial of the existence of
spiritual evil; as evidence that I am evil; and or that an evil one has influence over my mind. Maybe
some believe that an evil one is ruling Earth in the present. I call theistic
negativists who believe an
evil one was cast down from Heaven and rules over Earth "Satan worshippers"; for
though these individuals may claim to worship a good one in Heaven; and believe that in the
future this good one in Heaven will have final victory; in the present they give
an evil one cast down from Heaven credit for ruling over Earth.
I give credit for ruling over Earth in the past, present, and future to an infinity,
divinity, eternally, one; that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying
entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit. Maybe
some conservative ideological authorities claim an ability to know that a
myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast
down to and ruling over Earth is a truth about the existence of one totality.
Maybe some of these conservative ideological authorities lead communities of
faithful believers to wage an organized campaign of negativism against
communities of faithful believers self organized around a belief in a most optimistic myth about
the existence of one totality unified by the spirit of an infinity, divinity,
eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite four. Maybe some fundamentalist states support leadership of
conservative ideological authorities who wage an organized campaign of negativism against any
body that does not
conform to a state mandated belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality
divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in
Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe some
conservative ideological authorities within fundamentalist states wage an
organized campaign of negativism against any body that does not perform
actions said to indicate goodness and or against anybody that does perform actions
said to indicate evilness. Maybe if I provide leadership, entertainment and
education that promotes a belief in a most optimistic myth about the existence of
one totality unified by the spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; then I may become a target of
conservative ideological authorities who provide leadership, education and
entertainment that promotes a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of
one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast
down to and ruling over Earth: Maybe conservative ideological authorities
act on a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by
a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast
down to and ruling over Earth; by directing racist, heterofascist, warmongering communities of faithful believers to
resist, oppose, and negate; my efforts to
create, survive, perfect and revive; in accord with my belief in a most
optimistic myth about the existence of one totality unified by the spirit of an infinity, divinity,
eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit . I do not believe in a myth about the existence of Satan because I do not believe a myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil. I believe in a myth about the existence of one totality unified by the spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one; that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite four. I believe spiritual unity exists between all beings even when conflict between predator and prey makes the drama of life and death an entertaining experience. Because I believe spiritual unity exists between all beings even when conflict of predator and prey makes the drama of life and death an entertaining experience, I do not believe in a myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil. Because I do not believe in a myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil, I do not believe in a myth about the existence of Satan. It is logical to conclude that the fact that I do not believe in a myth about the existence of Satan would cause those who do believe in a myth about the existence of Satan to categorize me as an evil person and or as being "of Satan". I can not believe in a myth about the existence of Satan as described by Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and or Mohammed, because I do not believe in a myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe I have offended Yahweh because I do not believe in Satan. Maybe I have offended Christ God because I do not believe in Satan. Maybe I have offended Allah because I do not believe in Satan. More importantly from the point of view of some body who does not believe in a myth about the existence of Yahweh, Christ God, or Allah as almighty entities, maybe I have offended fanatics that make up some part of the membership of communities of faithful believers self organized around the education, entertainment, and leadership that may be derived from a belief in a myth about the existence of Yahweh, Christ God, and or Allah as almighty entities. Some theistic negativists may use their belief in a pessimistic myth about the influence of Satan on the mind of self as an excuse for their own predatory behavior towards others. Some theistic negativists may use their belief in a pessimistic myth about the influence of Satan on the mind of others to justify attacking others as being evil and or as being 'of Satan'. We live in a global culture dominated by communities of faithful believers motivated by a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven and an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. In such a global culture, there is a tendency for successful predators to present themselves to the global culture as being 'good' and to present sacrificed prey to the global culture as being 'evil'. I believe divine eternal souls act as both predator and prey while ordering the chaos of minds in bodies that live and die. We are free in the infinite love and divine freedom of the eternal soul spirit to experience the entertainment that may be derived from getting in side of seed bodies and guiding conscious minds to act in the drama of life and death as life forms in one of an infinite number, diversity, and variety of body consuming biospheres. Theistic negativists are free in the infinite love and divine freedom of the spirit to choose to have low esteem of the existence of one totality that follows from a belief in a pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. In a material sense both predator and prey are limited by risk of liability, by form and function of their alien fractal infernal temporal seed bodies and by competition for energy, space, and time against other life forms in a body consuming biosphere of limited dimensions. These limitations cause behavior of life forms to be strangely attracted to a standard of conduct dictated by laws of nature, state, and universe. In a material plane divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey, maybe some theistic negativists project the discovery of truth and knowledge of theory about the existence of a material conflict between predator and prey into their imaginations as the mystery of myth and fantasy about the existence of a spiritual conflict between good and evil. A pessimistic myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth is ancient and serves a tendency of successful predators to; present themselves to the global culture as being good; and to present sacrificed prey as being evil. I do not believe in a pessimistic myth about the existence of a spiritual conflict between good and evil. Hence I do not believe in a pessimistic myth about the existence of spiritual consequences for our predatory behaviors during our brief life times. I believe in a most optimistic myth about the existence of the infinite love and divine freedom of the eternal soul spirit. I expect that any negative consequences for actions taken by me during my brief lifetime are limited to those that may be endured by my present seed body; and have no bearing on the life of any other seed body where in my soul may choose to live. After the eventual disease and death of my present seed body, I believe our spirit will enable my soul to travel to another point in the energy, space, and time of an infinite seed of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities; and if I so desire choose to form life again by merging with a fractal infernal temporal seed body suitable to the alien infinite magnitude of my divine eternal soul. True I will not be the same as I am now. I will start again to build out of ideas a model of the existence of one totality to orient myself towards the world and explain the world to myself in accord with the will of soul spirit manifest within the mind of seed body. Intuition and judgment leads me to think, believe, and expect; that these things are true. Maybe I might be labeled evil by some of those theistic negativists who
believe in a pessimistic myth about the
existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil. Maybe I
would be labeled evil because I believe in a most optimistic myth about the existence of one totality unified
by an
infinity, divinity, eternally, one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of
entertainment as an infinite seed, an
infinite body, an infinite soul and an infinite spirit. Maybe I would be labeled evil because I make a most optimistic myth and fantasy
about the existence of one totality and thereby produce in my mind emotional balance that is
conducive to happiness and health in my life. Maybe making a most optimistic myth and fantasy
about the existence of one totality and thereby producing emotional balance would be conducive to happiness
and health in the lives of those theistic negativists who might label me evil. Maybe if I entertain, educate and
lead those theistic negativists who might label me evil, they might actually end up
getting angry, because such individuals might consider my ideas and actions to be
evil. Maybe I can minimize risk of liability and maximize potential
benefits; by seeking contact with like minded individuals, and by avoiding contact with those
theistic negativists who would label
me evil. Maybe
I shouldn’t worry too much about those theistic negativists who would label me evil. Maybe
some of those theistic negativists who
would label me evil believe in a pessimistic myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one
cast down to and ruling over Earth; that generally comes to a climax when an evil one appears to be victorious. Maybe
some of those theistic negativists who would label me evil believe; that only after an evil one cast down to
and ruling over Earth appears to be victorious; does a good one in Heaven return;
to destroy
an evil one; to create Heaven on Earth; to resurrect the dead; to judge all
either good or evil; to punish those judged evil with abominable infernal
torment in Hell; and to reward those
judged good with divine eternal bliss in Heaven. Maybe according to the logic of these
premises, if some of those theistic negativists who would label me evil desire a speedy return of a good one
in Heaven; then they would desire the rise of an evil one to world domination so as to precipitate;
the final defeat of an evil one cast down to and
ruling over Earth; the creation of Heaven on Earth, the resurrection of the
dead, the judgment of all, the punishment of those judged evil with abominable
infernal torment in Hell and the
reward of those judged good with divine eternal bliss in Heaven. Maybe from this
desire for the speedy return of a good one in Heaven; might follow the rise to power of a series of ‘evil ones’ and as each of
these 'evil ones' pass into
history I might remark with the following phrase: ‘Their evil one fails again to return
control of Earth to a good one in Heaven'. Is the existence
of one totality as evil as some theistic negativists would have me believe or is a pessimistic model of
the existence of one totality a tool that
enables a mercenary plutocratic predatory few to enslave the many as their prey with powerful emotional
responses of sorrow, fear, and anger that lead to sad, mad, and bad behaviors? Why in my
own mind should I agree to give an evil one cast down from Heaven credit for ruling over
Earth? This myth, if and when believed to be true, would lead me to have a
low esteem of the existence of one totality and could produce emotional
unbalance in my mind that is not conducive to health and happiness in my life. Some
conservative ideological
authorities offer communities of faithful believers a model of the existence of
one totality built around
the idea of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil; and proclaim that a good one
in Heaven reveals good one
law in good one word given by good one messengers in good one books. These
conservative ideological authorities use the lie that myth is truth to create
for themselves important roles within communities of faithful believers as intermediaries between
the sacred and the profane;
a good one in Heaven and communities of faithful believers here on Earth.
Maybe communities of faithful believers are led in rituals that these same
conservative ideological
authorities claim will please a good one in Heaven. Maybe some believe a good one
in Heaven rewards
communities of faithful believers for performing rituals; and for obedience to a standard
of conduct conservative ideological authorities proclaim to be the will of a good one in
Heaven; with a good
life in promised lands as subjects ruled by lords. Maybe part of the reason
some believe in one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and
evil; is because along with
a belief in a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling
over Earth; comes the belief that members of communities of faithful believers can bargain,
plead, pray, appease, gain favor of, control, sacrifice to and otherwise influence
the will of a good one in Heaven. Maybe in ancient times, faithful believers would pray with one another to
a good one in Heaven for a bountiful harvest, a mild winter, rain during a drought, a good growing
season, and for protection from volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, blizzards,
plagues, famines, infertility, disease, death, chaos and other bad things. Maybe some
conservative ideological
authorities proclaim to communities of
faithful believers that a good one in Heaven answers prayers according to his judgment of
the character and value of each individual. Maybe conservative ideological authorities say a good one
judges an individual to be of good character and a valuable prospect for residence in
Heaven if that individual is living in obedience to a standard of conduct that
conservative ideological authorities proclaim to be based on the word, will, way, and law of a
good one in Heaven. Maybe conservative ideological
authorities say a good one judges an individual to be of evil character if that
individual is living in disobedience to a standard of conduct that conservative ideological
authorities proclaim to be based on the words, will, way, and laws of a good one in
Heaven. Maybe some believe that a good one in Heaven answers the prayers of
those judged good and protects them from attack by an evil one. Maybe some
believe a good one in Heaven ignores prayers of those judged evil and thereby punishes them
indirectly by allowing an evil one to attack and inflict suffering, sorrow, and torment.
Maybe some believe a good one in Heaven may test the loyalty of those judged good;
choose not to
answer prayers of those judged good; and allow an evil one to attack and inflict suffering, sorrow, and
torment. Maybe some believe an evil one may also choose to
test the loyalty of those judged good by not tormenting those judged evil and seemingly
allowing evil to go unpunished. Maybe under these conditions, conservative ideological authorities
could conveniently explain to communities of faithful believers any outcome to any prayer
as being either an answer in the affirmative given by a good one in Heaven or a test of loyalty in the
form of a trial administered by a good one in Heaven. Maybe now a day, many of the most dramatic events that used to be attributed to the activities of either a good one in Heaven or an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth; have been explained by scientifically reproducible discovery as events; that occurred as a result of accurate, consistent, and seemingly invariable laws of cause and effect; that predict the behavior, fate, and destiny of matter and energy that makes up our known universe. Maybe in response, conservative ideological authorities who propagate aggressive ideological traditions that originated before the establishment of ancient paternalistic theocracies; have made refinements to the interpretation they give to their pessimistic myths. While words of sacred scrolls may remain essentially unchanged over many hundreds of years, interpretation, and translation made by communities of faithful believers that self organize around these sacred scrolls changes. The text written on sacred scrolls is made up of words, and words are abstractions. Words may be interpreted in radically different ways depending upon the ways that a language and culture grows, evolves, and changes. There remains disagreement amongst ideological authorities as to what the correct interpretation and translation should be. Maybe some conservative ideological authorities confine action in this conflict of good and evil to the realm of ideas. As in the famous cartoons where an angel stands on the left shoulder and a devil stands on the right shoulder each speaking to a character through a different ear, maybe some conservative ideological authorities who propagate aggressive ideological traditions that originated before the establishment of ancient paternalistic theocracies suggest that an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth is responsible for evil ideas and a good one in Heaven is responsible for good ideas. Maybe some conservative ideological authorities who propagate aggressive ideological traditions that originated before the establishment of ancient paternalistic theocracies tell followers that each individual decides whose advice will be taken in the context of making up their own mind about existence. It is also possible for some to argue that I am not strong enough on my own to conform to a standard of conduct established by a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth and my inability to conform causes a good one to prevent my going to Heaven. Maybe based on this argument, self appointed representatives of a savior condemn those who do not accept salvation and destroy to create a global culture that is safer for communities of faithful believers self-organized around a belief in a savior. Belief in the power of a savior to pay for sins; may lead members of communities of faithful believers; to offer me a false choice; between salvation through belief; and condemnation through disbelief. I believe this is a false choice because this choice is based on the lie that myth is truth. I reject the lie that myth is truth and accept the truth that myth is myth. Based on the truth that myth is myth, I make myth and fantasy that enables me to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality and to thereby produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life. I believe my divine eternal soul has been saved, is saved, and always will be saved by the love freely given by the spirit of an infinity, divinity, eternally, one. I reject a belief in the existence of spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I affirm a belief in the existence of a body-consuming biosphere divided by a primal conflict between predator and prey. I affirm the freedom of others to project the discovery of truth and knowledge of theory about the existence of a material conflict between predator and prey into their imaginations as the mystery of myth and fantasy about the existence of a spiritual conflict between a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth. I affirm my freedom to respond. I decide for myself how I will respond to efforts by communities of faithful believers to impose their beliefs upon me. I decide for myself how I will respond to those mercenary plutocratic predators who would seek to gain my approval for wars waged against the many of our global culture. Based upon my unique seed body, my unique set of abilities, my unique powers of imagination, my unique self, my unique perceptions of potential for benefit and my unique assessments of risk of liability, I make up my mind about the existence of one totality. I could speak the words required to indicate to a community of faithful believers that I am a believer in savior power. I could speak the words required to indicate to a community of faithful believers that I am listening in prayer for guidance from a savior. If I heard something I thought was guidance from a savior then I would have to wonder whether I was hearing from a savior or hearing what I wanted to hear. I could speak the words required to indicate to a community of faithful believers that I am looking for signs from a savior. If I saw something that I thought was a sign to me from a savior then I would have to wonder whether I was seeing a sign from a savior or seeing what I wanted to see. I would have to wonder because I am the High Ideologue of the House of Ideology. I make up my mind about myself; about all I find. Under the above circumstances, I would be the High Ideologue of the House of Ideology speaking the words that are required to indicate to a community of faithful believers that I am a believer without actually being a believer. I would believe in a savior, if I could be introduced. This statement however might lead to an invitation from members of communities of faithful believers seeking to win my soul for a savior. Maybe members would invite me to enter a special building, attend a service, and participate in a special ritual led by an ideological authority. Maybe I would hear some music, hold hands with members, sing some songs and say some magic words. Maybe they would encourage me to ask in prayer for a savior to 'live in my heart'. By writing that I would believe in a savior, if I could be introduced, I am not suggesting that I would like to be introduced to a special friend who 'lives in my heart'. If I am going to believe in a savior, then I would like to be introduced and meet this savior in person. I would like to see where he was mortally wounded and miraculously healed. I would like to hear him tell me his own story in his own words. I would like to know what this savior has been doing with himself since supposedly floating away on a cloud after his resurrection. Some may say to me that to worship their savior is to 'worship the one true God'. To this I say, if their savior is the one true God then it should be no problem for their savior to appear to me in person. Not only that, if their savior is the one true God then it should be no problem for their savior to appear seemingly by magic, like a genie, to anyone anywhere, at any time. According to their own myths, their savior is not God. Their savior is a demigod. A demigod is an entity born out of the union of God and a woman. In other words their savior, is just like I believe all of us are. I believe we are all entities born out of a union of divine eternal soul spirit and fractal infernal temporal seed body. However I do not believe that it is necessary to ask that this divine eternal essence of self enter in to me from the outside. Nor do I believe that it is necessary to go about the business of saving others. I believe all life forms are born with a divine eternal soul. I believe that all divine eternal souls transcend the disease and death of fractal infernal temporal seed bodies; and are free in the love given by the spirit of an infinity divinity eternally one to live again in a form and at a point in energy, space, and time of their own choosing. I believe that all souls have divine immunity and eternal life; and are free upon the disease and death of their fractal infernal temporal seed bodies to continue to enjoy the entertainment derived from the drama of life and death. Maybe some conservative ideological authorities claim that sacred scrolls are valuable in part because these offer descriptions of role models that lead, educate, and entertain communities of faithful believers with moral lessons. Maybe they describe good role models as heroes inspired by a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth to do good actions that conform to a standard of conduct that conservative ideological authorities proclaim to be the will of a good one in Heaven. Maybe they describe bad role models as villains inspired by an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth to do evil actions that deviate from a standard of conduct that conservative ideological authorities proclaim to be the will of a good one in Heaven. Maybe communities of faithful believers are led by conservative ideological authorities to act like good role models and do good actions and not act like bad role models and not do evil actions. I think, believe, and expect; that a problem with this approach to teaching moral lessons; is that devoting energy, space, and time; to the imagination of myth about an evil one that inspires some to do evil acts; leads communities of faithful believers to find and groom individuals to fill those bad roles. Communities of faithful believers may take an accusatory attitude towards and begin treating as evil those who do not conform to their satisfaction to a standard of conduct that conservative ideological authorities proclaim to be the will of a good one in Heaven. Maybe some individuals would find conformity; to the standard of conduct that conservative ideological authorities proclaim to be the will of a good one in Heaven; to be impossible for self. Maybe some individuals would interpret failure to conform as evidence that self is evil in character, begin to believe self is evil and choose to act like bad role models that conservative ideological authorities present to communities of faithful believers as evil people. Maybe in this way some individuals would be conditioned by communities of faithful believers to identify with and emulate bad role models in their own lives. Maybe identification with and emulation of bad role models within the minds and lives of some individuals who follow this leadership would result in powerful emotional responses of sorrow, fear, and anger and sad, mad, and bad behavior that would be to the detriment of all in our global culture. I need a
better reason to do the right thing than pessimistic myths describing a good one in Heaven
and an evil one cast down to and ruling over
Earth terrorizing right and wrong doers. Laws of cause and effect that predict the behavior, fate,
and destiny of matter and energy in the known
universe; provide to me a better reason. Laws of cause and effect that predict the
behavior, fate, and destiny of matter and
energy in the known universe suggest to me a standard of conduct that is capable of best
satisfying my need and aspiration to achieve and maintain health. If I conform to a
standard of conduct suggested by universal, state, and natural laws of cause and effect
that predict the behaviors, fates, and destinies of our fractal, infernal,
temporal, seed bodies; and if I celebrate spiritual
laws of divine love and eternal freedom that govern the behaviors, fates, and destinies of our
divine eternal souls; then
I will best satisfy my need and aspiration to achieve and maintain happiness and
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