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The Meaning of
The meaning of life
is living. The purpose of living is entertainment. I experience entertainment
derived from the existence of discovery and mystery. I act in a drama of life and death. I perceive
sensations of pleasure and pain. I feel the catharsis of comedy and tragedy. I fight in
the conflict of predator and prey. I play a game of survival and sacrifice. I ponder the
existence of discovery and mystery. I am free
to choose from a variety and diversity of positive possible views of existence in a
body-consuming biosphere on a crusted magma globe with a sun and a moon reproducible in a
galaxy of stars and a universe of galaxies. I make my choices from the point of view of a
divine eternal soul spirit ordering the chaos of a fractal infernal temporal seed body. The meaning of death is dying. That is letting go of the fractal infernal temporal seed body and traveling through an infinite body of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities to another point in energy, space, and time and if we so desire choosing to form life by merging with fractal infernal temporal seed bodies suitable to the alien infinite magnitude of our divine eternal souls. We are soul children divine and eternal ordering chaos of minds enjoying entertainment derived from bodies that live and die. I believe that I
role-playing in a fractal infernal temporal universe that creates cosmic games
of survival and sacrifice for the entertainment of our divine eternal soul
spirit. I consider the benefits of this arrangement. My
seed body imposes limits upon my soul. These very limitations confer upon me my own unique
character, ability, personality and identity. Life as a synthesis of seed, body, soul and
spirit gives me an opportunity to put on a costume and act in the drama of life and death. I
fight in the conflict of predator and prey. I play in a game of survival and sacrifice. I
ponder the existence of discovery and mystery. I feel the catharsis of comedy and tragedy.
I feel the sensation of pleasure and pain. I submit to the universal, state, and
natural laws of cause and effect. I take the test of success and failure. I adopt the point
of view of a fractal infernal temporal seed body. In life as a synthesis of seed body and
soul spirit, I experience ignorance, guilt, inhibition, disgrace, suffering, and sorrow
from the point of view of a fractal infernal temporal seed body and in transcendence of
death, I re-experience compassion, forgiveness, freedom, grace, peace, and joy from
the point of view of a divine eternal soul spirit. I
make up my mind about existence from a number, diversity, and variety of thought and
feeling possibilities made available to my divine eternal soul spirit by my fractal
infernal temporal seed body. In transcendence of death, I escape these limitations imposed
upon my soul by my body and find truth, faith, love, unity, creation, healing, and
infinity. There is no loss conferred upon me by such an arrangement, only a gained
opportunity to experience life. |
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