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LXXII. Continuing Series of Wars
At present a continuing series of wars between sets of mercenary, plutocratic, predators, competing for territories to rule threatens the many with mass murder, environmental desolation and genetic degradation. I see this continuing series of wars between sets of plutocrats ruling states of our global culture as yet another manifestation of a primal conflict between predator and prey. Maybe a state dominated by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few uses the threat of foreign invasion and or terrorist attack to extort gold in exchange for a promise of protection. Maybe the state collects gold by imposing a direct tax on wealth, property, and or income of subjects. Maybe a direct tax is an unpopular solution to the problem of collecting gold because subjects deem a direct tax to be a thinly veiled extortion payment. Maybe a direct tax is also an unpopular solution to the problem of collecting gold because a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few deem a direct tax to be too inflexible and limiting to the ability of the state to finance a continuing series of wars. To get around the problem of an unpopular, inflexible and limiting direct tax maybe a state dominated by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few is pressured by competition to create a central bank. The state gives a central bank authority, power, order, and control over the manufacture, sale, and distribution of a currency that subjects use as money. The purpose of money is to facilitate the transfer of value over space and time. In other words, we use it to exchange wealth geographically, and to provide for future payment. Without money it would become very difficult to have a division of labor, that is, specialization, and everyone’s standard of living would suffer. Money is in effect an intermediate good used for trading. The intermediate good used for trading may either be a commodity that has an intrinsic value such as gold or a commodity with a negligible intrinsic value such as paper. If a commodity that has an intrinsic value such as gold is made by a central bank into a currency that subjects use as money, then the money supply is limited by the supply of gold the state has in stock at any given moment in time; and this limitation makes financing a continuing series of wars difficult for a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. If a commodity that has a negligible intrinsic value such as paper is made by a central bank into a currency that subjects use as money, then the money supply is only limited by the supply of paper the state has in stock at any given moment in time; and this limitation makes financing a continuing series of wars far easier for a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few to do on credit. Because paper currency has a negligible intrinsic value in comparison to the goods and services traded for, subjects may resist efforts by a central bank to require use of paper currency as money. To deal with such resistance the state may pass legal tender laws to make paper currency legal and force subjects to accept paper currency in exchange for valuable goods and services. To make a paper currency even more acceptable, a central bank may guarantee subjects that a paper currency in use as money can be exchanged for a fixed quantity of a commodity that has an intrinsic value such as gold on demand. Use of a paper currency enables a central bank to expand the money supply through fractional reserve banking. Fractional reserve banking refers to the common banking practice of issuing more money than the bank holds as reserves. A central bank may loan their customers many times the sum of the money reserves that they hold. An ability to expand and contract the money supply helps the central bank to create a boom bust business cycle. During a boom the central bank makes money plentiful to subjects, the economy expands and subjects take out loans to expand their businesses in response. The private share holders of the central bank have advanced knowledge about how the central bank is going to act to expand and contract the money supply and are ready during a bust to buy at bargain prices those businesses that default on loans made during a boom. Advanced knowledge of how the central bank is going to act to expand and contract the money supply is also profitable to those who invest in the stock market in anticipation of the effects a boom bust business cycle may have on the value of any given stock offering. Expansion of the money supply can also be useful to the state in finding the money required to continue to fight in times of war. When the state needs money, the central bank makes the state a loan in the form of paper currency to be used as money. Taking out a loan enables the state to spend in a short period of time much more money then if the state were limited to collecting a direct tax. The state taxes the wealth, property and or income of subjects to pay off the loan and need not increase taxes as the loan may be paid off by subjects over time. The private shareholders of the central bank profit from interest and fees. In a state dominated by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few, a privately owned central bank is a beast of a military industrial complex. If politicians don’t have to consult citizens or tax them directly to fund government programs, such as wars and welfare, then maybe politicians can, and do, implement whatever programs they wish. After having the central bank expand the money supply in response to demands for welfare from subjects and demands for warfare from a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few, the state may declare that it is no longer possible for the central bank to honor a previous guarantee to exchange a paper currency for a fixed quantity of a commodity with an intrinsic value such as gold; and that from now on paper currency will enjoy legal tender status based on the full faith and credit of the state. In practice this means that the state may now have the central bank print an endless supply of cheaply printed paper to be used in exchange for valuable goods and services. By trading an endless supply of cheaply printed paper for valuable goods and services, a beast of a military industrial complex makes available to the state money required to finance a continuing series of wars. Expansion of the money supply leads to more paper currency chasing after the same goods and services. More paper currency chasing after the same goods and services leads to inflation of the asking price for goods and services. Inflation enables a beast of a military industrial complex to embezzle the purchasing power of savings as the quantity and quality of goods and services that may be purchased by a fixed quantity of paper currency decays over time. Inflation may also drive up the price of labor such that subjects find themselves being pushed into higher tax brackets; and end up paying a larger percentage of their income to taxes. Massive spending programs paid for by the state with loans from the central bank may lead subjects to a future where in the majority of their taxes are being spent on making massive interest payments on an even more massive national debt. By frequently invoking dubious threats to national security and or interests, a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few use war and military spending to justify taking a lion's share of tax money and to disguise and or justify a strategy of redistributing national income in their favor. Maybe this strategy of redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top is carried out by a combination of drastic hikes in spending for warfare, and equally drastic tax cuts for the wealthy. Drastic hikes in spending for warfare benefit a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few that profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex. Drastic tax cuts for the wealthy help a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few garner support for a continuing series of wars from those amongst the wealthy who do not profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex. This combination creates large budget deficits. Large budget deficits create a massive national debt that forces the state to use an ever greater portion of taxes collected from subjects to make interest payments. As a result spending for welfare is cut and the rich grow considerably richer at the expense of middle and low income people. A continuing series of wars between sets of mercenary, plutocratic, predators, competing for territories to rule may eventually lead to the rise of a state that dominates all other states within the global culture. Maybe this dominant state uses military power to force subjects of other submissive states to serve the national interests of the subjects of this dominant state. Maybe this dominant state gives a beast of a military industrial complex authority to print a supply of paper currency only limited by the supply of paper; and uses the threat of military power to force other states to buy debt in exchange for exports of valuable goods and services. Maybe this dominant state uses shows of military force to get submissive states to agree that sales of key export commodities such as oil shall be made only in exchange for this paper currency. By getting submissive states to agree that sales of vital commodities such as oil shall be made only in exchange for this paper currency, maybe a beast of a military industrial complex succeeds in buying oil with easily printed paper of negligible intrinsic value. By getting submissive states to agree that sales of vital commodities such as oil shall be made only in exchange for this paper currency, maybe a beast of a military industrial complex uses military power to force other states into using the paper currency of this dominant state to buy and sell oil . Maybe this ability to use military power to force other states into using the paper currency of the dominant state to purchase a vital commodity such as oil helps make this paper a world reserve currency. Maybe states submissive to the dominant state demand this world reserve currency in order to be able to buy and sell oil. In effect, the paper currency of the dominant state is backed by oil and the agreement to only make sales and purchases of oil in exchange for this paper currency is backed by military power. Artificial demand for this paper currency created by use of military power helps to protect subjects of this dominant state from the inflationary effects of an ever growing expansion of the money supply. Extortion, blackmail, intimidation, and use of military power only work for a dominant state as long as a dominant state maintains military superiority. If a dominant state fails to maintain military superiority then submissive states would not be shocked and awed enough by shows of military power to be willing to export vital commodities such as oil in exchange for easily printed paper of negligible intrinsic value and would no longer be willing to buy debt in exchange for exports of valuable goods and services. The paper so easily printed by a beast of a military industrial complex would no longer enjoy world reserve currency status. Subjects of the formally dominant state already burdened by massive interest payments on even more massive national debt would no longer be protected from the inflationary effects of a greatly expanded money supply and would experience a significant loss of buying power and lower standard of living as a result. If war were to prevent collection of a direct tax, then the paper currency would lose its' last lease on life; the value of labor and property confiscated through taxation. Subjects would see the value of any savings denominated in the irredeemable paper currency of such a formally dominant state approach the negligible intrinsic value of paper. Maybe if plutocrats of one state give financial support to ideological authorities that teach communities of faithful believers to hate the culture of a foreign state; and hire or has the national government hire mercenary predators to attack and terrorize people and property of that foreign state; then leaders of that foreign state have to either; choose to allow hate to be financed by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few and to self organize into division, destruction, stress and alienation from life, or to preemptively attack in war, remove from power those teaching hate, and institute regime change. Maybe when two or more states empower sets of plutocrats to make the choice to go to war with one another then a plutocratic war, or even an international family feud becomes possible. What is accomplished by such a war? Maybe use of unconventional biological, chemical, and or nuclear weapons in addition to conventional weapons by one or both armies could potentially kill millions of people on both sides. Maybe a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few might profit from war. However some mercenary, plutocratic, predators, might lose everything. Maybe property would be destroyed. However property rights might also be transferred from one party to another. Maybe the local environment at sites of battles would be rendered desolate. However profit might be made by mercenary, plutocratic, predators, from reconstruction. Maybe one army is going to eventually prevail and force the opposing army, states, plutocrats, ideological authorities, and nations to capitulate. However it is also possible states might be locked into war or a prolonged state of truce for years without peace. Maybe the mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few fight war according to rules of engagement and one of these rules of engagement is that plutocrats don't typically attack one another directly. Instead maybe plutocrats patronize conservative ideological authorities that lead members of communities of faithful believers to think, believe and expect that national resources and lives should be lost to pay for a conventional war effort conducted under the leadership of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. Maybe plutocrats retreat from the front lines of war and send the armies of the territories they rule into harms way as a beast of a military industrial complex markets the latest technology to the states of our global culture in the arms shows of the year. Maybe the beast grows stronger draining money, morale, and resources of all states as it preys upon lives and divides the many by race, clan, creed, and kind. Either a free society will prevail over a society dominated by mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, mind control or a society dominated by mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, mind control will prevail over a free society. Maybe if a free society prevails over a society dominated by mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, mind control then it may appear from point of view of the people of a free society that destruction of a society dominated by mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, mind control creates a global culture safer for freedom of thought, speech, and religious expression.
Maybe if sets of mercenary, plutocratic, predators, ruling a free society then go about
replacing sets of mercenary, plutocratic, predators, that previously ruled using mind control
techniques with another set of plutocrats seeking to again use mind control techniques
then plutocrats ruling a free society are leading nations of our
global culture into a cycle of violence where in sets of mercenary, plutocratic, predators,
seeking to use mind control techniques are alternately put into power and then removed
from power in foreign states. Maybe one possible motivation for doing so is that nations
of people living in states where mind control techniques are in use might be enslaved to
the interests of nations of people living in freedom. Maybe strong men dictators
are set up and then knocked down over and over again. Maybe plutocrats leading both free societies and plutocrats ruling
societies dominated by mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, mind control cooperate to
bring our global culture to its' economic knees in a continuing series of wars. Maybe as
one set of plutocrats is swept away by war another set of plutocrats becomes available to
rule. Maybe by bringing our global culture to its' economic knees in a continuing series
of wars, plutocrats everywhere consolidate authority, power, order and control over the
many of our global culture, and exaggerate psychotic extremes of wealth and
poverty. Maybe in the process, states do bidding on the services and products of a beast of a military
industrial complex at the arms shows of the year made by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory,
few to demonstrate to prey nations how valuable the
latest technology is to their continued security, safety, and status within our global culture. Maybe a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few both terrorize the many and offer protection in exchange for gold in a shakedown of epic proportions that some call a global war on terror. Maybe the goal of a global war on terror is not to end terror, or to create security necessary for a lasting peace. Maybe the goal of a global war on terror is to spread terror in war. Maybe by spreading terror in war, a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few create greater demand in the global market place for the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex. Maybe use of terror to create greater demand in the global market place for the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex; generates greater profits; and further concentrates the wealth of the global culture into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. Maybe use of terror in an effort to create greater demand for and generate greater profits from the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex is a form of extortion. Maybe a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few are extortionists that conspire to use terror to coerce the many into giving the few gold in exchange for a promise of protection offered by the sale and manufacture of the products and services of a beast of a military industrial complex. If the mass media that the many rely upon for news and entertainment, and officials that the many rely upon for representation in government are owned and operated by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few that seeks to create greater demand for and generate greater profits from the sale and manufacture of services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex, then fraudulent prewar intelligence could be transmitted by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few from the mouths of corrupt government officials through news made available by mass media to ears of the many as a means to an end of generating public support for a war on terror. Maybe transmission of fraudulent prewar intelligence by government officials as a means to an end of generating public support for a war on terror is a form of treason. Maybe a government corrupted by commerce to the point of being owned and operated by a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few would be unable and or unwilling to investigate, and would instead rally around the flag. I question the wisdom of the many who would allow authority, power, order and control over states of our global culture to concentrate into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few. However when I do question the wisdom of the many in allowing authority, power, order and control over states of our global culture to concentrate into the hands of a mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few, I am confronted with the realization that these mercenary, plutocratic, predatory, few have applied their own understandings of the laws of cause and effect that predict the behavior, fate and destiny of matter and energy of the known universe to the problem of achieving and maintaining authority, power, order and control over the many of our global culture. I believe these sets of plutocrats have put into action causes that had the effect of giving them authority, power, order and control over the many of our global culture. I believe these sets of plutocrats have made themselves rulers of our global culture. From analysis of these facts I develop a great respect for the freedom of plutocrats to love and or hate, fear and or faith, truth and or lie, save and or crucify. |
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