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LXXXI. Reoccurring Themes
reoccurring theme in models of the existence of one totality promoted by those aggressive
ideological traditions that have survived the competition is the threat of final
judgment by an angry, testy, perfectionistic, masculine good one in Heaven. This theme is
attractive in part, because it reflects fear and hatred of disease and death and
offers hope of divine immunity and eternal life in exchange for obedience to the
word, will and laws of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to
and ruling over Earth. Maybe some theistic negativists may believe an angry, testy, perfectionistic,
masculine good one in Heaven would judge, condemn, torment and punish a creature eternally
based upon a finite number of transgressions against the laws of a good one in Heaven
committed by a creature during a brief existence on planet Earth. Maybe these
myths and fantasies about the existence of a system of divine eternal reward and
abominable infernal punishment creates for communities of faithful believers an extra-added
sense of urgency and importance of doing those actions that conservative ideological authorities
say are required by the will of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one
cast down to and ruling over Earth. Maybe
from belief in these myths and fantasies about the existence of a system of
divine eternal reward and abominable infernal punishment follows the power of a state dominated by a mercenary plutocratic
predatory few to lay down the laws with authority and command the obedience
necessary to motivate communities of faithful believers to out work
competition. Maybe
casting men and women in roles that are essentially ruler and subject or in extreme
cases owner and property is another common theme present in models of the existence
of one totality promoted by those
aggressive ideological traditions that have survived the competition. Maybe ancient paternalistic
theocracies perpetuated themselves and their aggressive ideological traditions
by giving the moral high ground to men. Maybe men use these aggressive
ideological traditions to enable and justify themselves in dominating and
subjugating women. Maybe this allows men to give rise to the full expression of
a motivation to out number competitors, regardless of the possible objections
and or state of health, heart, or mind of female counterparts. Maybe many theistic negativists condemn as evil contraception, recreational sex, occupational sex, and any other non-reproductive form of sexual activity. Maybe some theistic negativists make threats of severe punishment to repress sexual activities they regard as immoral. Maybe some theistic negativists practice ritualized mutilation of male and or female genitalia. Maybe ritualized mutilation of male and or female genitalia reduces perception of pleasure that those who engage in sexual activities may derive. Maybe reduced perception of pleasure makes commands to only engage in sexual activities for reproductive purposes that much easier to obey. Maybe if an individual accepts mutilation without resentment then energy that might have otherwise been devoted to seeking pleasure through sex becomes energy available for diversion to a collective effort to out work, out fight and out number competition. Maybe the society that is best able to out work, out fight and out number its’ competitors wins in the game of survival and sacrifice. Maybe if the society survives then so does the ideology that guides it. Maybe the success of ancient paternalistic theocracies and survival of aggressive ideological traditions may then be understood to be a function of how effectively the members of these societies were motivated in a collective effort to out work, out fight and out number competition. Maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex; make use of a popular belief in a myth about the existence of one totality divided by a spiritual conflict between good and evil; as a justification for a global war on terror that concentrates the wealth of the global culture into their own hands. The idea that Earth is at present and on into the future dominated by an evil one; cast down from a perfect divine place some call Heaven by a good one; leads members of communities of faithful believers to have a low esteem of the existence of one totality. Maybe a mercenary plutocratic predatory few have long ago discovered that authority, power, order and control over communities of faithful believers can more easily be achieved and maintained by patronizing conservative ideological authorities that lead members to have a low esteem of the existence of one totality. In a shakedown of epic proportions that some call a 'global war on terror', the wealth of the many of our global culture concentrates into the hands of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few. I think, believe, and expect this shakedown of epic proportions some call a global war on terror is so profitable; that a mercenary plutocratic predatory few would do anything necessary to conserve a government; and or promote an aggressive ideological tradition that supports it; including any and or all of the following: Wage a global war on terror and thereby spread terror in war. Judge the many to be evil and worthy of sacrifice. Retreat to an underworld and start a global nuclear war. Detonate a bunker buster and cause a super volcano to erupt. Guide a massive body from outer space into a collision course with Earth. Wait out the aftermath of the global catastrophe and return to the surface to build the next over world when conditions permit. I think, believe, and expect that it is not wise for the many to allow the wealth of the global culture to concentrate into the hands of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few. An alternative is for the state to redistribute wealth to the many from the mercenary plutocratic predatory few who profit from the sale and manufacture of the services and products of a beast of a military industrial complex. If this redistribution of wealth were to be accompanied by liberal social policies guided by a love of healthy, agnostic, positivistic, nationalistic, spiritization of the existence of one totality taken to its' logical extreme, then I think, believe, and expect global population would stabilize because sex for occupational, recreational, and homosexual purposes would be accepted and along with sex for the purpose of procreation would be considered honorable. If communities of faithful believers self organized around aggressive ideological traditions guided by the hatred inspired by heterofascist, atheistic, perfectionistic, nationalistic, negativism continue to lead members to behave like racist, heterofascist, warmongers motivated to out work, out fight and out number competitors in a race to Armageddon then redistribution of wealth might be expected to precipitate an acceleration of population growth. Wealth redistribution can work if accompanied by liberal leadership, education and entertainment skewed towards the interests of the many. At present, the global culture is dominated by conservative leadership, education, and entertainment skewed towards the interests of a mercenary plutocratic predatory few. I replace the paradigm of a spiritual conflict of good and evil with truth and love. I do not incorporate any of the above reoccurring themes into my model of the existence of one totality. Yet, I think, believe and expect that my model of the existence of one totality or something similar will survive because my model of the existence of one totality or something similar will be capable of best satisfying the need and aspiration of the many to be happy and healthy. |
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