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XXI. Why Does One Suffer?


In their myths and legends, most cultures have celebrated the idea that chaos and order are a primal duality.  The old testament of the Bible describes God as having moved on the face of the deep, chaos, to bring light, order. Similarly, the Comanche people explained how one day the Great Spirit collected swirls of dust from the four directions in order to create their people. The ancient Egyptians believed that their creator God Atum, referred to by some as 'The great he she' caused the order of Egypt to rise from the watery chaos of Nu.  The ancient Babylonians describe how Marduk slew the random Mother of All, Talmat and transformed her into the order of Heaven and Earth.  The ancient Greeks pitted rational Apollo against lewd and chaotic Dionysus.  It is said in India that the father of order in Heaven is named Shiva and lurks ironically in terrible, chaotic places like battlefields and burning grounds of the dead. In the ancient Chinese tradition, daily reality is constantly fashioned and re-fashioned by an oscillation between light-bringing, ordering principle, yang and the dark, receptive fullness that contains all matter, yin

          Some Hindus tell us of how this universe existed in the shape of darkness, unperceived, destitute of distinctive marks, unattainable by reasoning, unknowable, wholly immersed, as it were, in deep sleep. Then the Divine Self-existent appeared with irresistible power, dispelling the darkness. He can be perceived by the internal organ alone. He is subtle, indiscernible, and eternal. He contains all created beings. He is inconceivable. He shone forth of his own will.  He desired to produce beings of many kinds from his own body. To do so, he first created the waters with a thought, and then placed his seed in them.

          Sikhs tell us that for countless years darkness was spread. Neither Earth nor Heaven existed, but only the limitless Divine Ordinance. As it pleased Him, he created the world. Without a supporting power, he sustained the expanse. Creating continents, spheres and nether worlds, he made manifest the hidden. Creating the universe, he has remained unattached. He has made the human being the holy center. Combining air, water, earth and fire, he created the citadel of the body.

       The Tahitian myth makers taught that Taaroa was his name. He stood in the void: no earth, no sky, no men. Taaroa calls the four corners of the universe; nothing replies. Existing alone, he changes himself into the universe. Taaroa is the light, he is the seed, he is the base, he is the incorruptible. The universe is only the shell of Taaroa. It is he who puts it in motion and brings forth its' harmony.

Chaos is the disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed by some religious cosmological views to have existed prior to the ordered universe. Modern day scientists have borrowed the word chaos from the ancient mythmakers to describe their inability to precisely predict the future conditions of a complex chaotic dynamic system. Seed bodies are complex chaotic dynamic systems. Scientists can use their tools to predict that the future condition of any given seed body will fall within a set of possibilities. Scientists can use their tools to predict the relative probabilities of the possibilities. However, scientists cannot use their tools to predict the one possibility out of all possibilities that will become the future condition of a seed body. The reason for this inability to precisely predict the future condition of a seed body is that our fractal infernal temporal seed bodies are part of a complex universal dynamic system made up of a number, diversity and variety of parts. Each part interacts with all other parts within the whole. Within the whole of our universe, there are chaotic dynamic systems nesting within chaotic dynamic systems. Our universe is a dynamic system that contains galactic dynamic systems that contains solar dynamic systems that contains planetary dynamic systems that in some cases contain living dynamic systems that contain cellular dynamic systems that contain atomic dynamic systems and on and on. To precisely predict the future condition of such a complex chaotic dynamic system would require infinitely complex models of all parts interacting with one another.  No finite tool available to scientists would be capable of providing this.

While scientists are incapable, I think, believe and expect that the spirit is capable. I think, believe and expect that the spirit is infinite, divine, eternal, and one. The divinity of the spirit makes the infinite complexity of a chaotic dynamic system predictable. As such, I believe that foreknowledge of future events is possible.

Naturally, making assertions such as these may raise questions in the minds of some people that are similar to the following. If our spirit and souls are so divine and eternal, why do these aspects of our beings not intervene in the suffering and sorrow caused by the disease and death of our fractal infernal temporal seed bodies and magically restore immunity, reverse aging and sustain everlasting life? Why does god not stop war, poverty, disaster and death from occurring on planet Earth? What did we do wrong?

To the question 'why does suffering and sorrow, disease and death, conflict and avarice, persist in the presence of a divine eternal soul spirit’, I answer life does not exist by soul spirit alone.  Seed body and fractal infernal temporal universe are equally important components of the synthesis that is life. The fractal infernal qualities and temporal longevity of our seed bodies are the perfect compliment to the divine quality and eternal longevity of our soul spirit.

  My body is a chaotic dynamic system that changes my model of the existence of one totality continuously. As my seed body grows and I learn, my model of the existence of one totality grows more complex and more ornate. As my seed body decays and I forget, my model of the existence of one totality decays becoming less complex and less ornate. I discover new truths about the existence of one totality. I add new truths to my model of the existence of one totality and thereby my model of the existence of one totality changes. I discover old lies about the existence of one totality. I eliminate old lies from my model of the existence of one totality and thereby my model of the existence of one totality changes. I imagine new myths about the existence of one totality. I add new myths to my model of the existence of one totality and thereby my model of the existence of one totality changes.

Some have suggested that if my soul wills my body to take certain actions then my spirit will enable my soul to create a better life for me. Scientifically reproducible discovery of truth and knowledge of theory about the laws of cause and effect that predict the behavior, fate, and destiny of the matter and energy in the known universe suggests to me a standard of conduct that I think, believe, and expect will best produce happiness and health. If I conform to this standard of conduct then I might act to cause the effect of creating a better life for myself.

There are also actions I may take based on imagination of myth. It is possible for me to imagine that if I use my body to perform certain rituals then a spirit will empower me to create a better life for myself. Only my creative abilities and powers of imagination limit the kinds of mythical rituals I might imagine a spirit to require of me. Some of the more common actions that some might imagine that their spirit requires in order for their souls to be granted power to create a better life for self include prayer, praise, confession, sacrifice, pleading, bargaining, groveling, servitude, stewardship, pilgrimage, asking, incanting, chanting, meditating, and or dancing.

What are the potential benefits and risks of liability that I might incur in accepting such suggestions from others?  As a form of communication between members of communities of faithful believers, the ritual of public prayer offers the potential benefit of focusing the minds of others on needs and aspirations of self and others. As a form of meditation, the ritual of private prayer offers the potential benefits of focusing mind of self on needs, and aspirations of self and others. It is important to note, however, that performing the ritual of prayer suggests a belief in a supreme being that exists external to self rather than a belief in a supreme state of being where in communion between soul and spirit is continuous. Since I believe in a supreme state of being where in our divine eternal souls are in continuous communion with our spirit, it follows that prayer as a form of communication with the spirit is unnecessary; and as a form of communication with others has the potential to lead others to conclude falsely that I believe in a supreme being that exists external to self. To avoid such confusion, I prefer meditation over prayer and refrain from participating in any form of public prayers. Certain rituals might offer us the potential benefit as fun activities. To participate in rituals is for me a matter of choice. When others attempt to use spiritual blackmail to coerce me into performing rituals, it is a matter of choice as to whether or not I comply or resist. Others may teach, think, believe, and expect that a spirit will deprive me of love if I am not inclined to or cannot physically perform a ritual. I think, believe, and expect that my spirit confers unconditional love and freedom on all of our souls, even those souls who do not accept the education, entertainment, and leadership provided by the House of Ideology.

In as much as consciousness is a process, where in the divine eternal soul’s capacity to select thought, feeling, and action possibilities is limited by the fractal infernal temporal seed body's capacity to produce thought, feeling, and action possibilities, I may never be able to completely comprehend life.  In my present form, I am limited to selecting from thought, feeling, and action possibilities made available to my conscious mind by my unconscious mind.  My unconscious mind is generated by my fractal infernal temporal seed body. Limitations of my fractal, infernal, temporal seed body, and limitations in my senses and tools limit my divine eternal souls ability to demonstrate scientifically reproducible discovery that proves I am divinely inspired. Proof that our divine eternal soul spirits exist is lost to discovery by science in the chaos of complex dynamic systems. As such I do not claim to know that I am divinely inspired. About the most I can say is that I think, believe, and expect that I am divinely inspired. If in fact I am divinely inspired then to think, believe, and expect that I am divinely inspired may strengthen my divine inspirations; and allow me to make the best possible use of my divine inspirations. If and when believed to be true the myth that I am divinely inspired produces in my mind powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love.  The truth is my will guides my mind by choosing from amongst a limited number of thought, feeling, and action possibilities made available to my mind by my body. The myth is my will is guided by the divine eternal essence of finite self that I call soul in continuous communion with the divine eternal essence of infinite world that I call spirit. However, for all I know, it may be true that my divine eternal soul is revealing this very myth to me. Obviously, if my concern is with devoting energy, space, and time to ideas that produce the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs and expectations about the existence of one totality, then I should think, believe, and expect this myth is true.



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